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#1 2017-08-30 18:01:36

Registered: 2010-03-13
Posts: 63

is the lottery rigged for the french players??

I mean Come on, why are sooooooo many of the winners from France?!
Yes i am Annoyed  because i bought 1,300 tickets and your telling me that not ONE of those tickets were winning tickets? i only had em split up between 2 freaking prizes.
And can we just forget about me for a sec and think about all of the other players who im sure had winning tickets but i guess they just skipped over them to get to the FR players.
There are literally only 23 US winners and even less of the other country's. some prizes have ALL french winners. how is that even fair?

on another note:
its like we are not important to them, look at our server it's so buggy
and our forums are so plain. why does our forum not look like their's?
its like they only have a US version to rake in some extra cash.

STOP mixing the lottery's together because its not fair.
let every country have their OWN lottery.

Im happy for the winners but i still think the lottery is fixed in favor of the FR players.

Last edited by darkgirrrl (2017-08-31 01:37:17)


#2 2017-08-31 05:20:54

From: The world I created in my head
Registered: 2010-08-12
Posts: 21425

Re: is the lottery rigged for the french players??

This is a problem i see everytime there's a lottery. Its like there isnt even a chance for any other server.

However, as unfair as it is this is the least problamatic way to do it. If they did do the lottery per server, the servers with the least amount of players would have a higher chance at getting multiple prizes.
Just as an example
let's say the french server had 10000 active players that entered tickets. Lets just say they each put in one ticket in each of the prizes.
In the US server, there are 1000 active players that put one ticket in each prize.
In the BR server there are 100 active players that put one ticket in each prize
In the Russian server there are 10 active players that put one ticket in each prize
And in the Chinese server, there are 5 active players that put one ticket in each prize.

In the french server there would be a 1 in 10000 chance of getting a prize and in the chinese server there would be a 1 in 5 chance.
With these kinds of odds its not at all fair for anyone to have the servers with the most active players have their own contest.

Doing it this way would compell some players to move to other servers just for events like these. While it may  be a good thing where the servers get a little more evened out, it would also flood the different servers with english and french players (since those are the two most active). We may as well just have multiple servers of one country/language.

My suggestion would be to have a lottery for the french server and a lottery for everyone else.

The lottery clearly needs some work but per server lotteries are not at all the best way to go. Maybe divide between french and everyone else.

Last edited by angelfire (2017-08-31 05:22:31)
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#3 2017-08-31 05:42:43

Registered: 2010-03-13
Posts: 63

Re: is the lottery rigged for the french players??

angelfire wrote:

This is a problem i see everytime there's a lottery. Its like there isnt even a chance for any other server.

However, as unfair as it is this is the least problamatic way to do it. If they did do the lottery per server, the servers with the least amount of players would have a higher chance at getting multiple prizes.
Just as an example
let's say the french server had 10000 active players that entered tickets. Lets just say they each put in one ticket in each of the prizes.
In the US server, there are 1000 active players that put one ticket in each prize.
In the BR server there are 100 active players that put one ticket in each prize
In the Russian server there are 10 active players that put one ticket in each prize
And in the Chinese server, there are 5 active players that put one ticket in each prize.

In the french server there would be a 1 in 10000 chance of getting a prize and in the chinese server there would be a 1 in 5 chance.
With these kinds of odds its not at all fair for anyone to have the servers with the most active players have their own contest.

Doing it this way would compell some players to move to other servers just for events like these. While it may  be a good thing where the servers get a little more evened out, it would also flood the different servers with english and french players (since those are the two most active). We may as well just have multiple servers of one country/language.

My suggestion would be to have a lottery for the french server and a lottery for everyone else.

The lottery clearly needs some work but per server lotteries are not at all the best way to go. Maybe divide between french and everyone else.

Yeah i understand what your saying about it not being a good idea to bunch every server together, i didnt really think about it like that.

I also love your idea about the french server having their own lottery and everyone else having one together,  i think it would be fairer. especially to the players who cant buy more tickets and have to rely on the 3 that they're gifted.

i hope they see you're comment and add your idea to the game before the next lottery comes around.


#4 2017-08-31 06:08:40

Registered: 2015-04-15
Posts: 98

Re: is the lottery rigged for the french players??

darkgirrrl wrote:

angelfire wrote:

This is a problem i see everytime there's a lottery. Its like there isnt even a chance for any other server.

However, as unfair as it is this is the least problamatic way to do it. If they did do the lottery per server, the servers with the least amount of players would have a higher chance at getting multiple prizes.
Just as an example
let's say the french server had 10000 active players that entered tickets. Lets just say they each put in one ticket in each of the prizes.
In the US server, there are 1000 active players that put one ticket in each prize.
In the BR server there are 100 active players that put one ticket in each prize
In the Russian server there are 10 active players that put one ticket in each prize
And in the Chinese server, there are 5 active players that put one ticket in each prize.

In the french server there would be a 1 in 10000 chance of getting a prize and in the chinese server there would be a 1 in 5 chance.
With these kinds of odds its not at all fair for anyone to have the servers with the most active players have their own contest.

Doing it this way would compell some players to move to other servers just for events like these. While it may  be a good thing where the servers get a little more evened out, it would also flood the different servers with english and french players (since those are the two most active). We may as well just have multiple servers of one country/language.

My suggestion would be to have a lottery for the french server and a lottery for everyone else.

The lottery clearly needs some work but per server lotteries are not at all the best way to go. Maybe divide between french and everyone else.

Yeah i understand what your saying about it not being a good idea to bunch every server together, i didnt really think about it like that.

I also love your idea about the french server having their own lottery and everyone else having one together,  i think it would be fairer. especially to the players who cant buy more tickets and have to rely on the 3 that they're gifted.

i hope they see you're comment and add your idea to the game before the next lottery comes around.

I totally agree! Every time I see the lottery winners, I see a load of French server players. I know that the French server is loaded, but that provides basically no chance at all for other servers to win. I'm willing to be that the lifetime VIP was won by a French server user pleur Also, I can see why...the French server has such a nice forum, and when you join, they shower you with a ton of gifts that you don't get on the US server. You get a dress, hat, and a whole outfit along with some other items. On the US server, all you get is a top and pants, along with the gift box prizes that are available on every server. Also, the French server is so much more creative with their outfits, while the US server is rather plain.

#5 2017-08-31 07:49:58

Registered: 2010-03-13
Posts: 63

Re: is the lottery rigged for the french players??

selinea wrote:

I totally agree! Every time I see the lottery winners, I see a load of French server players. I know that the French server is loaded, but that provides basically no chance at all for other servers to win. I'm willing to be that the lifetime VIP was won by a French server user pleur Also, I can see why...the French server has such a nice forum, and when you join, they shower you with a ton of gifts that you don't get on the US server. You get a dress, hat, and a whole outfit along with some other items. On the US server, all you get is a top and pants, along with the gift box prizes that are available on every server. Also, the French server is so much more creative with their outfits, while the US server is rather plain.

Yes i think the winner for the lifetime VIP could be from the french server too(Or maybe the winner is actually from another server), that or they never actually chose anyone for that prize which is why they did not tell us who won, that would just be plain mean lol

and i remember there were like 9 thousand and something people who had put tickets on that one, who knows how many of those were from different servers plus alt accounts , but we all know that most of those were from the french server (not to mention their alt accounts).
We will always have a disadvantage when it comes to lottery's if it stays like this.
I might not even buy tickets when there's another lottery, because what would be the point?


#6 2017-08-31 11:37:57

From: Chickenville
Registered: 2009-07-09
Posts: 3288

Re: is the lottery rigged for the french players??

Gotta love some of the names of the winners:

??????? (RU)

I didn't play the lottery with my alt dolls since I felt that would make the chances even less by having those dolls in there too.

I'm glad that we had at least a couple from our server that I actually know or have heard of their names.
"Well, Jane, it just goes to show you, it's always something — if it ain't one thing, it's another." Roseanne Roseannadanna

#7 2017-08-31 16:33:21

Registered: 2010-03-13
Posts: 63

Re: is the lottery rigged for the french players??

sierradane wrote:

Gotta love some of the names of the winners:

??????? (RU)

I didn't play the lottery with my alt dolls since I felt that would make the chances even less by having those dolls in there too.

I'm glad that we had at least a couple from our server that I actually know or have heard of their names.

yes how did they get away with a name like that when i couldnt even use ( _ ) in my name

i didnt play with any alts either, but i think a lot of others might have.

Yeah that was nice. i think when they pick the winner they just pick a bunch of french players and just sprinkle a little of the rest of us in the mix.

I also hate how they encourage players to buy more tickets to increase their chances of winning when they know good and well that no one else really stands a chance against all of the players on the FR server.


#8 2017-08-31 23:24:25

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012-03-21
Posts: 51772

Re: is the lottery rigged for the french players??

I'm actually wondering if that ???? is a bug in how they display some characters here. Like these could be actual Russian letters but they're not showing up correctly on the other servers.


#9 2017-09-01 15:45:10

Registered: 2010-03-13
Posts: 63

Re: is the lottery rigged for the french players??

darkelfqueen wrote:

I'm actually wondering if that ???? is a bug in how they display some characters here. Like these could be actual Russian letters but they're not showing up correctly on the other servers.

I think you might be right, because I saw 2 of those and 1 is shorter than the other .


#10 2017-09-03 07:34:40

Registered: 2010-11-30
Posts: 992

Re: is the lottery rigged for the french players??

darkgirrrl wrote:

and our forums are so plain. why does our forum not look like their's?

Check this out -

I just learned of its existence, courtesy of another post by lady0filia.


#11 2017-09-03 20:23:08

From: The Land Of The Undead
Registered: 2010-05-05
Posts: 3015

Re: is the lottery rigged for the french players??

laurabow wrote:

darkgirrrl wrote:

and our forums are so plain. why does our forum not look like their's?

Check this out -

I just learned of its existence, courtesy of another post by lady0filia.

so, we basicaly replace the word "board" with the word "forum" to get this design?

EDIT: for some reason, i got an error message when i posted this (hopefuly i did not accidentaly double-post as a result)

Last edited by darkjewels (2017-09-03 20:24:36)

░▒▓█Anonymous Random Procrastinatos, UNITE... some day.

#12 2017-09-03 20:49:49

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012-03-21
Posts: 51772

Re: is the lottery rigged for the french players??

darkjewels wrote:

laurabow wrote:

darkgirrrl wrote:

and our forums are so plain. why does our forum not look like their's?

Check this out -

I just learned of its existence, courtesy of another post by lady0filia.

so, we basicaly replace the word "board" with the word "forum" to get this design?

EDIT: for some reason, i got an error message when i posted this (hopefuly i did not accidentaly double-post as a result)

Yeah that's the problem when posting through the /forum one actually. It gives you errors when it actually has posted. It's the reason I personally don't use it.


#13 2017-09-04 04:25:56

Registered: 2011-10-11
Posts: 74

Re: is the lottery rigged for the french players??

@ Darkgirrrl, their main aim is to make you spend as much money as possible. Some of the winners you see from the french or other servers might be accounts made by admin, I doubt they're all real accounts. They might also have kids, young relatives or close friends who have accounts. Even if a life time VIP winner is ever announced it might (would) be from them. Don't let them fool you (next time) into spending so much money not just on the lottery but any competition which involves spending money at the bank. I know this from past experience with other games.

And yes you're right the other versions are just there to bring in extra money. They only have one version of the game we are just extras. It must be annoying for a lot of players, they just keep quiet about it.


#14 2017-09-04 06:00:44

Registered: 2015-04-15
Posts: 98

Re: is the lottery rigged for the french players??

tresselle wrote:

@ Darkgirrrl, their main aim is to make you spend as much money as possible. Some of the winners you see from the french or other servers might be accounts made by admin, I doubt they're all real accounts. They might also have kids, young relatives or close friends who have accounts. Even if a life time VIP winner is ever announced it might (would) be from them. Don't let them fool you (next time) into spending so much money not just on the lottery but any competition which involves spending money at the bank. I know this from past experience with other games.

And yes you're right the other versions are just there to bring in extra money. They only have one version of the game we are just extras. It must be annoying for a lot of players, they just keep quiet about it.

I don't think they would be as deceptive as to create fake accounts to win, but french players certainly do flood the lotteries.  Out of 100 winners, about 80-90 are probably french hypn which means there is an extremely low chance of getting to win any intr Buying a few tickets, and waiting till the last day to enter in the ones you want with the least amount of tickets, would maybe boost your chances to win anything a bit higher. It's also a bit annoying when people enter from side accounts, come on, that's not really fair!

#15 2017-09-06 17:45:16

Registered: 2010-03-13
Posts: 63

Re: is the lottery rigged for the french players??

tresselle wrote:

@ Darkgirrrl, their main aim is to make you spend as much money as possible. Some of the winners you see from the french or other servers might be accounts made by admin, I doubt they're all real accounts. They might also have kids, young relatives or close friends who have accounts. Even if a life time VIP winner is ever announced it might (would) be from them. Don't let them fool you (next time) into spending so much money not just on the lottery but any competition which involves spending money at the bank. I know this from past experience with other games.

And yes you're right the other versions are just there to bring in extra money. They only have one version of the game we are just extras. It must be annoying for a lot of players, they just keep quiet about it.

well i wont be making that mistake twice , ill just save my feez.
maybe if enough of us complain and talked about it they will change how they handle the lottery.

Last edited by darkgirrrl (2017-09-06 17:49:02)


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