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#1 2018-03-12 20:17:52

Registered: 2010-12-13
Posts: 2362

Who's Here

I have been away from OMD for a while.. (real life got real busy) & i'm back now! :)

Anywho, just wondering who all is still around & posting on the boards?


#2 2018-03-12 21:43:21

From: The world I created in my head
Registered: 2010-08-12
Posts: 21425

Re: Who's Here

Still around, not posting anything...
How've you been? :3

Last edited by angelfire (2018-03-12 21:43:38)
Twitter|Tumblr|Howrse|MCL|dA: angelfire2197          Wysp|YouTube|Elitedollz: angelfire
Art Portfolio: livininart.tumblr                                   Tumblr: askmyocsstuff

#3 2018-03-13 02:02:34

From: The Land Of The Undead
Registered: 2010-05-05
Posts: 3015

Re: Who's Here

i've been kind of inactive lately... i try to remember to come back to save $$$ but i often forget to play.

░▒▓█Anonymous Random Procrastinatos, UNITE... some day.

#4 2018-03-13 19:37:09

From: The Inka Empire
Registered: 2009-09-30
Posts: 1364

Re: Who's Here

Still around!
Although a little less active because of job and stuff.
How are you? :)

#5 2018-03-14 12:29:52

From: South of France
Registered: 2013-08-13
Posts: 145

Re: Who's Here

Here ^^

#6 2018-03-14 21:12:02

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012-03-21
Posts: 51772

Re: Who's Here

Present of course ;)


#7 2018-03-14 22:21:07

From: Hong Kong
Registered: 2016-11-17
Posts: 97

Re: Who's Here

I'm still around as well (just started coming on again last month) norm

#8 2018-03-20 02:24:38

Registered: 2010-11-30
Posts: 992

Re: Who's Here

angelfire wrote:

Still around, not posting anything...

Same.  Check in and read the messages on the board every 1-2 weeks.


#9 2018-03-20 06:51:01

From: Sugar Land
Registered: 2010-01-10
Posts: 392

Re: Who's Here

Still kicking. I'm semi-active on the board though.
                 ✿Sugar Sweet Affection✿  ✿My Artwork✿  ✿Sugar Land Treats✿
                                                  Av & Sig by Fairykisses

#10 2018-03-21 21:39:09

From: Termina
Registered: 2010-10-02
Posts: 3592

Re: Who's Here

Still alive! Not as active in the boards tho.

#11 2018-03-29 12:11:53

From: Hogwarts
Registered: 2010-02-18
Posts: 29741

Re: Who's Here

Havent been here for a while but Im trynna change that! Surprised that my account is still here to be honest.

Snapchat: amalmooon
Insta: mal.mooon

#12 2018-04-30 02:32:51

From: Sun is where the flowers bloom
Registered: 2011-01-26
Posts: 13

Re: Who's Here

I am, probably for the first time since I joined OMD

Lots of Love,
Winx out!


#13 2019-01-01 11:58:52

From: Chickenville
Registered: 2009-07-09
Posts: 3287

Re: Who's Here

I never posted on the forums a great amount, but during last year I posted even less. My mother became to the point in her life that required me to move in with her and care for her; she was bed-ridden for awhile.  She had went into the hospital in Nov 2017, had a heart valve replacement then some nurses dropped her and she broke her ankle. She finally came home at the end of January 2018.  By May, she was able to get into the car and we began going on day trips every Saturday that was over 100 miles. Our longest trip was close to 200 miles and she greatly enjoyed it, that was Oct 6th.  She passed away on my birthday, Oct 10th.   So lately, I'm in the game more and will check out the boards more often.
"Well, Jane, it just goes to show you, it's always something — if it ain't one thing, it's another." Roseanne Roseannadanna

#14 2019-01-03 07:23:51

From: The Land Of The Undead
Registered: 2010-05-05
Posts: 3015

Re: Who's Here

sierradane wrote:

I never posted on the forums a great amount, but during last year I posted even less. My mother became to the point in her life that required me to move in with her and care for her; she was bed-ridden for awhile.  She had went into the hospital in Nov 2017, had a heart valve replacement then some nurses dropped her and she broke her ankle. She finally came home at the end of January 2018.  By May, she was able to get into the car and we began going on day trips every Saturday that was over 100 miles. Our longest trip was close to 200 miles and she greatly enjoyed it, that was Oct 6th.  She passed away on my birthday, Oct 10th.   So lately, I'm in the game more and will check out the boards more often.

Sorry to hear that... intr

ps: i'm still here.

░▒▓█Anonymous Random Procrastinatos, UNITE... some day.

#15 2019-02-02 23:00:28

From: Las Vegas, Nevada
Registered: 2018-02-24
Posts: 26

Re: Who's Here

sierradane wrote:

I never posted on the forums a great amount, but during last year I posted even less. My mother became to the point in her life that required me to move in with her and care for her; she was bed-ridden for awhile.  She had went into the hospital in Nov 2017, had a heart valve replacement then some nurses dropped her and she broke her ankle. She finally came home at the end of January 2018.  By May, she was able to get into the car and we began going on day trips every Saturday that was over 100 miles. Our longest trip was close to 200 miles and she greatly enjoyed it, that was Oct 6th.  She passed away on my birthday, Oct 10th.   So lately, I'm in the game more and will check out the boards more often.

I don't really post but I do want to say I'm so sorry about you losing your mother. I went through it with mine throughout 2016. She had lung cancer and she had become bed ridden due to a fall that fractured vertebrae in her back because of Osteoporosis. Because of the lung cancer there was no option of doing anything about her back. So other than running home daily to take care of my cats I stayed with her and did everything I could to keep her comfortable and try to make her laugh and bring her anything within my power that she wanted. It was a very bittersweet time. I treasure the time with her and I'm glad I was able to do what I could for her, but it was also rough watching her decline until she passed away. It's been just over 2 years and I still miss her so much and I still cry when certain things remind me of her....I can't go into the book section of Walmart anymore because we always went there looking for books and I avoid book sections in other stores because I cry when I see her favorite authors....she loved to read. I'm so very sorry your mom passed on your birthday. It's rough no matter what day someone you love passes away but I'm sorry your birthday will now be a sad day for you. Some people tell me that over time it gets easier, others tell me it never gets any easier but you learn to deal with it. So far it hasn't gotten easier for me but that might be because of family issues that arose after her passing that make me miss her even more. Hopefully time will help to heal both of us. I'm glad you could be there for your mom....that time creates special memories. I wish you all the best and I hope you have the support of family and/or friends to help you through this difficult time. <3

When it rains, look for rainbows.
When it's dark, look for stars.

#16 2019-02-02 23:12:17

From: Las Vegas, Nevada
Registered: 2018-02-24
Posts: 26

Re: Who's Here

cocobelle wrote:

I have been away from OMD for a while.. (real life got real busy) & i'm back now! :)

Anywho, just wondering who all is still around & posting on the boards?

Also, I'm here but I only found the forums in the last year so probably not "still" here from when you used to be here. I used to play on the old site but hadn't played for a while and then couldn't find it anymore but started playing through Facebook when I found it there. I didn't find out until later about everything that happened and that there are several sites in different languages outside of Facebook. If I hadn't already invested money into my game on Facebook I would have switched over to the English site outside of Facebook.....and I did create an account there....but I don't want to lose everything I've invested in the game and can't afford to do it in both. I rarely post in the forums though....I'm socially awkward, lol.

When it rains, look for rainbows.
When it's dark, look for stars.

#17 2019-02-07 18:39:11

Registered: 2011-04-14
Posts: 394

Re: Who's Here

I just remembered about this game and logged in! Crazy how I've had this account for 8 years this year (and even before I got on OMD, I was playing on MyDivaDoll before it closed)!

Last edited by harajukukiki (2019-02-07 18:39:31)

#18 2019-02-13 10:37:43

From: The couch
Registered: 2010-12-02
Posts: 11534

Re: Who's Here

I have been away for like...5 years (my account is 8 years old now) and i briefly logged in around November 2018 before forgetting about it again haha. Now I am trying to log on daily, but haven't started being active on the boards yet.

Snapchat: lurkingpanda
Instagram: lil.miss.loco

#19 2019-04-13 09:54:28

From: The Land Of The Undead
Registered: 2010-05-05
Posts: 3015

Re: Who's Here

just wondering if there is anybody else still arround. this forum has been silent lately...

░▒▓█Anonymous Random Procrastinatos, UNITE... some day.

#20 2019-04-14 09:37:44

Registered: 2010-09-03
Posts: 92

Re: Who's Here

I'm playing this game daily,but I'm not too active on forum.


#21 2019-04-16 19:20:28

From: Termina
Registered: 2010-10-02
Posts: 3592

Re: Who's Here

Logging in daily, but I'm hardly active on the forum

#22 2019-04-16 19:50:36

Registered: 2010-10-18
Posts: 219

Re: Who's Here

Ditto, and hardly ever this section. Just kinda wished to pleur  and sad  and non  about Notre Dame.

I was fortunate to be there as an Exchange Student. Well, it wasn't a scheduled part of the trip, but two of our teachers and another student went to morning Mass. Might have even been Palm Sunday (not Easter, but it was close.) It was a very small service, and I'm not Catholic, but I kind of felt privileged to be there, in a place with so much history. Very, very few places in the world still maintain their original use after being  ~ 6-9 centuries old.

I hope the new restoration goes well.

And also go architecture! Just last week was watching some of the house remodel shows, and grumbled to co-workers about not expecting the walls they're removing being, you know structural. And I specifically mentioned Notre Dame's Flying Buttresses. Sorta weirded out about it now...


#23 2021-04-01 02:16:17

From: The Deep Woods
Registered: 2010-12-01
Posts: 1351

Re: Who's Here

Catch me being 3 years late to this post, but I just logged in for nostalgia's sake. Had an account since, what, 2009? I turn 21 this year.


#24 2021-04-01 22:49:18

From: The Land Of The Undead
Registered: 2010-05-05
Posts: 3015

Re: Who's Here

icefoxes wrote:

Catch me being 3 years late to this post, but I just logged in for nostalgia's sake. Had an account since, what, 2009? I turn 21 this year.

if that helps, I showed up today for the april fish :3

░▒▓█Anonymous Random Procrastinatos, UNITE... some day.

#25 2021-04-10 15:00:33

From: South of France
Registered: 2013-08-13
Posts: 145

Re: Who's Here

I'm present =)

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