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#1 2016-05-28 21:07:14

From: Hogwarts
Registered: 2010-02-18
Posts: 29741

Bio Project

Im actually doing a biology project and Im kind of stuck.
I have to write about how to reduce the acidification in oceans. Im going write the main solution to be "reducing carbon" by using carbon-neutral fuel and I was wondering if there are any negative effects on the economy by doing this.
Any ideas will be helpful. :)

Snapchat: amalmooon
Insta: mal.mooon

#2 2016-07-10 19:25:15

Registered: 2012-11-05
Posts: 235

Re: Bio Project

I am, by no means, an expert at this but let's give it a try.

So far, from what I know and study, we tend to suggest cleaner alternatives but we rarely adopt them because they are simply too expensive, even on the long come. This means: you may reduce the carbon emissions and such but the alternative for it takes too long to create and is too expensive to maintain.

Example, in my field (conservation and restoration) we could easily protect all objects, we could easily fix them with better materials and better processes and technology. However, they are way too expensive. Also, there are some that are already in the use. But only on very special occasions. For example, on my situation, we have this one machine that reduces the time and effort of a certain process significantly, as in, something that would take 5 hours and require 4 technicians, would only need one person for a couple of seconds. However, that machine is no longer being manufactured and, on top of that, the company no longer exists. Therefore, its maintenance is overwhelming and we only use it very sporadically.

What I would suggest you to do is to read articles regarding new strategies to reduce CO2 emissions, new alternatives for the usage of carbon, etc etc. Instead of focusing solely on your problem-suggestion-goal, try to see what other things have been worked on so far. Try to do a budget simulation after that for both the current situation and the one you're offering. Make sure to cross your suggestion to many articles and other works.

I don't know which websites you can use but we tend to use this one:

Good luck on your project!

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