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#1 2017-02-23 02:19:48

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012-03-21
Posts: 51772

[2014] Cruise for Singles

Special Thanks to rheasilvia for posting the total and the answers for the bonus questions.

Quest: Cruise for Singles
Store Used: Holiday Shop
Two Endings? Yes
Job? No
Room? Yes - Aquariam Room (One of two possible themes)
Total Cost: $200 for one ending or $250 + 150 feez for two endings

Step 1: Departure
For several years, I went from one disappointment in love to the next. I dated Men with different backgrounds, but non lasted more than a few months. I am over thirty years old and my grandmother is worried if she will ever have great grandchildren. It's not like I would not want this huh, it's just that I want to find the right one. My family does not want me to be the only single during the big family reunion this year, so they convinced me to participate in a cruise for singles. I know what you'll say!! It's a bit desperate, right ??? I thought the same thing, but hey, to take a cruise in the Mediterranean with beautiful young men in search of a soul mate?? Why not?

You need:
- One of the following for $7


Cost so far: $7

Bonus 1: Chase the intruder:
Answer: mediterranean


Step 2: Presentations
The journey begins with a small party, a few cocktails. So that everyone can get to know each other in a somewhat casual way. I pulled out my favorite cocktail dress, I'm sure I will have success with this one ... well ok, that's not counting the other singles in the evenings. They compete all charms and tricks to attract as many potential men and I look rather pale in comparison. I am friendly and nice, but I admit, I have trouble to reach out to others, to engage in conversation. This night seems endless, despite the good music and tasty buffet, I decided to go to my cabin. I am waiting in the lobby for the elevator to come down to the lower deck when a young man knocks me over with his clumsiness. I could forgive this , it happens to everyone, but he left immediately without bothering to apologize. No, this is really unbelievable ... I thought I was on a cruise with gentlemen, I am really disappointed!

You need:
- One of the following for $14


Cost so far: $21

Bonus 2: What is a gentleman?
Answer: A man with good manners


Step 3: Cabin Mistakes

Now I really need to take a good long shower. Alcohol is sugar, and when it dries it sticks. I get to my cabin, 4F, a large double luxury sponsered by my grandmother. When my family travels, it is only in the best conditions. But my key card does not work, the door does not open.
Ah troubles continues, I really am jinxed today. I turn around to go to the reception. When I heard a noise behind me I turn around and see the young man who ran me over ... and he is in MY room "Hey! you there! Hold on! What are you doing in my room ??
Excuse me, Miss, but this is my room Ah no it's mine, you see my key card? 4F it says, so this is my room! Yes but my card also says 4F, and obviously you did not get into the room but I did, so this is my room. - Certainly not, you room thief " I grab him by the arm and drag him behind me, determined to take this story to the lobby! I will not give up just like this! "Ah miss YOUR DOLL'S NAME I'm really sorry, we were looking for you all evening. There was a booking problem and suite 4F has been booked twice.
But do not worry, we have room 10Z ready for you, this is a room for two people, but it is all yours " I am outraged: why did he get the room? Whats with gallantry? Exhausted and still with the sticky champagne on my dress, I finally gave in and joined the room 10Z.
It is charming, for a steerage cabin, but I'm used to other standards! After a good shower, I fall asleep in my bunk this instance. Hopefully the rest of the trip will be better.

You need:
- One of the following for $7

- One of the following for $7

- One of the following for $6


Cost so far: $41

Bonus 3: What is "portside"?
Answer: It's "left" in nautical language


Step 4: One, two, three!
Well, I can tell you, I dropped the idea of getting back a first class cabin. My only hope would be that two people would become a couple, their marriage and honeymoon departure before the end of the cruise. In other words, I have no chance that this would happen. Nevertheless, I had a nice meeting, his name is Thomas, he is the boat captain. He was extremely helpful, he is super cute, in short, I like him and I think I'm going to pull out all the play. Meanwhile we stop in Turkey, to find the ruins that supposedly were the city of Troy. After the guided tour by a beautiful local Adonis, I decided to explore the place by myself. It's so pretty, overgrown, and very romantic indeed. I dream myself into my very own little heaven. But soon I am brought back to reality by my phone ringing. My grandmother is calling. I did not bother to pick up, I can already hear her: "My darling did you met the man of your life? Will you give me great grandchildren? "No grandma, no, I'm still alone in my little cabin, you can seat me at a table with the kids' for the holiday season. I sit next to the statue of a mermaid. "You alone know what I feel," Here I am talking to a statue now, nothing else matters. I look at my watch, it's time to return to the boat. I'm about to leave when I hear a noise, a kind of "splash" which comes from the basin behind me. I turn around but there is nothing at all, just concentric circles in the water. I do not care, it's probably a frog or other small animal that I would not have noticed.

You need:
- One of the following for $15

- One of the following for $9

- One of the following for $10


Cost so far: $75

Bonus 4: In the "Judgement of Paris" Legend, which fruit started the squabble?
Answer: An Apple


Step 5: Pool Party
Today there will be a Pool Party! Tomorrow night we finish the cruise in Italy and the crew is hosting a great party at the pool. You won´t be surprised to learn that I am still single, Thomas, my good looking captain is actually married! The only good man on this boat that is not all over the silicone and diamond barbies, is married! Married and loyal! Anyway I prefer that, I could never trust a man if he left his wife for me. Nevertheless I try to enjoy the holiday. Lying at the pool wearing my super swimsuit, sipping cocktails in a tropical atmosphere, that is a dream. What makes me dream less again is Armando. But I already told you about him. Today there will be a Pool Party! Tomorrow night we finish the cruise in Italy and the crew is hosting a great party at the pool. You won´t be surprised to learn that I am still single, Thomas, my good looking captain is actually married! It's just my luck. The only good man on this boat that is not all over the silicone and diamond barbies, is married! Married and loyal! Anyway I prefer that, I could never trust a man if he left his wife for me. Nevertheless I try to enjoy the holiday. Lying at the pool wearing my super swimsuit, sipping cocktails in a tropical atmosphere, that is a dream. What makes me dream less again is Armando. But I already told you about him. He is the guy that gave me the shower with champagne (well, I exaggerate a bit, but the feeling was not very nice). Believe it or not but I have the feeling that he follows me. Wherever I go he is behind me, I catch him looking at me. I want to confront him, but I'm scared of being paranoid and making a fool out of myself. Oh damn, he's here, he comes to me, what does he want from me? "Hello Miss YOUR DOLL'S NAME. Beautiful day, right? Uh, yes, it is a beautiful day ...Miss, the cruise comes to an end and I realize that I've never apologized for bumping into you and spraying the champagne all over you. -Indeed, and if I may say so, the fact that you list your error is not an excuse. Yes forgive me. I would love to invite you to dinner. How about joining me in my cabin? Bury the hatchet, after all we are here to meet. " I agree, a bit hesitant. I don't know him after all, he could be a serial killer.

You need:
- One of the following for $12

- One of the following for $7

- One of the following for $16

Cost so far: $110

Bonus 5: What is the french translation of "Pool Party"?
Answer: Fete a la Piscine


Step 6: Revelation
At nineteen thirty, I get to the room. I remain a bit on the doorstep, do I really need to go in? This is an opportunity to start again on the right foot with a quite charming man, but who has a rather bizarre behavior. I do not have the time to think about it cause the door opens. "Ah Miss YOUR DOLL'S NAME, you are right on time. Come in, please " This is the moment of truth. Gentleman or psychopath? We dine on the private terrace of the suite. We arrived in Italy, the coast is really beautiful. Armando is not a psychopath at all, in fact he is very shy. He is charming but did not dare to approach me. The evening is very nice, we laugh a lot, I find myself telling about my life, my childhood memories. He looks at me, smiling Suddenly, Armando made a curious revelation. "Dear YOUR DOLL'S NAME, you're the most amazing person I have ever met. I traveled the world in search of the ideal woman to share my life with. But I have to admit something: I'm a merman -A what ??? - A siren man if you prefer.. My family has ruled the Mediterranean since ancient times. However, I decided to break with tradition and pick up my future wife on the mainland. ... YOUR DOLL'S NAME Would you be willing to live under the sea with me? I fell in love with you and I want us to get to know each other better and I can only stay in the human form for another 24 hours. " I almost choke on my salad. A merman? REALLY ??? I do not know what to say ..

You need:
- One of the following for $5

- One of the following for $12

- One of the following for $5

- One of the following for $10

- One of the following for $8


Bonus 6: Which nautical expression is also the name of a candy?
Answer: Ahoji


Cost so far: $150

Step 7a: Under the Sea
Yes Armando! I accept! Let's be crazy! " Ok, its possible that it won´t work with Armand, but it will give me the opportunity to see the country as they say, to discover a new culture (in addition they may need someone to organize evenings under the sea?) I can not let pass such an opportunity to discover the world of the Sirens! The Pretty Mermaid has always been my favorite cartoon when I was little! At the end of the cruise, Armando and I join the sea. I have a pretty mermaid tail, I was afraid it would not fit me, but it's quite my color. I met the family of Armando, they are really great, and they accepted me right away! The world at the bottom of the sea is so beautiful and more, so colorful, not at all cold and dark as one might imagine. I feel like I'm going to like it here!

You need:
- One of the following for $15

- One of the following for $15

- One of the following for $11

- One of the following for $8


Cost of this choice: $199

All this water made me seasick. It was great down here but I'll be glad to be on firm land again!
Step 7b: Single till the end

Uh ... how to say ... Armando. "He thinks I'm an idiot this is not possible, a merman, and then what? I tell him nicely that it's going to stop here. An awkward silence settles. I leave his cabin. Wow, I am almost sorry for him The cruise ends as it began. I'm still single.This time my grandmother is talking to enroll me in a reality show, "Who wants to marry my granddaughter?" This is too much for me: I stay on board the boat, out of my grandmothers reach! Thomas, the handsome captain who broke my heart (just a little), made me an offer I accept right away: stay on board as an organizer of special events singles. My task will be to help all future passengers to find love. It's absolutely perfect for me: I have my own apartment on board (2nd class cabin goodbye) and I will have all the opportunities that you need to meet your soul mate. I believe that one day I will find him!

You need:
- One of the following for $5

- One of the following for 12

- One of the following for $20

- One of the following for $7

- One of the following for $6



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