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#1 2017-07-11 16:25:23

Santa's Senior Assistant
Registered: 2010-12-13
Posts: 673

Current OhMyGames Collection - expanded color palette

quoi I'm not sure if this qualifies as a "universal" suggestion, since it pertains specifically to the current OhMyGames collection (not future ones)... but it is something I would really like to see implemented, and a fairly logical proposal too! Generally, Ideas & Suggestions take some time to carry out... but with each collection lasting typically one year, there would be plenty of time for this to happen (someday), should Team Feerik decide that it would be welcomed by the OMD community.

I was recently "shopping" in the OhMyGames furniture section and thinking how nice it would be if the collection was offered with silver accents as well. There is certainly enough space available to "double" the items... and an image color change would be simple to implement.

ok The choice of gold accents does limit decorating options to certain uses... additionally, the OhMyGames prizes are offered for a long enough time that it would be a nice way to "refresh" the collection, thus renewing player interest following the initial introduction ^.^


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