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#1 2013-04-15 12:51:37

Registered: 2007-07-18
Posts: 1208

[OhMyLoft] New Theme: "Breath the air!"

Hi there designers !

From tomorrow at 10 AM (French time),  participate in the new contest "OhMyLoft" !

After the Grimm's Stories and his magic universe, we propose you now a theme more close to the reality !

The new theme is : "Breath the air!" !

For this theme the rules are simple :

You have to create an exterior decoration representing a "walking" scene (for instance: street, parc or mountains)

To register, this week, it will be essential to meet these two prerequisites :

- Create an EXTERIOR decoration!

- Create a promenade atmosphere (street, road, path...)

Pre-requisite objects are :

MINIMUM 2 items from Garden Shop :

MINIMUM 1 item from Summer Store :

Forbidden items :
- Gifts you received from your friends

The contest's rules of OhMyLoft are availables on the enrollment web page of the contest!
Asking on the related topic, the "Fashion Show Assistants" can verify with you if all the pre-requisite and the objects are respected!

"Fashion Show Assistants" List :

- alexiele

- amynini02

- carottelulu

- marc-antony

- syrop

- x-butterfly

You have 1 week to create a wonderful decoration, go for it!!

Here comes the sun, girls! aomd_smile


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