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Ryan :
"Megamind? The famous animation villain that takes the role of the hero? The genius guy? You seriously never heard of him?"
"I haven't been paying must attention to animated movies." I admitted, "With the exception of a few movies my younger brother was interested in, I must admit I'm out of touch."
Ryan :
"Then what are you watching?" I asked curious.
"I haven't had much time lately, but I do like the Breaking Bad series." Between work, the social scene, Thomas and everything else, I barely had time to eat. Usually that was the same time I watched an episode.
Ryan :
"What kind of work do you do?"
"I'm the vice president of a warfare company." I explained, "Industrial Revolution if you've heard of it."
Ryan :
I thought for a few seconds. "The boyfriend of the redhead from that horrible bad comedy about the playboy bunny. I think I've read that in a magazine."
Last edited by rukia131 (2015-05-15 21:57:09)
I didn't hide my disgust, "Not really. We went out once and she's since believed herself to be my girlfriend. I'm single, however."
Ryan :
"Do people really believe you can date after a dinner?"
"People love to talk." I said smirking, "They like drama and excitement."
Ryan :
"It depends. I guess people are more into drama where you live because here nothing ever happens."
"Well that's a good thing, right?" I asked, "Wouldn't life be a lot easier?"
Ryan :
"It gives advantages and disadvantages you know. If it was that great Denise would''t have moved. It's extremely boring... Sometimes it feels just like time froze."
"Why don't you come and visit the city? I'm sure we'll be able to take you around."
"No, I just really like mythology. I'm studying for a business major."
Ryan :
"Thanks. I will then." I said smiling.
"That would pretty much make three of us then... I'm Jet...Um, Jet Abbot..." I say, trying to be more confident when I held out my hand for Baelabrar to shake.
I smiled politely and shook his hand. "Nice to meet you." I chuckle. "Sorry again about the knee. I'm a really clumsy person. I have scrapes and bruises everywhere."
"Don't be sorry, you're the one who got hurt... You don't hurt yourself seriously do you?"
"Uhhh...if I said no, would you believe me?"
"We all make mistakes." I said smiling. Adding o myself, some more than others.
"If you do, I would love to take you to the most luxurious hotel around and take you on shopping sprees. It's the least I can do."
Denise :
"Yeah you could do that. But she'll sleep with us at our place and I'll take her shopping so you can relax. Your help is not required." I said hugging her to me.
"I was merely trying to ... Never mind." I said falling quiet.
Ryan :
"Don't be like that Denise! If you say you'll take me shopping you'll just watch tv the whole time! I would love to come shopping Leon."
"I would be honored. And of course Denise can join us." I said trying to make him see I am not hitting on his sister.