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#1 2016-11-28 18:08:56

Registered: 2016-08-25
Posts: 4

[Reported ] Unable to stay logged in.

I am able to log in as normal but as soon as I click on anything else it will, most of the time, log me out. This luckily doesn't include board. I have had this problem since Friday 25th November. Before this I had no issues playing. I use Firefox with windows 7. I have two dollz and both have it problem.

I would really appreciate some help. Thanks in advance.


#2 2016-11-29 18:14:54

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012-03-21
Posts: 51772

Re: [Reported ] Unable to stay logged in.

Just checking in: Are you still having this problem?


#3 2016-11-29 18:37:05

Registered: 2016-08-25
Posts: 4

Re: [Reported ] Unable to stay logged in.

It seemed to be sorted for a moment but no, it is still an issue.

Last edited by emoran (2016-11-29 18:40:05)


#4 2016-11-30 16:48:38

Registered: 2016-08-25
Posts: 4

Re: [Reported ] Unable to stay logged in.

So I am still having this issue. I would love if someone could help me out. Thanks.


#5 2016-11-30 16:49:59

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012-03-21
Posts: 51772

Re: [Reported ] Unable to stay logged in.

Forgot to update this yesterday, sorry. This has been reported.

Did you by any chance try other browsers? I usually use either Chrome or Edge.

Oh another thing to check is whether your cookie and temp files setting handling changed in Firefox due to an update.


#6 2016-12-04 18:41:55

Registered: 2016-08-25
Posts: 4

Re: [Reported ] Unable to stay logged in.

I have tried a new browsers and it works with that. Thanks.


#7 2016-12-04 18:54:19

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012-03-21
Posts: 51772

Re: [Reported ] Unable to stay logged in.

Glad to hear the other browsers worked for you :) It's kinda interested that it was just Firefox.

Will close this ticket in 24 hours if you don't face more problems :D


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