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#76 2013-06-14 23:19:54

From: The Glorious PNW
Registered: 2011-02-27
Posts: 5733

Re: Let's create a story!

Once upon a time there was there was a golden cage. Beautifully made from gold, but sad to the eye it held a large amount of red beans. But no one had protected the beans inside so they were stolen by a mighty bear who lived in the desert who always dreamed of going to Russia and owning a baby llama that he would ride on when it's older. The only problem was that there was no transportation in Pigfarts on Mars. So he created this strange clockwork thingamajig called clockwork-thingamajig. With it he went to Africa and started eating worms. Then he spat out the worms that are now gold which he put in the ground and watched a zombie duck eat chocolate. He cried as the ducks ran after the worms, then said I shall eat all of you and watch as your worlds crumble! And he did. He ate the pie sitting on the chair of the table in the lands of Gnarnia. Suddenly, his high intelligence took over and he ate a banana. So all the female animals were attracted to him. He didn't like them so he locked them up in a tower and bought a flying elephant. The flying elephant took him to Paris and crash landed into a giant clock. There, he met a chocolatier and the chocolatier gave him killer chocolate. Then he met a horse and her name was Isabelle. But she was no ordinary horse! She was Cleopatra who got cursed because she ate the killer chocolate the chocolatier made. He stared at her and gave her a bouquet of mushrooms, hoping she would accept and turn human because the mushrooms had fungus on it. But she threw the mushroom back at him yelling "BANANA MONKEY RHESUS FARTS!!" and with that she ran away. Leaving poor mister bear sho sho shad. Tears started pouring down ze bear's cheek.. or fur.. whatever.. anywaaaayy...
Almost at once, a squirrel with a grey beard appeared. "I just got a power up on Mario." he said. Then strangely, a very small raccoon hopped on the bear's head. The raccoon was reading the newspaper, his cup of tea was right next to him. "Good evening." he said in a thick british accent. "Or is it morning?"
"Uh.." Bear looked up trying to find out if it was morning or evening. "Uh..."
"It's evening!" the Mario-playing-squirrel said.
"Let's go eat chocolate!" The Raccoon said.
"Yes, let's!" agreed ze bear. "Should we go get it from Willy Wonka?"
"No," Raccoon answered. "He turned into a blueberry a long time ago. Still haven't recovered!"
"Oh, poor fellow. Such a shame it is, to be turned into a blueberry."
"Oh he rather enjoys it! He loves eating himself! One of the reason why the poor lad hasn't recovered yet."
"Ah yes. Very typical of that man. He's always trying ways to escape cannibalism."
Then a flying dog came out of nowhere.
"Holla." The dog said.
"What is with all these animals coming out of nowhere?" The bear asked.
Then behind the dog came out a human. His had tanned skin and hair that you would LOVE to flip all day. "I," He said. "Am Prince Caspian."
Just at him saying these words, one could tell that a girl on the computer swooned.
"BOOM! BOOM!" They heard a voice and they turned around, they saw Harry Potter on a broom. "I broke the Elder's Wand threw it away along with many fan's heart!" He sang.
Prince Caspian screamed like a little girl.
And then a giant version of Legolas appeared. "HOW COULD YOU?" he loud voice boomed.
A bigger version of Hermione appeared. "JUST 'CAUSE YOU GOT AN EMOTIONAL RANGE OF A TEASPOON!"
Legolas nodded. "WE DON'T ALL HAVE IT!"
Molly Weasly appeared. "Now, now children, stop fighting and let's go have tea and cookies!"
"Chocolate cookies?" ze bear asked?
"With dirt!"
Bear looked at her disgusted. "Naahh.. I'm outta here." He said going to find an adventure with Raccoon and Legolas... But some fangirls came him and stole him.
"Poor sole. Oh well, he would have just sang songs in a language we don't understand." le Raccoon said.
"Now.. Where are we going?"
It was a magical disembodied voice that answered. "You are going to the realms of the evil mount chocolate. There you must throw in the one candy bar to rule them all."
le Raccoon gasped. "Who is that?"
"I have one eye and one banana leg, of course!"
ze Bear gasped.
"It couldn't be." murmured le Raccoon.
"He was the one who turned me into a bear!"
"Yes." Bear started crying. "It's true! I am truly a.. chocolate bar who was walking along the milky way at the wrong time!"
The voice actually belonged to Luke Castellan who got out a machine gun and went commando.
Bear fainted. His world went black, and he eventually went into a coma. Meanwhile... Movie Harry Potter broke the Elder's Wand and a part of Racoon died.
And so did a part of Bear. Several parts.
Then, out of no where, Chuck Noris appeared! And he did ridiculous stuff that only nine-year-old boys should find cool, but for whatever reason every man loves... aka, punched people. Then... he vanished.

#77 2013-06-15 07:53:46

From: Hogwarts
Registered: 2010-02-18
Posts: 29741

Re: Let's create a story!

Once upon a time there was there was a golden cage. Beautifully made from gold, but sad to the eye it held a large amount of red beans. But no one had protected the beans inside so they were stolen by a mighty bear who lived in the desert who always dreamed of going to Russia and owning a baby llama that he would ride on when it's older. The only problem was that there was no transportation in Pigfarts on Mars. So he created this strange clockwork thingamajig called clockwork-thingamajig. With it he went to Africa and started eating worms. Then he spat out the worms that are now gold which he put in the ground and watched a zombie duck eat chocolate. He cried as the ducks ran after the worms, then said I shall eat all of you and watch as your worlds crumble! And he did. He ate the pie sitting on the chair of the table in the lands of Gnarnia. Suddenly, his high intelligence took over and he ate a banana. So all the female animals were attracted to him. He didn't like them so he locked them up in a tower and bought a flying elephant. The flying elephant took him to Paris and crash landed into a giant clock. There, he met a chocolatier and the chocolatier gave him killer chocolate. Then he met a horse and her name was Isabelle. But she was no ordinary horse! She was Cleopatra who got cursed because she ate the killer chocolate the chocolatier made. He stared at her and gave her a bouquet of mushrooms, hoping she would accept and turn human because the mushrooms had fungus on it. But she threw the mushroom back at him yelling "BANANA MONKEY RHESUS FARTS!!" and with that she ran away. Leaving poor mister bear sho sho shad. Tears started pouring down ze bear's cheek.. or fur.. whatever.. anywaaaayy...
Almost at once, a squirrel with a grey beard appeared. "I just got a power up on Mario." he said. Then strangely, a very small raccoon hopped on the bear's head. The raccoon was reading the newspaper, his cup of tea was right next to him. "Good evening." he said in a thick british accent. "Or is it morning?"
"Uh.." Bear looked up trying to find out if it was morning or evening. "Uh..."
"It's evening!" the Mario-playing-squirrel said.
"Let's go eat chocolate!" The Raccoon said.
"Yes, let's!" agreed ze bear. "Should we go get it from Willy Wonka?"
"No," Raccoon answered. "He turned into a blueberry a long time ago. Still haven't recovered!"
"Oh, poor fellow. Such a shame it is, to be turned into a blueberry."
"Oh he rather enjoys it! He loves eating himself! One of the reason why the poor lad hasn't recovered yet."
"Ah yes. Very typical of that man. He's always trying ways to escape cannibalism."
Then a flying dog came out of nowhere.
"Holla." The dog said.
"What is with all these animals coming out of nowhere?" The bear asked.
Then behind the dog came out a human. His had tanned skin and hair that you would LOVE to flip all day. "I," He said. "Am Prince Caspian."
Just at him saying these words, one could tell that a girl on the computer swooned.
"BOOM! BOOM!" They heard a voice and they turned around, they saw Harry Potter on a broom. "I broke the Elder's Wand threw it away along with many fan's heart!" He sang.
Prince Caspian screamed like a little girl.
And then a giant version of Legolas appeared. "HOW COULD YOU?" he loud voice boomed.
A bigger version of Hermione appeared. "JUST 'CAUSE YOU GOT AN EMOTIONAL RANGE OF A TEASPOON!"
Legolas nodded. "WE DON'T ALL HAVE IT!"
Molly Weasly appeared. "Now, now children, stop fighting and let's go have tea and cookies!"
"Chocolate cookies?" ze bear asked?
"With dirt!"
Bear looked at her disgusted. "Naahh.. I'm outta here." He said going to find an adventure with Raccoon and Legolas... But some fangirls came him and stole him.
"Poor sole. Oh well, he would have just sang songs in a language we don't understand." le Raccoon said.
"Now.. Where are we going?"
It was a magical disembodied voice that answered. "You are going to the realms of the evil mount chocolate. There you must throw in the one candy bar to rule them all."
le Raccoon gasped. "Who is that?"
"I have one eye and one banana leg, of course!"
ze Bear gasped.
"It couldn't be." murmured le Raccoon.
"He was the one who turned me into a bear!"
"Yes." Bear started crying. "It's true! I am truly a.. chocolate bar who was walking along the milky way at the wrong time!"
The voice actually belonged to Luke Castellan who got out a machine gun and went commando.
Bear fainted. His world went black, and he eventually went into a coma. Meanwhile... Movie Harry Potter broke the Elder's Wand and a part of Racoon died.
And so did a part of Bear. Several parts.
Then, out of no where, Chuck Noris appeared! And he did ridiculous stuff that only nine-year-old boys should find cool, but for whatever reason every man loves... aka, punched people. Then... he vanished.
Mysterious thing then started happening. For example...

Snapchat: amalmooon
Insta: mal.mooon

#78 2013-06-15 18:13:03

From: The Glorious PNW
Registered: 2011-02-27
Posts: 5733

Re: Let's create a story!

Once upon a time there was there was a golden cage. Beautifully made from gold, but sad to the eye it held a large amount of red beans. But no one had protected the beans inside so they were stolen by a mighty bear who lived in the desert who always dreamed of going to Russia and owning a baby llama that he would ride on when it's older. The only problem was that there was no transportation in Pigfarts on Mars. So he created this strange clockwork thingamajig called clockwork-thingamajig. With it he went to Africa and started eating worms. Then he spat out the worms that are now gold which he put in the ground and watched a zombie duck eat chocolate. He cried as the ducks ran after the worms, then said I shall eat all of you and watch as your worlds crumble! And he did. He ate the pie sitting on the chair of the table in the lands of Gnarnia. Suddenly, his high intelligence took over and he ate a banana. So all the female animals were attracted to him. He didn't like them so he locked them up in a tower and bought a flying elephant. The flying elephant took him to Paris and crash landed into a giant clock. There, he met a chocolatier and the chocolatier gave him killer chocolate. Then he met a horse and her name was Isabelle. But she was no ordinary horse! She was Cleopatra who got cursed because she ate the killer chocolate the chocolatier made. He stared at her and gave her a bouquet of mushrooms, hoping she would accept and turn human because the mushrooms had fungus on it. But she threw the mushroom back at him yelling "BANANA MONKEY RHESUS FARTS!!" and with that she ran away. Leaving poor mister bear sho sho shad. Tears started pouring down ze bear's cheek.. or fur.. whatever.. anywaaaayy...
Almost at once, a squirrel with a grey beard appeared. "I just got a power up on Mario." he said. Then strangely, a very small raccoon hopped on the bear's head. The raccoon was reading the newspaper, his cup of tea was right next to him. "Good evening." he said in a thick british accent. "Or is it morning?"
"Uh.." Bear looked up trying to find out if it was morning or evening. "Uh..."
"It's evening!" the Mario-playing-squirrel said.
"Let's go eat chocolate!" The Raccoon said.
"Yes, let's!" agreed ze bear. "Should we go get it from Willy Wonka?"
"No," Raccoon answered. "He turned into a blueberry a long time ago. Still haven't recovered!"
"Oh, poor fellow. Such a shame it is, to be turned into a blueberry."
"Oh he rather enjoys it! He loves eating himself! One of the reason why the poor lad hasn't recovered yet."
"Ah yes. Very typical of that man. He's always trying ways to escape cannibalism."
Then a flying dog came out of nowhere.
"Holla." The dog said.
"What is with all these animals coming out of nowhere?" The bear asked.
Then behind the dog came out a human. His had tanned skin and hair that you would LOVE to flip all day. "I," He said. "Am Prince Caspian."
Just at him saying these words, one could tell that a girl on the computer swooned.
"BOOM! BOOM!" They heard a voice and they turned around, they saw Harry Potter on a broom. "I broke the Elder's Wand threw it away along with many fan's heart!" He sang.
Prince Caspian screamed like a little girl.
And then a giant version of Legolas appeared. "HOW COULD YOU?" he loud voice boomed.
A bigger version of Hermione appeared. "JUST 'CAUSE YOU GOT AN EMOTIONAL RANGE OF A TEASPOON!"
Legolas nodded. "WE DON'T ALL HAVE IT!"
Molly Weasly appeared. "Now, now children, stop fighting and let's go have tea and cookies!"
"Chocolate cookies?" ze bear asked?
"With dirt!"
Bear looked at her disgusted. "Naahh.. I'm outta here." He said going to find an adventure with Raccoon and Legolas... But some fangirls came him and stole him.
"Poor sole. Oh well, he would have just sang songs in a language we don't understand." le Raccoon said.
"Now.. Where are we going?"
It was a magical disembodied voice that answered. "You are going to the realms of the evil mount chocolate. There you must throw in the one candy bar to rule them all."
le Raccoon gasped. "Who is that?"
"I have one eye and one banana leg, of course!"
ze Bear gasped.
"It couldn't be." murmured le Raccoon.
"He was the one who turned me into a bear!"
"Yes." Bear started crying. "It's true! I am truly a.. chocolate bar who was walking along the milky way at the wrong time!"
The voice actually belonged to Luke Castellan who got out a machine gun and went commando.
Bear fainted. His world went black, and he eventually went into a coma. Meanwhile... Movie Harry Potter broke the Elder's Wand and a part of Racoon died.
And so did a part of Bear. Several parts.
Then, out of no where, Chuck Noris appeared! And he did ridiculous stuff that only nine-year-old boys should find cool, but for whatever reason every man loves... aka, punched people. Then... he vanished.
Mysterious thing then started happening. For example... a thick fog rolled over the landscape, and a voice kept whispering their names.

#79 2013-06-16 07:00:26

From: Hogwarts
Registered: 2010-02-18
Posts: 29741

Re: Let's create a story!

Once upon a time there was there was a golden cage. Beautifully made from gold, but sad to the eye it held a large amount of red beans. But no one had protected the beans inside so they were stolen by a mighty bear who lived in the desert who always dreamed of going to Russia and owning a baby llama that he would ride on when it's older. The only problem was that there was no transportation in Pigfarts on Mars. So he created this strange clockwork thingamajig called clockwork-thingamajig. With it he went to Africa and started eating worms. Then he spat out the worms that are now gold which he put in the ground and watched a zombie duck eat chocolate. He cried as the ducks ran after the worms, then said I shall eat all of you and watch as your worlds crumble! And he did. He ate the pie sitting on the chair of the table in the lands of Gnarnia. Suddenly, his high intelligence took over and he ate a banana. So all the female animals were attracted to him. He didn't like them so he locked them up in a tower and bought a flying elephant. The flying elephant took him to Paris and crash landed into a giant clock. There, he met a chocolatier and the chocolatier gave him killer chocolate. Then he met a horse and her name was Isabelle. But she was no ordinary horse! She was Cleopatra who got cursed because she ate the killer chocolate the chocolatier made. He stared at her and gave her a bouquet of mushrooms, hoping she would accept and turn human because the mushrooms had fungus on it. But she threw the mushroom back at him yelling "BANANA MONKEY RHESUS FARTS!!" and with that she ran away. Leaving poor mister bear sho sho shad. Tears started pouring down ze bear's cheek.. or fur.. whatever.. anywaaaayy...
Almost at once, a squirrel with a grey beard appeared. "I just got a power up on Mario." he said. Then strangely, a very small raccoon hopped on the bear's head. The raccoon was reading the newspaper, his cup of tea was right next to him. "Good evening." he said in a thick british accent. "Or is it morning?"
"Uh.." Bear looked up trying to find out if it was morning or evening. "Uh..."
"It's evening!" the Mario-playing-squirrel said.
"Let's go eat chocolate!" The Raccoon said.
"Yes, let's!" agreed ze bear. "Should we go get it from Willy Wonka?"
"No," Raccoon answered. "He turned into a blueberry a long time ago. Still haven't recovered!"
"Oh, poor fellow. Such a shame it is, to be turned into a blueberry."
"Oh he rather enjoys it! He loves eating himself! One of the reason why the poor lad hasn't recovered yet."
"Ah yes. Very typical of that man. He's always trying ways to escape cannibalism."
Then a flying dog came out of nowhere.
"Holla." The dog said.
"What is with all these animals coming out of nowhere?" The bear asked.
Then behind the dog came out a human. His had tanned skin and hair that you would LOVE to flip all day. "I," He said. "Am Prince Caspian."
Just at him saying these words, one could tell that a girl on the computer swooned.
"BOOM! BOOM!" They heard a voice and they turned around, they saw Harry Potter on a broom. "I broke the Elder's Wand threw it away along with many fan's heart!" He sang.
Prince Caspian screamed like a little girl.
And then a giant version of Legolas appeared. "HOW COULD YOU?" he loud voice boomed.
A bigger version of Hermione appeared. "JUST 'CAUSE YOU GOT AN EMOTIONAL RANGE OF A TEASPOON!"
Legolas nodded. "WE DON'T ALL HAVE IT!"
Molly Weasly appeared. "Now, now children, stop fighting and let's go have tea and cookies!"
"Chocolate cookies?" ze bear asked?
"With dirt!"
Bear looked at her disgusted. "Naahh.. I'm outta here." He said going to find an adventure with Raccoon and Legolas... But some fangirls came him and stole him.
"Poor sole. Oh well, he would have just sang songs in a language we don't understand." le Raccoon said.
"Now.. Where are we going?"
It was a magical disembodied voice that answered. "You are going to the realms of the evil mount chocolate. There you must throw in the one candy bar to rule them all."
le Raccoon gasped. "Who is that?"
"I have one eye and one banana leg, of course!"
ze Bear gasped.
"It couldn't be." murmured le Raccoon.
"He was the one who turned me into a bear!"
"Yes." Bear started crying. "It's true! I am truly a.. chocolate bar who was walking along the milky way at the wrong time!"
The voice actually belonged to Luke Castellan who got out a machine gun and went commando.
Bear fainted. His world went black, and he eventually went into a coma. Meanwhile... Movie Harry Potter broke the Elder's Wand and a part of Racoon died.
And so did a part of Bear. Several parts.
Then, out of no where, Chuck Noris appeared! And he did ridiculous stuff that only nine-year-old boys should find cool, but for whatever reason every man loves... aka, punched people. Then... he vanished.
Mysterious thing then started happening. For example... a thick fog rolled over the landscape, and a voice kept whispering their names.
All of a sudden a white wizard appeared in-front of bear.

Snapchat: amalmooon
Insta: mal.mooon

#80 2013-06-21 05:32:38

From: The Deep Woods
Registered: 2010-12-01
Posts: 1351

Re: Let's create a story!

Once upon a time there was there was a golden cage. Beautifully made from gold, but sad to the eye it held a large amount of red beans. But no one had protected the beans inside so they were stolen by a mighty bear who lived in the desert who always dreamed of going to Russia and owning a baby llama that he would ride on when it's older. The only problem was that there was no transportation in Pigfarts on Mars. So he created this strange clockwork thingamajig called clockwork-thingamajig. With it he went to Africa and started eating worms. Then he spat out the worms that are now gold which he put in the ground and watched a zombie duck eat chocolate. He cried as the ducks ran after the worms, then said I shall eat all of you and watch as your worlds crumble! And he did. He ate the pie sitting on the chair of the table in the lands of Gnarnia. Suddenly, his high intelligence took over and he ate a banana. So all the female animals were attracted to him. He didn't like them so he locked them up in a tower and bought a flying elephant. The flying elephant took him to Paris and crash landed into a giant clock. There, he met a chocolatier and the chocolatier gave him killer chocolate. Then he met a horse and her name was Isabelle. But she was no ordinary horse! She was Cleopatra who got cursed because she ate the killer chocolate the chocolatier made. He stared at her and gave her a bouquet of mushrooms, hoping she would accept and turn human because the mushrooms had fungus on it. But she threw the mushroom back at him yelling "BANANA MONKEY RHESUS FARTS!!" and with that she ran away. Leaving poor mister bear sho sho shad. Tears started pouring down ze bear's cheek.. or fur.. whatever.. anywaaaayy...
Almost at once, a squirrel with a grey beard appeared. "I just got a power up on Mario." he said. Then strangely, a very small raccoon hopped on the bear's head. The raccoon was reading the newspaper, his cup of tea was right next to him. "Good evening." he said in a thick british accent. "Or is it morning?"
"Uh.." Bear looked up trying to find out if it was morning or evening. "Uh..."
"It's evening!" the Mario-playing-squirrel said.
"Let's go eat chocolate!" The Raccoon said.
"Yes, let's!" agreed ze bear. "Should we go get it from Willy Wonka?"
"No," Raccoon answered. "He turned into a blueberry a long time ago. Still haven't recovered!"
"Oh, poor fellow. Such a shame it is, to be turned into a blueberry."
"Oh he rather enjoys it! He loves eating himself! One of the reason why the poor lad hasn't recovered yet."
"Ah yes. Very typical of that man. He's always trying ways to escape cannibalism."
Then a flying dog came out of nowhere.
"Holla." The dog said.
"What is with all these animals coming out of nowhere?" The bear asked.
Then behind the dog came out a human. His had tanned skin and hair that you would LOVE to flip all day. "I," He said. "Am Prince Caspian."
Just at him saying these words, one could tell that a girl on the computer swooned.
"BOOM! BOOM!" They heard a voice and they turned around, they saw Harry Potter on a broom. "I broke the Elder's Wand threw it away along with many fan's heart!" He sang.
Prince Caspian screamed like a little girl.
And then a giant version of Legolas appeared. "HOW COULD YOU?" he loud voice boomed.
A bigger version of Hermione appeared. "JUST 'CAUSE YOU GOT AN EMOTIONAL RANGE OF A TEASPOON!"
Legolas nodded. "WE DON'T ALL HAVE IT!"
Molly Weasly appeared. "Now, now children, stop fighting and let's go have tea and cookies!"
"Chocolate cookies?" ze bear asked?
"With dirt!"
Bear looked at her disgusted. "Naahh.. I'm outta here." He said going to find an adventure with Raccoon and Legolas... But some fangirls came him and stole him.
"Poor sole. Oh well, he would have just sang songs in a language we don't understand." le Raccoon said.
"Now.. Where are we going?"
It was a magical disembodied voice that answered. "You are going to the realms of the evil mount chocolate. There you must throw in the one candy bar to rule them all."
le Raccoon gasped. "Who is that?"
"I have one eye and one banana leg, of course!"
ze Bear gasped.
"It couldn't be." murmured le Raccoon.
"He was the one who turned me into a bear!"
"Yes." Bear started crying. "It's true! I am truly a.. chocolate bar who was walking along the milky way at the wrong time!"
The voice actually belonged to Luke Castellan who got out a machine gun and went commando.
Bear fainted. His world went black, and he eventually went into a coma. Meanwhile... Movie Harry Potter broke the Elder's Wand and a part of Racoon died.
And so did a part of Bear. Several parts.
Then, out of no where, Chuck Noris appeared! And he did ridiculous stuff that only nine-year-old boys should find cool, but for whatever reason every man loves... aka, punched people. Then... he vanished.
Mysterious thing then started happening. For example... a thick fog rolled over the landscape, and a voice kept whispering their names.
All of a sudden a white wizard appeared in-front of bear.
"Luke" said the white wizard, his 18 foot long beard flowing majesticaly in the breeze, "I am your father!" Just then one of the crew gave him the proper script, because he clearly had the wrong one. The wizard, who goes by the name of Gerardo Lindenberger Chester, then put bear in the golden cage at the beginning of the story that you probably forgot about, and took him to see Esmerelda the swamp hag. She said that to make bear a chocolate bar again, he had to...


#81 2013-06-21 12:36:42

From: Hogwarts
Registered: 2010-02-18
Posts: 29741

Re: Let's create a story!

Once upon a time there was there was a golden cage. Beautifully made from gold, but sad to the eye it held a large amount of red beans. But no one had protected the beans inside so they were stolen by a mighty bear who lived in the desert who always dreamed of going to Russia and owning a baby llama that he would ride on when it's older. The only problem was that there was no transportation in Pigfarts on Mars. So he created this strange clockwork thingamajig called clockwork-thingamajig. With it he went to Africa and started eating worms. Then he spat out the worms that are now gold which he put in the ground and watched a zombie duck eat chocolate. He cried as the ducks ran after the worms, then said I shall eat all of you and watch as your worlds crumble! And he did. He ate the pie sitting on the chair of the table in the lands of Gnarnia. Suddenly, his high intelligence took over and he ate a banana. So all the female animals were attracted to him. He didn't like them so he locked them up in a tower and bought a flying elephant. The flying elephant took him to Paris and crash landed into a giant clock. There, he met a chocolatier and the chocolatier gave him killer chocolate. Then he met a horse and her name was Isabelle. But she was no ordinary horse! She was Cleopatra who got cursed because she ate the killer chocolate the chocolatier made. He stared at her and gave her a bouquet of mushrooms, hoping she would accept and turn human because the mushrooms had fungus on it. But she threw the mushroom back at him yelling "BANANA MONKEY RHESUS FARTS!!" and with that she ran away. Leaving poor mister bear sho sho shad. Tears started pouring down ze bear's cheek.. or fur.. whatever.. anywaaaayy...
Almost at once, a squirrel with a grey beard appeared. "I just got a power up on Mario." he said. Then strangely, a very small raccoon hopped on the bear's head. The raccoon was reading the newspaper, his cup of tea was right next to him. "Good evening." he said in a thick british accent. "Or is it morning?"
"Uh.." Bear looked up trying to find out if it was morning or evening. "Uh..."
"It's evening!" the Mario-playing-squirrel said.
"Let's go eat chocolate!" The Raccoon said.
"Yes, let's!" agreed ze bear. "Should we go get it from Willy Wonka?"
"No," Raccoon answered. "He turned into a blueberry a long time ago. Still haven't recovered!"
"Oh, poor fellow. Such a shame it is, to be turned into a blueberry."
"Oh he rather enjoys it! He loves eating himself! One of the reason why the poor lad hasn't recovered yet."
"Ah yes. Very typical of that man. He's always trying ways to escape cannibalism."
Then a flying dog came out of nowhere.
"Holla." The dog said.
"What is with all these animals coming out of nowhere?" The bear asked.
Then behind the dog came out a human. His had tanned skin and hair that you would LOVE to flip all day. "I," He said. "Am Prince Caspian."
Just at him saying these words, one could tell that a girl on the computer swooned.
"BOOM! BOOM!" They heard a voice and they turned around, they saw Harry Potter on a broom. "I broke the Elder's Wand threw it away along with many fan's heart!" He sang.
Prince Caspian screamed like a little girl.
And then a giant version of Legolas appeared. "HOW COULD YOU?" he loud voice boomed.
A bigger version of Hermione appeared. "JUST 'CAUSE YOU GOT AN EMOTIONAL RANGE OF A TEASPOON!"
Legolas nodded. "WE DON'T ALL HAVE IT!"
Molly Weasly appeared. "Now, now children, stop fighting and let's go have tea and cookies!"
"Chocolate cookies?" ze bear asked?
"With dirt!"
Bear looked at her disgusted. "Naahh.. I'm outta here." He said going to find an adventure with Raccoon and Legolas... But some fangirls came him and stole him.
"Poor sole. Oh well, he would have just sang songs in a language we don't understand." le Raccoon said.
"Now.. Where are we going?"
It was a magical disembodied voice that answered. "You are going to the realms of the evil mount chocolate. There you must throw in the one candy bar to rule them all."
le Raccoon gasped. "Who is that?"
"I have one eye and one banana leg, of course!"
ze Bear gasped.
"It couldn't be." murmured le Raccoon.
"He was the one who turned me into a bear!"
"Yes." Bear started crying. "It's true! I am truly a.. chocolate bar who was walking along the milky way at the wrong time!"
The voice actually belonged to Luke Castellan who got out a machine gun and went commando.
Bear fainted. His world went black, and he eventually went into a coma. Meanwhile... Movie Harry Potter broke the Elder's Wand and a part of Racoon died.
And so did a part of Bear. Several parts.
Then, out of no where, Chuck Noris appeared! And he did ridiculous stuff that only nine-year-old boys should find cool, but for whatever reason every man loves... aka, punched people. Then... he vanished.
Mysterious thing then started happening. For example... a thick fog rolled over the landscape, and a voice kept whispering their names.
All of a sudden a white wizard appeared in-front of bear.
"Luke" said the white wizard, his 18 foot long beard flowing majesticaly in the breeze, "I am your father!" Just then one of the crew gave him the proper script, because he clearly had the wrong one. The wizard, who goes by the name of Gerardo Lindenberger Chester, then put bear in the golden cage at the beginning of the story that you probably forgot about, and took him to see Esmerelda the swamp hag. She said that to make bear a chocolate bar again, he had to drink nargles.
"Nargles?" He asked. "What are Nargles?"

Snapchat: amalmooon
Insta: mal.mooon

#82 2013-06-22 02:57:35

From: The Deep Woods
Registered: 2010-12-01
Posts: 1351

Re: Let's create a story!

Once upon a time there was there was a golden cage. Beautifully made from gold, but sad to the eye it held a large amount of red beans. But no one had protected the beans inside so they were stolen by a mighty bear who lived in the desert who always dreamed of going to Russia and owning a baby llama that he would ride on when it's older. The only problem was that there was no transportation in Pigfarts on Mars. So he created this strange clockwork thingamajig called clockwork-thingamajig. With it he went to Africa and started eating worms. Then he spat out the worms that are now gold which he put in the ground and watched a zombie duck eat chocolate. He cried as the ducks ran after the worms, then said I shall eat all of you and watch as your worlds crumble! And he did. He ate the pie sitting on the chair of the table in the lands of Gnarnia. Suddenly, his high intelligence took over and he ate a banana. So all the female animals were attracted to him. He didn't like them so he locked them up in a tower and bought a flying elephant. The flying elephant took him to Paris and crash landed into a giant clock. There, he met a chocolatier and the chocolatier gave him killer chocolate. Then he met a horse and her name was Isabelle. But she was no ordinary horse! She was Cleopatra who got cursed because she ate the killer chocolate the chocolatier made. He stared at her and gave her a bouquet of mushrooms, hoping she would accept and turn human because the mushrooms had fungus on it. But she threw the mushroom back at him yelling "BANANA MONKEY RHESUS FARTS!!" and with that she ran away. Leaving poor mister bear sho sho shad. Tears started pouring down ze bear's cheek.. or fur.. whatever.. anywaaaayy...
Almost at once, a squirrel with a grey beard appeared. "I just got a power up on Mario." he said. Then strangely, a very small raccoon hopped on the bear's head. The raccoon was reading the newspaper, his cup of tea was right next to him. "Good evening." he said in a thick british accent. "Or is it morning?"
"Uh.." Bear looked up trying to find out if it was morning or evening. "Uh..."
"It's evening!" the Mario-playing-squirrel said.
"Let's go eat chocolate!" The Raccoon said.
"Yes, let's!" agreed ze bear. "Should we go get it from Willy Wonka?"
"No," Raccoon answered. "He turned into a blueberry a long time ago. Still haven't recovered!"
"Oh, poor fellow. Such a shame it is, to be turned into a blueberry."
"Oh he rather enjoys it! He loves eating himself! One of the reason why the poor lad hasn't recovered yet."
"Ah yes. Very typical of that man. He's always trying ways to escape cannibalism."
Then a flying dog came out of nowhere.
"Holla." The dog said.
"What is with all these animals coming out of nowhere?" The bear asked.
Then behind the dog came out a human. His had tanned skin and hair that you would LOVE to flip all day. "I," He said. "Am Prince Caspian."
Just at him saying these words, one could tell that a girl on the computer swooned.
"BOOM! BOOM!" They heard a voice and they turned around, they saw Harry Potter on a broom. "I broke the Elder's Wand threw it away along with many fan's heart!" He sang.
Prince Caspian screamed like a little girl.
And then a giant version of Legolas appeared. "HOW COULD YOU?" he loud voice boomed.
A bigger version of Hermione appeared. "JUST 'CAUSE YOU GOT AN EMOTIONAL RANGE OF A TEASPOON!"
Legolas nodded. "WE DON'T ALL HAVE IT!"
Molly Weasly appeared. "Now, now children, stop fighting and let's go have tea and cookies!"
"Chocolate cookies?" ze bear asked?
"With dirt!"
Bear looked at her disgusted. "Naahh.. I'm outta here." He said going to find an adventure with Raccoon and Legolas... But some fangirls came him and stole him.
"Poor sole. Oh well, he would have just sang songs in a language we don't understand." le Raccoon said.
"Now.. Where are we going?"
It was a magical disembodied voice that answered. "You are going to the realms of the evil mount chocolate. There you must throw in the one candy bar to rule them all."
le Raccoon gasped. "Who is that?"
"I have one eye and one banana leg, of course!"
ze Bear gasped.
"It couldn't be." murmured le Raccoon.
"He was the one who turned me into a bear!"
"Yes." Bear started crying. "It's true! I am truly a.. chocolate bar who was walking along the milky way at the wrong time!"
The voice actually belonged to Luke Castellan who got out a machine gun and went commando.
Bear fainted. His world went black, and he eventually went into a coma. Meanwhile... Movie Harry Potter broke the Elder's Wand and a part of Racoon died.
And so did a part of Bear. Several parts.
Then, out of no where, Chuck Noris appeared! And he did ridiculous stuff that only nine-year-old boys should find cool, but for whatever reason every man loves... aka, punched people. Then... he vanished.
Mysterious thing then started happening. For example... a thick fog rolled over the landscape, and a voice kept whispering their names.
All of a sudden a white wizard appeared in-front of bear.
"Luke" said the white wizard, his 18 foot long beard flowing majesticaly in the breeze, "I am your father!" Just then one of the crew gave him the proper script, because he clearly had the wrong one. The wizard, who goes by the name of Gerardo Lindenberger Chester, then put bear in the golden cage at the beginning of the story that you probably forgot about, and took him to see Esmerelda the swamp hag. She said that to make bear a chocolate bar again, he had to drink nargles.
"Nargles?" He asked. "What are Nargles?"
"Why" began Esmerelda, "Have you never heard of nargles?"
"No." replied bear. "Could you explain to me what that is?"
"Well, it's just what you need. First I need to boil 1 cup of frog mucous, and mix that in with bone meal made from vampire bones. Then I need to add that mixture to a bowl of homemade fresh onion juice, after its been chilled, of course. Then I simply add sugar and yeast and let it grow. Once it has grown, I heat it up in a cauldron, slowly mixing it. When it has warmed up to about 107 degrees, I will give it to you."
"I HAVE TO DRINK THAT?!" exclaimed bear.
"Absolutely not!" said Esmeralda. Bear let out a sigh of relief. She continued, "Now who would do a silly thing like that? Everyone knows you pour nargles up your nose!"
Bear looked at her, feeling...


#83 2013-06-22 05:51:17

From: Hogwarts
Registered: 2010-02-18
Posts: 29741

Re: Let's create a story!

Once upon a time there was there was a golden cage. Beautifully made from gold, but sad to the eye it held a large amount of red beans. But no one had protected the beans inside so they were stolen by a mighty bear who lived in the desert who always dreamed of going to Russia and owning a baby llama that he would ride on when it's older. The only problem was that there was no transportation in Pigfarts on Mars. So he created this strange clockwork thingamajig called clockwork-thingamajig. With it he went to Africa and started eating worms. Then he spat out the worms that are now gold which he put in the ground and watched a zombie duck eat chocolate. He cried as the ducks ran after the worms, then said I shall eat all of you and watch as your worlds crumble! And he did. He ate the pie sitting on the chair of the table in the lands of Gnarnia. Suddenly, his high intelligence took over and he ate a banana. So all the female animals were attracted to him. He didn't like them so he locked them up in a tower and bought a flying elephant. The flying elephant took him to Paris and crash landed into a giant clock. There, he met a chocolatier and the chocolatier gave him killer chocolate. Then he met a horse and her name was Isabelle. But she was no ordinary horse! She was Cleopatra who got cursed because she ate the killer chocolate the chocolatier made. He stared at her and gave her a bouquet of mushrooms, hoping she would accept and turn human because the mushrooms had fungus on it. But she threw the mushroom back at him yelling "BANANA MONKEY RHESUS FARTS!!" and with that she ran away. Leaving poor mister bear sho sho shad. Tears started pouring down ze bear's cheek.. or fur.. whatever.. anywaaaayy...
Almost at once, a squirrel with a grey beard appeared. "I just got a power up on Mario." he said. Then strangely, a very small raccoon hopped on the bear's head. The raccoon was reading the newspaper, his cup of tea was right next to him. "Good evening." he said in a thick british accent. "Or is it morning?"
"Uh.." Bear looked up trying to find out if it was morning or evening. "Uh..."
"It's evening!" the Mario-playing-squirrel said.
"Let's go eat chocolate!" The Raccoon said.
"Yes, let's!" agreed ze bear. "Should we go get it from Willy Wonka?"
"No," Raccoon answered. "He turned into a blueberry a long time ago. Still haven't recovered!"
"Oh, poor fellow. Such a shame it is, to be turned into a blueberry."
"Oh he rather enjoys it! He loves eating himself! One of the reason why the poor lad hasn't recovered yet."
"Ah yes. Very typical of that man. He's always trying ways to escape cannibalism."
Then a flying dog came out of nowhere.
"Holla." The dog said.
"What is with all these animals coming out of nowhere?" The bear asked.
Then behind the dog came out a human. His had tanned skin and hair that you would LOVE to flip all day. "I," He said. "Am Prince Caspian."
Just at him saying these words, one could tell that a girl on the computer swooned.
"BOOM! BOOM!" They heard a voice and they turned around, they saw Harry Potter on a broom. "I broke the Elder's Wand threw it away along with many fan's heart!" He sang.
Prince Caspian screamed like a little girl.
And then a giant version of Legolas appeared. "HOW COULD YOU?" he loud voice boomed.
A bigger version of Hermione appeared. "JUST 'CAUSE YOU GOT AN EMOTIONAL RANGE OF A TEASPOON!"
Legolas nodded. "WE DON'T ALL HAVE IT!"
Molly Weasly appeared. "Now, now children, stop fighting and let's go have tea and cookies!"
"Chocolate cookies?" ze bear asked?
"With dirt!"
Bear looked at her disgusted. "Naahh.. I'm outta here." He said going to find an adventure with Raccoon and Legolas... But some fangirls came him and stole him.
"Poor sole. Oh well, he would have just sang songs in a language we don't understand." le Raccoon said.
"Now.. Where are we going?"
It was a magical disembodied voice that answered. "You are going to the realms of the evil mount chocolate. There you must throw in the one candy bar to rule them all."
le Raccoon gasped. "Who is that?"
"I have one eye and one banana leg, of course!"
ze Bear gasped.
"It couldn't be." murmured le Raccoon.
"He was the one who turned me into a bear!"
"Yes." Bear started crying. "It's true! I am truly a.. chocolate bar who was walking along the milky way at the wrong time!"
The voice actually belonged to Luke Castellan who got out a machine gun and went commando.
Bear fainted. His world went black, and he eventually went into a coma. Meanwhile... Movie Harry Potter broke the Elder's Wand and a part of Racoon died.
And so did a part of Bear. Several parts.
Then, out of no where, Chuck Noris appeared! And he did ridiculous stuff that only nine-year-old boys should find cool, but for whatever reason every man loves... aka, punched people. Then... he vanished.
Mysterious thing then started happening. For example... a thick fog rolled over the landscape, and a voice kept whispering their names.
All of a sudden a white wizard appeared in-front of bear.
"Luke" said the white wizard, his 18 foot long beard flowing majesticaly in the breeze, "I am your father!" Just then one of the crew gave him the proper script, because he clearly had the wrong one. The wizard, who goes by the name of Gerardo Lindenberger Chester, then put bear in the golden cage at the beginning of the story that you probably forgot about, and took him to see Esmerelda the swamp hag. She said that to make bear a chocolate bar again, he had to drink nargles.
"Nargles?" He asked. "What are Nargles?"
"Why" began Esmerelda, "Have you never heard of nargles?"
"No." replied bear. "Could you explain to me what that is?"
"Well, it's just what you need. First I need to boil 1 cup of frog mucous, and mix that in with bone meal made from vampire bones. Then I need to add that mixture to a bowl of homemade fresh onion juice, after its been chilled, of course. Then I simply add sugar and yeast and let it grow. Once it has grown, I heat it up in a cauldron, slowly mixing it. When it has warmed up to about 107 degrees, I will give it to you."
"I HAVE TO DRINK THAT?!" exclaimed bear.
"Absolutely not!" said Esmeralda. Bear let out a sigh of relief. She continued, "Now who would do a silly thing like that? Everyone knows you pour nargles up your nose!"
Bear looked at her, feeling sick. How did he get himself into all of this again?
He took a step back from Esmeralda. He didn't trust her anymore.

Snapchat: amalmooon
Insta: mal.mooon

#84 2013-06-24 06:55:09

From: The Deep Woods
Registered: 2010-12-01
Posts: 1351

Re: Let's create a story!

Once upon a time there was there was a golden cage. Beautifully made from gold, but sad to the eye it held a large amount of red beans. But no one had protected the beans inside so they were stolen by a mighty bear who lived in the desert who always dreamed of going to Russia and owning a baby llama that he would ride on when it's older. The only problem was that there was no transportation in Pigfarts on Mars. So he created this strange clockwork thingamajig called clockwork-thingamajig. With it he went to Africa and started eating worms. Then he spat out the worms that are now gold which he put in the ground and watched a zombie duck eat chocolate. He cried as the ducks ran after the worms, then said I shall eat all of you and watch as your worlds crumble! And he did. He ate the pie sitting on the chair of the table in the lands of Gnarnia. Suddenly, his high intelligence took over and he ate a banana. So all the female animals were attracted to him. He didn't like them so he locked them up in a tower and bought a flying elephant. The flying elephant took him to Paris and crash landed into a giant clock. There, he met a chocolatier and the chocolatier gave him killer chocolate. Then he met a horse and her name was Isabelle. But she was no ordinary horse! She was Cleopatra who got cursed because she ate the killer chocolate the chocolatier made. He stared at her and gave her a bouquet of mushrooms, hoping she would accept and turn human because the mushrooms had fungus on it. But she threw the mushroom back at him yelling "BANANA MONKEY RHESUS FARTS!!" and with that she ran away. Leaving poor mister bear sho sho shad. Tears started pouring down ze bear's cheek.. or fur.. whatever.. anywaaaayy...
Almost at once, a squirrel with a grey beard appeared. "I just got a power up on Mario." he said. Then strangely, a very small raccoon hopped on the bear's head. The raccoon was reading the newspaper, his cup of tea was right next to him. "Good evening." he said in a thick british accent. "Or is it morning?"
"Uh.." Bear looked up trying to find out if it was morning or evening. "Uh..."
"It's evening!" the Mario-playing-squirrel said.
"Let's go eat chocolate!" The Raccoon said.
"Yes, let's!" agreed ze bear. "Should we go get it from Willy Wonka?"
"No," Raccoon answered. "He turned into a blueberry a long time ago. Still haven't recovered!"
"Oh, poor fellow. Such a shame it is, to be turned into a blueberry."
"Oh he rather enjoys it! He loves eating himself! One of the reason why the poor lad hasn't recovered yet."
"Ah yes. Very typical of that man. He's always trying ways to escape cannibalism."
Then a flying dog came out of nowhere.
"Holla." The dog said.
"What is with all these animals coming out of nowhere?" The bear asked.
Then behind the dog came out a human. His had tanned skin and hair that you would LOVE to flip all day. "I," He said. "Am Prince Caspian."
Just at him saying these words, one could tell that a girl on the computer swooned.
"BOOM! BOOM!" They heard a voice and they turned around, they saw Harry Potter on a broom. "I broke the Elder's Wand threw it away along with many fan's heart!" He sang.
Prince Caspian screamed like a little girl.
And then a giant version of Legolas appeared. "HOW COULD YOU?" he loud voice boomed.
A bigger version of Hermione appeared. "JUST 'CAUSE YOU GOT AN EMOTIONAL RANGE OF A TEASPOON!"
Legolas nodded. "WE DON'T ALL HAVE IT!"
Molly Weasly appeared. "Now, now children, stop fighting and let's go have tea and cookies!"
"Chocolate cookies?" ze bear asked?
"With dirt!"
Bear looked at her disgusted. "Naahh.. I'm outta here." He said going to find an adventure with Raccoon and Legolas... But some fangirls came him and stole him.
"Poor sole. Oh well, he would have just sang songs in a language we don't understand." le Raccoon said.
"Now.. Where are we going?"
It was a magical disembodied voice that answered. "You are going to the realms of the evil mount chocolate. There you must throw in the one candy bar to rule them all."
le Raccoon gasped. "Who is that?"
"I have one eye and one banana leg, of course!"
ze Bear gasped.
"It couldn't be." murmured le Raccoon.
"He was the one who turned me into a bear!"
"Yes." Bear started crying. "It's true! I am truly a.. chocolate bar who was walking along the milky way at the wrong time!"
The voice actually belonged to Luke Castellan who got out a machine gun and went commando.
Bear fainted. His world went black, and he eventually went into a coma. Meanwhile... Movie Harry Potter broke the Elder's Wand and a part of Racoon died.
And so did a part of Bear. Several parts.
Then, out of no where, Chuck Noris appeared! And he did ridiculous stuff that only nine-year-old boys should find cool, but for whatever reason every man loves... aka, punched people. Then... he vanished.
Mysterious thing then started happening. For example... a thick fog rolled over the landscape, and a voice kept whispering their names.
All of a sudden a white wizard appeared in-front of bear.
"Luke" said the white wizard, his 18 foot long beard flowing majesticaly in the breeze, "I am your father!" Just then one of the crew gave him the proper script, because he clearly had the wrong one. The wizard, who goes by the name of Gerardo Lindenberger Chester, then put bear in the golden cage at the beginning of the story that you probably forgot about, and took him to see Esmerelda the swamp hag. She said that to make bear a chocolate bar again, he had to drink nargles.
"Nargles?" He asked. "What are Nargles?"
"Why" began Esmerelda, "Have you never heard of nargles?"
"No." replied bear. "Could you explain to me what that is?"
"Well, it's just what you need. First I need to boil 1 cup of frog mucous, and mix that in with bone meal made from vampire bones. Then I need to add that mixture to a bowl of homemade fresh onion juice, after its been chilled, of course. Then I simply add sugar and yeast and let it grow. Once it has grown, I heat it up in a cauldron, slowly mixing it. When it has warmed up to about 107 degrees, I will give it to you."
"I HAVE TO DRINK THAT?!" exclaimed bear.
"Absolutely not!" said Esmeralda. Bear let out a sigh of relief. She continued, "Now who would do a silly thing like that? Everyone knows you pour nargles up your nose!"
Bear looked at her, feeling sick. How did he get himself into all of this again?
He took a step back from Esmeralda. He didn't trust her anymore. He slowly backed away, but bumped his head on a shelf behind him and fell over. Later when he awoke, he was worried that Esmerelda poured nargles down his nose when he fell over, so he reached his paw out to touch his nose. When he felt chocolate where his nose should be, he hurried over to a mirror on the wall. Yep. She poured the nargles down alright. Bear's reflection showed him a chocolate bar. "Holy moly!" exclaimed bear. Esmerelda turned to face him.


#85 2013-06-24 11:07:40

From: Hogwarts
Registered: 2010-02-18
Posts: 29741

Re: Let's create a story!

Once upon a time there was there was a golden cage. Beautifully made from gold, but sad to the eye it held a large amount of red beans. But no one had protected the beans inside so they were stolen by a mighty bear who lived in the desert who always dreamed of going to Russia and owning a baby llama that he would ride on when it's older. The only problem was that there was no transportation in Pigfarts on Mars. So he created this strange clockwork thingamajig called clockwork-thingamajig. With it he went to Africa and started eating worms. Then he spat out the worms that are now gold which he put in the ground and watched a zombie duck eat chocolate. He cried as the ducks ran after the worms, then said I shall eat all of you and watch as your worlds crumble! And he did. He ate the pie sitting on the chair of the table in the lands of Gnarnia. Suddenly, his high intelligence took over and he ate a banana. So all the female animals were attracted to him. He didn't like them so he locked them up in a tower and bought a flying elephant. The flying elephant took him to Paris and crash landed into a giant clock. There, he met a chocolatier and the chocolatier gave him killer chocolate. Then he met a horse and her name was Isabelle. But she was no ordinary horse! She was Cleopatra who got cursed because she ate the killer chocolate the chocolatier made. He stared at her and gave her a bouquet of mushrooms, hoping she would accept and turn human because the mushrooms had fungus on it. But she threw the mushroom back at him yelling "BANANA MONKEY RHESUS FARTS!!" and with that she ran away. Leaving poor mister bear sho sho shad. Tears started pouring down ze bear's cheek.. or fur.. whatever.. anywaaaayy...
Almost at once, a squirrel with a grey beard appeared. "I just got a power up on Mario." he said. Then strangely, a very small raccoon hopped on the bear's head. The raccoon was reading the newspaper, his cup of tea was right next to him. "Good evening." he said in a thick british accent. "Or is it morning?"
"Uh.." Bear looked up trying to find out if it was morning or evening. "Uh..."
"It's evening!" the Mario-playing-squirrel said.
"Let's go eat chocolate!" The Raccoon said.
"Yes, let's!" agreed ze bear. "Should we go get it from Willy Wonka?"
"No," Raccoon answered. "He turned into a blueberry a long time ago. Still haven't recovered!"
"Oh, poor fellow. Such a shame it is, to be turned into a blueberry."
"Oh he rather enjoys it! He loves eating himself! One of the reason why the poor lad hasn't recovered yet."
"Ah yes. Very typical of that man. He's always trying ways to escape cannibalism."
Then a flying dog came out of nowhere.
"Holla." The dog said.
"What is with all these animals coming out of nowhere?" The bear asked.
Then behind the dog came out a human. His had tanned skin and hair that you would LOVE to flip all day. "I," He said. "Am Prince Caspian."
Just at him saying these words, one could tell that a girl on the computer swooned.
"BOOM! BOOM!" They heard a voice and they turned around, they saw Harry Potter on a broom. "I broke the Elder's Wand threw it away along with many fan's heart!" He sang.
Prince Caspian screamed like a little girl.
And then a giant version of Legolas appeared. "HOW COULD YOU?" he loud voice boomed.
A bigger version of Hermione appeared. "JUST 'CAUSE YOU GOT AN EMOTIONAL RANGE OF A TEASPOON!"
Legolas nodded. "WE DON'T ALL HAVE IT!"
Molly Weasly appeared. "Now, now children, stop fighting and let's go have tea and cookies!"
"Chocolate cookies?" ze bear asked?
"With dirt!"
Bear looked at her disgusted. "Naahh.. I'm outta here." He said going to find an adventure with Raccoon and Legolas... But some fangirls came him and stole him.
"Poor sole. Oh well, he would have just sang songs in a language we don't understand." le Raccoon said.
"Now.. Where are we going?"
It was a magical disembodied voice that answered. "You are going to the realms of the evil mount chocolate. There you must throw in the one candy bar to rule them all."
le Raccoon gasped. "Who is that?"
"I have one eye and one banana leg, of course!"
ze Bear gasped.
"It couldn't be." murmured le Raccoon.
"He was the one who turned me into a bear!"
"Yes." Bear started crying. "It's true! I am truly a.. chocolate bar who was walking along the milky way at the wrong time!"
The voice actually belonged to Luke Castellan who got out a machine gun and went commando.
Bear fainted. His world went black, and he eventually went into a coma. Meanwhile... Movie Harry Potter broke the Elder's Wand and a part of Racoon died.
And so did a part of Bear. Several parts.
Then, out of no where, Chuck Noris appeared! And he did ridiculous stuff that only nine-year-old boys should find cool, but for whatever reason every man loves... aka, punched people. Then... he vanished.
Mysterious thing then started happening. For example... a thick fog rolled over the landscape, and a voice kept whispering their names.
All of a sudden a white wizard appeared in-front of bear.
"Luke" said the white wizard, his 18 foot long beard flowing majesticaly in the breeze, "I am your father!" Just then one of the crew gave him the proper script, because he clearly had the wrong one. The wizard, who goes by the name of Gerardo Lindenberger Chester, then put bear in the golden cage at the beginning of the story that you probably forgot about, and took him to see Esmerelda the swamp hag. She said that to make bear a chocolate bar again, he had to drink nargles.
"Nargles?" He asked. "What are Nargles?"
"Why" began Esmerelda, "Have you never heard of nargles?"
"No." replied bear. "Could you explain to me what that is?"
"Well, it's just what you need. First I need to boil 1 cup of frog mucous, and mix that in with bone meal made from vampire bones. Then I need to add that mixture to a bowl of homemade fresh onion juice, after its been chilled, of course. Then I simply add sugar and yeast and let it grow. Once it has grown, I heat it up in a cauldron, slowly mixing it. When it has warmed up to about 107 degrees, I will give it to you."
"I HAVE TO DRINK THAT?!" exclaimed bear.
"Absolutely not!" said Esmeralda. Bear let out a sigh of relief. She continued, "Now who would do a silly thing like that? Everyone knows you pour nargles up your nose!"
Bear looked at her, feeling sick. How did he get himself into all of this again?
He took a step back from Esmeralda. He didn't trust her anymore. He slowly backed away, but bumped his head on a shelf behind him and fell over. Later when he awoke, he was worried that Esmerelda poured nargles down his nose when he fell over, so he reached his paw out to touch his nose. When he felt chocolate where his nose should be, he hurried over to a mirror on the wall. Yep. She poured the nargles down alright. Bear's reflection showed him a chocolate bar. "Holy moly!" exclaimed bear. Esmerelda turned to face him.
"I am a genius, no?"

Snapchat: amalmooon
Insta: mal.mooon

#86 2013-07-06 22:33:31

From: The world I created in my head
Registered: 2010-08-12
Posts: 21425

Re: Let's create a story!

Once upon a time there was there was a golden cage. Beautifully made from gold, but sad to the eye it held a large amount of red beans. But no one had protected the beans inside so they were stolen by a mighty bear who lived in the desert who always dreamed of going to Russia and owning a baby llama that he would ride on when it's older. The only problem was that there was no transportation in Pigfarts on Mars. So he created this strange clockwork thingamajig called clockwork-thingamajig. With it he went to Africa and started eating worms. Then he spat out the worms that are now gold which he put in the ground and watched a zombie duck eat chocolate. He cried as the ducks ran after the worms, then said I shall eat all of you and watch as your worlds crumble! And he did. He ate the pie sitting on the chair of the table in the lands of Gnarnia. Suddenly, his high intelligence took over and he ate a banana. So all the female animals were attracted to him. He didn't like them so he locked them up in a tower and bought a flying elephant. The flying elephant took him to Paris and crash landed into a giant clock. There, he met a chocolatier and the chocolatier gave him killer chocolate. Then he met a horse and her name was Isabelle. But she was no ordinary horse! She was Cleopatra who got cursed because she ate the killer chocolate the chocolatier made. He stared at her and gave her a bouquet of mushrooms, hoping she would accept and turn human because the mushrooms had fungus on it. But she threw the mushroom back at him yelling "BANANA MONKEY RHESUS FARTS!!" and with that she ran away. Leaving poor mister bear sho sho shad. Tears started pouring down ze bear's cheek.. or fur.. whatever.. anywaaaayy...
Almost at once, a squirrel with a grey beard appeared. "I just got a power up on Mario." he said. Then strangely, a very small raccoon hopped on the bear's head. The raccoon was reading the newspaper, his cup of tea was right next to him. "Good evening." he said in a thick british accent. "Or is it morning?"
"Uh.." Bear looked up trying to find out if it was morning or evening. "Uh..."
"It's evening!" the Mario-playing-squirrel said.
"Let's go eat chocolate!" The Raccoon said.
"Yes, let's!" agreed ze bear. "Should we go get it from Willy Wonka?"
"No," Raccoon answered. "He turned into a blueberry a long time ago. Still haven't recovered!"
"Oh, poor fellow. Such a shame it is, to be turned into a blueberry."
"Oh he rather enjoys it! He loves eating himself! One of the reason why the poor lad hasn't recovered yet."
"Ah yes. Very typical of that man. He's always trying ways to escape cannibalism."
Then a flying dog came out of nowhere.
"Holla." The dog said.
"What is with all these animals coming out of nowhere?" The bear asked.
Then behind the dog came out a human. His had tanned skin and hair that you would LOVE to flip all day. "I," He said. "Am Prince Caspian."
Just at him saying these words, one could tell that a girl on the computer swooned.
"BOOM! BOOM!" They heard a voice and they turned around, they saw Harry Potter on a broom. "I broke the Elder's Wand threw it away along with many fan's heart!" He sang.
Prince Caspian screamed like a little girl.
And then a giant version of Legolas appeared. "HOW COULD YOU?" he loud voice boomed.
A bigger version of Hermione appeared. "JUST 'CAUSE YOU GOT AN EMOTIONAL RANGE OF A TEASPOON!"
Legolas nodded. "WE DON'T ALL HAVE IT!"
Molly Weasly appeared. "Now, now children, stop fighting and let's go have tea and cookies!"
"Chocolate cookies?" ze bear asked?
"With dirt!"
Bear looked at her disgusted. "Naahh.. I'm outta here." He said going to find an adventure with Raccoon and Legolas... But some fangirls came him and stole him.
"Poor sole. Oh well, he would have just sang songs in a language we don't understand." le Raccoon said.
"Now.. Where are we going?"
It was a magical disembodied voice that answered. "You are going to the realms of the evil mount chocolate. There you must throw in the one candy bar to rule them all."
le Raccoon gasped. "Who is that?"
"I have one eye and one banana leg, of course!"
ze Bear gasped.
"It couldn't be." murmured le Raccoon.
"He was the one who turned me into a bear!"
"Yes." Bear started crying. "It's true! I am truly a.. chocolate bar who was walking along the milky way at the wrong time!"
The voice actually belonged to Luke Castellan who got out a machine gun and went commando.
Bear fainted. His world went black, and he eventually went into a coma. Meanwhile... Movie Harry Potter broke the Elder's Wand and a part of Racoon died.
And so did a part of Bear. Several parts.
Then, out of no where, Chuck Noris appeared! And he did ridiculous stuff that only nine-year-old boys should find cool, but for whatever reason every man loves... aka, punched people. Then... he vanished.
Mysterious thing then started happening. For example... a thick fog rolled over the landscape, and a voice kept whispering their names.
All of a sudden a white wizard appeared in-front of bear.
"Luke" said the white wizard, his 18 foot long beard flowing majesticaly in the breeze, "I am your father!" Just then one of the crew gave him the proper script, because he clearly had the wrong one. The wizard, who goes by the name of Gerardo Lindenberger Chester, then put bear in the golden cage at the beginning of the story that you probably forgot about, and took him to see Esmerelda the swamp hag. She said that to make bear a chocolate bar again, he had to drink nargles.
"Nargles?" He asked. "What are Nargles?"
"Why" began Esmerelda, "Have you never heard of nargles?"
"No." replied bear. "Could you explain to me what that is?"
"Well, it's just what you need. First I need to boil 1 cup of frog mucous, and mix that in with bone meal made from vampire bones. Then I need to add that mixture to a bowl of homemade fresh onion juice, after its been chilled, of course. Then I simply add sugar and yeast and let it grow. Once it has grown, I heat it up in a cauldron, slowly mixing it. When it has warmed up to about 107 degrees, I will give it to you."
"I HAVE TO DRINK THAT?!" exclaimed bear.
"Absolutely not!" said Esmeralda. Bear let out a sigh of relief. She continued, "Now who would do a silly thing like that? Everyone knows you pour nargles up your nose!"
Bear looked at her, feeling sick. How did he get himself into all of this again?
He took a step back from Esmeralda. He didn't trust her anymore. He slowly backed away, but bumped his head on a shelf behind him and fell over. Later when he awoke, he was worried that Esmerelda poured nargles down his nose when he fell over, so he reached his paw out to touch his nose. When he felt chocolate where his nose should be, he hurried over to a mirror on the wall. Yep. She poured the nargles down alright. Bear's reflection showed him a chocolate bar. "Holy moly!" exclaimed bear. Esmerelda turned to face him.
"I am a genius, no?"
"No!" said the bear.
Twitter|Tumblr|Howrse|MCL|dA: angelfire2197          Wysp|YouTube|Elitedollz: angelfire
Art Portfolio: livininart.tumblr                                   Tumblr: askmyocsstuff

#87 2013-07-13 18:15:17

From: Hogwarts
Registered: 2010-02-18
Posts: 29741

Re: Let's create a story!

"Didn't you want to be a chocolate bar?" Esmerelda asked confused.

Snapchat: amalmooon
Insta: mal.mooon

#88 2013-07-16 04:23:18

From: The Deep Woods
Registered: 2010-12-01
Posts: 1351

Re: Let's create a story!

Once upon a time there was there was a golden cage. Beautifully made from gold, but sad to the eye it held a large amount of red beans. But no one had protected the beans inside so they were stolen by a mighty bear who lived in the desert who always dreamed of going to Russia and owning a baby llama that he would ride on when it's older. The only problem was that there was no transportation in Pigfarts on Mars. So he created this strange clockwork thingamajig called clockwork-thingamajig. With it he went to Africa and started eating worms. Then he spat out the worms that are now gold which he put in the ground and watched a zombie duck eat chocolate. He cried as the ducks ran after the worms, then said I shall eat all of you and watch as your worlds crumble! And he did. He ate the pie sitting on the chair of the table in the lands of Gnarnia. Suddenly, his high intelligence took over and he ate a banana. So all the female animals were attracted to him. He didn't like them so he locked them up in a tower and bought a flying elephant. The flying elephant took him to Paris and crash landed into a giant clock. There, he met a chocolatier and the chocolatier gave him killer chocolate. Then he met a horse and her name was Isabelle. But she was no ordinary horse! She was Cleopatra who got cursed because she ate the killer chocolate the chocolatier made. He stared at her and gave her a bouquet of mushrooms, hoping she would accept and turn human because the mushrooms had fungus on it. But she threw the mushroom back at him yelling "BANANA MONKEY RHESUS FARTS!!" and with that she ran away. Leaving poor mister bear sho sho shad. Tears started pouring down ze bear's cheek.. or fur.. whatever.. anywaaaayy...
Almost at once, a squirrel with a grey beard appeared. "I just got a power up on Mario." he said. Then strangely, a very small raccoon hopped on the bear's head. The raccoon was reading the newspaper, his cup of tea was right next to him. "Good evening." he said in a thick british accent. "Or is it morning?"
"Uh.." Bear looked up trying to find out if it was morning or evening. "Uh..."
"It's evening!" the Mario-playing-squirrel said.
"Let's go eat chocolate!" The Raccoon said.
"Yes, let's!" agreed ze bear. "Should we go get it from Willy Wonka?"
"No," Raccoon answered. "He turned into a blueberry a long time ago. Still haven't recovered!"
"Oh, poor fellow. Such a shame it is, to be turned into a blueberry."
"Oh he rather enjoys it! He loves eating himself! One of the reason why the poor lad hasn't recovered yet."
"Ah yes. Very typical of that man. He's always trying ways to escape cannibalism."
Then a flying dog came out of nowhere.
"Holla." The dog said.
"What is with all these animals coming out of nowhere?" The bear asked.
Then behind the dog came out a human. His had tanned skin and hair that you would LOVE to flip all day. "I," He said. "Am Prince Caspian."
Just at him saying these words, one could tell that a girl on the computer swooned.
"BOOM! BOOM!" They heard a voice and they turned around, they saw Harry Potter on a broom. "I broke the Elder's Wand threw it away along with many fan's heart!" He sang.
Prince Caspian screamed like a little girl.
And then a giant version of Legolas appeared. "HOW COULD YOU?" he loud voice boomed.
A bigger version of Hermione appeared. "JUST 'CAUSE YOU GOT AN EMOTIONAL RANGE OF A TEASPOON!"
Legolas nodded. "WE DON'T ALL HAVE IT!"
Molly Weasly appeared. "Now, now children, stop fighting and let's go have tea and cookies!"
"Chocolate cookies?" ze bear asked?
"With dirt!"
Bear looked at her disgusted. "Naahh.. I'm outta here." He said going to find an adventure with Raccoon and Legolas... But some fangirls came him and stole him.
"Poor sole. Oh well, he would have just sang songs in a language we don't understand." le Raccoon said.
"Now.. Where are we going?"
It was a magical disembodied voice that answered. "You are going to the realms of the evil mount chocolate. There you must throw in the one candy bar to rule them all."
le Raccoon gasped. "Who is that?"
"I have one eye and one banana leg, of course!"
ze Bear gasped.
"It couldn't be." murmured le Raccoon.
"He was the one who turned me into a bear!"
"Yes." Bear started crying. "It's true! I am truly a.. chocolate bar who was walking along the milky way at the wrong time!"
The voice actually belonged to Luke Castellan who got out a machine gun and went commando.
Bear fainted. His world went black, and he eventually went into a coma. Meanwhile... Movie Harry Potter broke the Elder's Wand and a part of Racoon died.
And so did a part of Bear. Several parts.
Then, out of no where, Chuck Noris appeared! And he did ridiculous stuff that only nine-year-old boys should find cool, but for whatever reason every man loves... aka, punched people. Then... he vanished.
Mysterious thing then started happening. For example... a thick fog rolled over the landscape, and a voice kept whispering their names.
All of a sudden a white wizard appeared in-front of bear.
"Luke" said the white wizard, his 18 foot long beard flowing majesticaly in the breeze, "I am your father!" Just then one of the crew gave him the proper script, because he clearly had the wrong one. The wizard, who goes by the name of Gerardo Lindenberger Chester, then put bear in the golden cage at the beginning of the story that you probably forgot about, and took him to see Esmerelda the swamp hag. She said that to make bear a chocolate bar again, he had to drink nargles.
"Nargles?" He asked. "What are Nargles?"
"Why" began Esmerelda, "Have you never heard of nargles?"
"No." replied bear. "Could you explain to me what that is?"
"Well, it's just what you need. First I need to boil 1 cup of frog mucous, and mix that in with bone meal made from vampire bones. Then I need to add that mixture to a bowl of homemade fresh onion juice, after its been chilled, of course. Then I simply add sugar and yeast and let it grow. Once it has grown, I heat it up in a cauldron, slowly mixing it. When it has warmed up to about 107 degrees, I will give it to you."
"I HAVE TO DRINK THAT?!" exclaimed bear.
"Absolutely not!" said Esmeralda. Bear let out a sigh of relief. She continued, "Now who would do a silly thing like that? Everyone knows you pour nargles up your nose!"
Bear looked at her, feeling sick. How did he get himself into all of this again?
He took a step back from Esmeralda. He didn't trust her anymore. He slowly backed away, but bumped his head on a shelf behind him and fell over. Later when he awoke, he was worried that Esmerelda poured nargles down his nose when he fell over, so he reached his paw out to touch his nose. When he felt chocolate where his nose should be, he hurried over to a mirror on the wall. Yep. She poured the nargles down alright. Bear's reflection showed him a chocolate bar. "Holy moly!" exclaimed bear. Esmerelda turned to face him.
"I am a genius, no?"
"No!" said the bear.
"Didn't you want to be a chocolate bar?" Esmerelda asked confused. Bear pulled a picture of 2 bear cubs out of his wallet. "How will I be able to hunt for my cubs? They would eat me if they didn't know it was me." Bear started to weep, and Esmerelda started coughing before she began to speak once more. "Very well. I will pour some more nargles dow-" "Not down my nose again!!!" cried Bear. Esmerelda slapped Bear. "How dare you interrupt me! Let me finish! Now, you are a chocolate bar. You don't have a nose. I will simply have to make you drink it by pouring it down your throat!" Bear's eyes grew wide with panic, and when Esmerelda turned her back on him to fetch the nargles, he ran to the door. Once I turn that door knob, I'm free from that putrid potion and that old hag thought Bear. But just as he grabbed the door knob, Esmerelda whipped around and...


#89 2013-07-17 09:39:02

From: The couch
Registered: 2010-12-02
Posts: 11534

Re: Let's create a story!

Once upon a time there was there was a golden cage. Beautifully made from gold, but sad to the eye it held a large amount of red beans. But no one had protected the beans inside so they were stolen by a mighty bear who lived in the desert who always dreamed of going to Russia and owning a baby llama that he would ride on when it's older. The only problem was that there was no transportation in Pigfarts on Mars. So he created this strange clockwork thingamajig called clockwork-thingamajig. With it he went to Africa and started eating worms. Then he spat out the worms that are now gold which he put in the ground and watched a zombie duck eat chocolate. He cried as the ducks ran after the worms, then said I shall eat all of you and watch as your worlds crumble! And he did. He ate the pie sitting on the chair of the table in the lands of Gnarnia. Suddenly, his high intelligence took over and he ate a banana. So all the female animals were attracted to him. He didn't like them so he locked them up in a tower and bought a flying elephant. The flying elephant took him to Paris and crash landed into a giant clock. There, he met a chocolatier and the chocolatier gave him killer chocolate. Then he met a horse and her name was Isabelle. But she was no ordinary horse! She was Cleopatra who got cursed because she ate the killer chocolate the chocolatier made. He stared at her and gave her a bouquet of mushrooms, hoping she would accept and turn human because the mushrooms had fungus on it. But she threw the mushroom back at him yelling "BANANA MONKEY RHESUS FARTS!!" and with that she ran away. Leaving poor mister bear sho sho shad. Tears started pouring down ze bear's cheek.. or fur.. whatever.. anywaaaayy...
Almost at once, a squirrel with a grey beard appeared. "I just got a power up on Mario." he said. Then strangely, a very small raccoon hopped on the bear's head. The raccoon was reading the newspaper, his cup of tea was right next to him. "Good evening." he said in a thick british accent. "Or is it morning?"
"Uh.." Bear looked up trying to find out if it was morning or evening. "Uh..."
"It's evening!" the Mario-playing-squirrel said.
"Let's go eat chocolate!" The Raccoon said.
"Yes, let's!" agreed ze bear. "Should we go get it from Willy Wonka?"
"No," Raccoon answered. "He turned into a blueberry a long time ago. Still haven't recovered!"
"Oh, poor fellow. Such a shame it is, to be turned into a blueberry."
"Oh he rather enjoys it! He loves eating himself! One of the reason why the poor lad hasn't recovered yet."
"Ah yes. Very typical of that man. He's always trying ways to escape cannibalism."
Then a flying dog came out of nowhere.
"Holla." The dog said.
"What is with all these animals coming out of nowhere?" The bear asked.
Then behind the dog came out a human. His had tanned skin and hair that you would LOVE to flip all day. "I," He said. "Am Prince Caspian."
Just at him saying these words, one could tell that a girl on the computer swooned.
"BOOM! BOOM!" They heard a voice and they turned around, they saw Harry Potter on a broom. "I broke the Elder's Wand threw it away along with many fan's heart!" He sang.
Prince Caspian screamed like a little girl.
And then a giant version of Legolas appeared. "HOW COULD YOU?" he loud voice boomed.
A bigger version of Hermione appeared. "JUST 'CAUSE YOU GOT AN EMOTIONAL RANGE OF A TEASPOON!"
Legolas nodded. "WE DON'T ALL HAVE IT!"
Molly Weasly appeared. "Now, now children, stop fighting and let's go have tea and cookies!"
"Chocolate cookies?" ze bear asked?
"With dirt!"
Bear looked at her disgusted. "Naahh.. I'm outta here." He said going to find an adventure with Raccoon and Legolas... But some fangirls came him and stole him.
"Poor sole. Oh well, he would have just sang songs in a language we don't understand." le Raccoon said.
"Now.. Where are we going?"
It was a magical disembodied voice that answered. "You are going to the realms of the evil mount chocolate. There you must throw in the one candy bar to rule them all."
le Raccoon gasped. "Who is that?"
"I have one eye and one banana leg, of course!"
ze Bear gasped.
"It couldn't be." murmured le Raccoon.
"He was the one who turned me into a bear!"
"Yes." Bear started crying. "It's true! I am truly a.. chocolate bar who was walking along the milky way at the wrong time!"
The voice actually belonged to Luke Castellan who got out a machine gun and went commando.
Bear fainted. His world went black, and he eventually went into a coma. Meanwhile... Movie Harry Potter broke the Elder's Wand and a part of Racoon died.
And so did a part of Bear. Several parts.
Then, out of no where, Chuck Noris appeared! And he did ridiculous stuff that only nine-year-old boys should find cool, but for whatever reason every man loves... aka, punched people. Then... he vanished.
Mysterious thing then started happening. For example... a thick fog rolled over the landscape, and a voice kept whispering their names.
All of a sudden a white wizard appeared in-front of bear.
"Luke" said the white wizard, his 18 foot long beard flowing majesticaly in the breeze, "I am your father!" Just then one of the crew gave him the proper script, because he clearly had the wrong one. The wizard, who goes by the name of Gerardo Lindenberger Chester, then put bear in the golden cage at the beginning of the story that you probably forgot about, and took him to see Esmerelda the swamp hag. She said that to make bear a chocolate bar again, he had to drink nargles.
"Nargles?" He asked. "What are Nargles?"
"Why" began Esmerelda, "Have you never heard of nargles?"
"No." replied bear. "Could you explain to me what that is?"
"Well, it's just what you need. First I need to boil 1 cup of frog mucous, and mix that in with bone meal made from vampire bones. Then I need to add that mixture to a bowl of homemade fresh onion juice, after its been chilled, of course. Then I simply add sugar and yeast and let it grow. Once it has grown, I heat it up in a cauldron, slowly mixing it. When it has warmed up to about 107 degrees, I will give it to you."
"I HAVE TO DRINK THAT?!" exclaimed bear.
"Absolutely not!" said Esmeralda. Bear let out a sigh of relief. She continued, "Now who would do a silly thing like that? Everyone knows you pour nargles up your nose!"
Bear looked at her, feeling sick. How did he get himself into all of this again?
He took a step back from Esmeralda. He didn't trust her anymore. He slowly backed away, but bumped his head on a shelf behind him and fell over. Later when he awoke, he was worried that Esmerelda poured nargles down his nose when he fell over, so he reached his paw out to touch his nose. When he felt chocolate where his nose should be, he hurried over to a mirror on the wall. Yep. She poured the nargles down alright. Bear's reflection showed him a chocolate bar. "Holy moly!" exclaimed bear. Esmerelda turned to face him.
"I am a genius, no?"
"No!" said the bear.
"Didn't you want to be a chocolate bar?" Esmerelda asked confused. Bear pulled a picture of 2 bear cubs out of his wallet. "How will I be able to hunt for my cubs? They would eat me if they didn't know it was me." Bear started to weep, and Esmerelda started coughing before she began to speak once more. "Very well. I will pour some more nargles dow-" "Not down my nose again!!!" cried Bear. Esmerelda slapped Bear. "How dare you interrupt me! Let me finish! Now, you are a chocolate bar. You don't have a nose. I will simply have to make you drink it by pouring it down your throat!" Bear's eyes grew wide with panic, and when Esmerelda turned her back on him to fetch the nargles, he ran to the door. Once I turn that door knob, I'm free from that putrid potion and that old hag thought Bear. But just as he grabbed the door knob, Esmerelda whipped around and smacked his head, making his eyes sting.
"What did you do that for?" The bear asked.

Snapchat: lurkingpanda
Instagram: lil.miss.loco

#90 2013-07-19 13:53:27

From: Hogwarts
Registered: 2010-02-18
Posts: 29741

Re: Let's create a story!

Instead of saying anything, she poured the nargles down his throat. He screamed and passed out. He woke up a few hours later and touched his face. He didn't feel any fur so he knew he was something else now. In fact, he was a...

Snapchat: amalmooon
Insta: mal.mooon

#91 2013-07-28 16:49:24

From: Anywhere
Registered: 2010-01-24
Posts: 1893

Re: Let's create a story!

Instead of saying anything, she poured the nargles down his throat. He screamed and passed out. He woke up a few hours later and touched his face. He didn't feel any fur so he knew he was something else now. In fact, he was a cold-hearted vampire. He got up...

The Mauraders were alive that night, all four of them, you know, but it wasn't the same; only three were true and one was gone, and the one that was gone shouldn't have been. But they were together, again, and in that moment, they knew, they would never say goodbye.

#92 2013-07-28 16:51:17

From: Hogwarts
Registered: 2010-02-18
Posts: 29741

Re: Let's create a story!

And bit Esmeralda. She screamed and fainted.

Snapchat: amalmooon
Insta: mal.mooon

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