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#1 2017-02-11 03:19:39

Registered: 2011-04-16
Posts: 62

Email address requirements

Could we stop this forcing of one email address per doll? We all know we have multiple dolls. It is ridiculous that we first have to go make another email account just to create a new doll. It is also annoying not to be able to change old email addresses to one you already use.
This account, for example uses a long-dead email address. Why can't I change it to my REAL email address (used on another doll) instead of making up some other email account that I will never check?


#2 2017-02-16 00:47:58

Registered: 2013-09-19
Posts: 1

Re: Email address requirements

I do agree with you on this, I have a lot of dolls and therefor a lot of emails, and unfortunately I have to log into them at least every two weeks or Yahoo disables them until I recreate a new password and update security. Since most of these are only used for gaming on this site and maybe two others, this is a lot of work to put in to keep active emails for these sites.


#3 2017-06-22 09:22:47

Registered: 2010-12-13
Posts: 2362

Re: Email address requirements

Added to the suggestions list.


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