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May I enter the second category? If I find time, I may also enter the fourth category Thanks
Zoey900 -> Added all
Zabina -> Picture taken
pinkrainbows -> Its ok use alt accounts. only 1 of your dollz per category
iklovech -> Added all
darkelfqueen -> Sure and added to "la muerte".
zarinen -> Thank you! Pictures taken!
mimi078 -> added
Thank you girls!
Last edited by arlekinlain (2014-10-20 19:15:18)
Third category-Angelic knight-Account:Jorjor-Ready
Hi,I would like to join in the third category with my main account,Thanks!
My costume will be- witch-,I will let you now when ready.
Last edited by ramonna (2014-10-22 08:32:57)
Ready for HALLOWEEN party with my doll Calliem-Lockhart.
I would like to join the Halloween Party (3rd) category please :) My main doll is ready in the loft. The costume is someone who practices voodoo. A little like Doctor Facilier from the Princess and the Frog.
Last edited by jadefarnill (2014-10-21 19:10:59)
I have finished my doll it can be found in my Casino room.
May I enter the other categories as well please?
May I join the 1st, 2nd and 3rd category? Thank you! :)
Bloodyemos -> Jorjor picture taken:applau:
Ramonna -> Added
Malu -> Calliem-Lockhart picture taken
Jadefarnill -> picture taken
Fairykisses -> picture taken and added to the others categories
Musical-Angel -> Added
Last edited by arlekinlain (2014-10-22 15:48:38)
La Muerta:
Doll - Angelfire
Room - Magic School
My main doll is ready wearing the witch outfit in the Crypt room.
Also I would like to join the first category with an alt acc if it's still posible.
My doll is ready (party room)
Could I also join the 1st category please? My doll is ready in the garden :)
I have a question on the fourth category. When we're done do you want us to post the picture here on the board or message link? And also are the entries suppose to for the fourth category suppose to be in Oct. 28 or or we have until Nov. 3?
Also my doll SugarSweetz is for the fifth category the condo theme. I haven't finished the fourth category yet. All I have to do is color it and will send it through my main account Zarinen.
Angelfire picture taken, thank you!
Ramonna added to firts category, and for halloween party picture taken! ty
Jadefarnill added and picture taken!
Rukia131 picture taken ty !!!
Zarinen, I sended you message, but dont worry. All have until november 3 for be ready.
For enter contest have until october 28. from 28 to november 3 all can made changes on costume or be finally ready. Last day for take pictures will be november 3.
For creative category send me link or post here your work
Phew that's good. I didn't realize how close it was for the deadline. I just didn't want to rush it. I am horrible with dates and days.
Thanks for adding,my alt Aleena88 is ready for the first category in Black forest room.
Angelfire picture taken ty!!
Entries closed
From now only waiting the last girls be ready. GOOD LUCK EVERYONE!!
* La Muerte
Can be found in my: Penthouse
*Halloween party
Can be found in my: Hell room
*Creative Category:
Sprinkle fairy
* Ofrenda
Can be found in my: Penthouse
Sorry for the late post.
Moneky-may picture taken
Fairykisses pictures taken and saved your creative entry. Awesome!
I wasn't sure if you've taken the picture for "La Muerte"? It's my alt Lolatrendsetter in her broadway room.
I don't think I can finish the rest, sorry :(
My doll is dressed and ready in her loft for screenshots...
And this is my entry for the creative portion of the contest:
Good luck to everyone!!
Last entry from me. I wasn't feeling very creative but I wanted a warrior type outfit ^^
DarkElfqueen picture taken from Lolatrendsetter, thank you! and dont worry, will be another contest next :D
Mimi078 Picture taken and picture saved, thank you!!
Angelfire Picture saved, thank you so much!!