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9 lb 6 oz and 21 inches long of sweet baby boy!!! He was born at 4:08pm (central) on June 18th!!
Ohmygod!!! congrats!!!!
Last edited by darkelfqueen (2013-06-19 20:49:29)
Oh yay that's so exciting! I haven't talked to her in way too long - I had no idea! Yay babies :) Also baby-related: my sister had her baby on Sunday (Father's Day) at 9 pm - her 4th son, who they named Stephen. <3 <3 <3 babieeeezzzz
Congratulations to you sister, too, snortmort! May both babies enjoy a happy happy happy life!
Congratulations to both of the moms, and dads too of course :D
Congrats History!~ <33
Congratulations~!!!! :D
The joys of motherhood. Congratulations!
I had heard last night that 4 billion babies were born in the USA alone last year. Image that world wide!
Congratsss so happy for you
Posting a congrats here, too! I know you and your hubby were looking forward to this!
Congratulation on your new Son. I have pic's on my WIA for you. Hope you are feeling yourself again soon.
I saw a picture and he is PERFECT!! Just a bundle of precious cuddly baby boy.
AWWWWWW Congratulations to history!! That's adorable news!!
And to your sister snortmort!!
Newborns are sho adowablez
He is so beautiful!
Thank you...I've got a quick moment to log online. (I hope to get on tomorrow to do the quest)
I hope to visit & check out pictures and congrats that people have posted for me later this week.
It's been a lot of work so far but totally worth it.
What did I tell you? Didn't I tell you? Hmmm? Those cute cuddly cheeks of his, those puckering lips... I'm afraid that if I were there, I'd probably wake him up so I could get him to giggle for me. I tend to do that to babies ;)
Congratulations historygeek!!! I saw the picture you posted on you're "who I am" and he is very adorable!!!!!!