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#1 2018-04-10 03:51:33

Registered: 2010-03-13
Posts: 63

An option to gift out vip subscriptions??

ok so i have been thinking about this idea for a while now and i thought i'd share it here. :3

I'd like to see an option for vip members where we could gift vip Subscriptions to other players, but there would have to be a check box or something that we could check off if we want to send it out anonymously or let them know who we are. i mean feerik wouldnt be missing out on any money because we'd still be buying feez and such. just an idea though.

I dont know i just think it would be kind of nice, i remember when i first started mydivadoll when i was younger and my parents wouldnt fund my obsession with that game lol after i started my omd account in 2010 i think , i still couldnt get them to shell out any cash  ouf   
I wouldnt mind giving others a chance to become vip members.

Last edited by darkgirrrl (2018-04-10 03:52:18)


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