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My iPod is APUSH
Oh. We had a quiz on Ch. 4 today. it was about George Whitfield and the albany plan thing.
Ch 4?!?! We're testing over 9-11 tomorrow!
Hey...can ya find the Goggles topic? Or tell me how you do it? You know the...drawing on your browser thingy?
Just type into google search "goggles" and then it should be the first one. The url has the word "sneaky" in it
The AP exam is in are you on 9/11 already??
Last edited by angelfire (2013-09-25 23:19:16)
Woman, it was a "-" not a "/" So it's 9 through 11 not September 11th.
I found it. I found the topic. It's helpful to underline things I need for a website.
Ohhhh...Chapters 9 through 11 Just kidding...
I had all my AP Classes today (Lang 11, stat, ush) And two tests. I havent taken a nap yet and I'm dead. Our classes are 90 minutes each.
You should put all the websites you want in that "secret Diary" on the site
I'm confused. "Secret Diary"? I just needed it to underline notes for my AP Q's.
Never mind.
Oh hey! THat's a great idea!!
I thought it was. I use course-notes(dot)org for summaries of chapters in my APUSH text book. Very helpful. (site I was underlining). I'm gonna get my money and work on my online English class.
Ms. Fraley had a few textbooks so she made those who didn't get one (me) use the one she put on blackboard. It has a very old website style so this could really be helpful :)'re now my organization guru.
Ello Rare!
HW for APUSH ...
What about you?
English :/
I see, Twin. I have very good Organization skills
74 I'm officially losing my mind O_O...I ended up writing the code that I was supposed to submit for my assignments in the code I write for work...No wonder it's not working!!!
Been there!
Lol Darky ^^
Sooo...Goggles doesn't work on my online textbook >.> Bummer. I'm using Evernote now. I don't like it all htat much but I can't write notes.
I need to find the wire for my drawing tablet >.< I used to draw out my notes *sigh* they don't sell the one I have anymore.
I like and hate this online set up
No. My online class. Ugh. I just spent the last 45 minutes posting almost 100 post on Tumblr. I need followers. I need followers real bad. 3 follower is not enough.
Hmmmmm I have 15 followers only ^^
Lolz, Rare.
15 TWIN?!?! How the hell...?
And I'm heading to bed. I just spent the last 3 hours straight on the school laptop. Wat?
Night, Twin! They're all people I followed first...Mostly...
Twin, I'm following 15 people. My problem, only 4 followers back.
73 Moooooorning my ladies!
Guess alarm clock didn't ring today! I woke up by mistake!