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#1 2018-05-03 19:48:34

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012-03-21
Posts: 51772

The <3 Love Machine <3 - An Official OMD Contest

"A cup of tea? Oh no you're coffee. The pill will be hard to swallow." - The fate of your couple is between the feathers of GerTruDe. That lovers slip their nicks in the urn. "Take part in the challenge of the machine of love!" Hearts will not be the only hopes challenged, the designer armed with his needle will take the outline of each fabric point by point.

Each inscription consists of a pair of 2, someone to choose from or a pair formed in this topic. Once the pair has been formed, GerTruDe will count the probabilities of affinity between the two members.

Probability of affinity between Skeleton & Styliste-x2: 47%

From this percentage of affinity, each couple is challenged to create two outfits on a common idea. If they do not get along, it will be visible (divergent styles, different species, facial expressions ...).

The authorized models are the classic dollz, dollz back, curvy and dollz men. Inventions from all parts are prohibited. Changes of position with apparent skin are also prohibited (an arm, a leg ...). The dresses, the use of gloves and tights are allowed. Obviously mixed couples are not taxed.


- From May 2nd to June 17th, 2018 inclusive (23:59 pm - French time).
- No limit of participants.
- Participating with multiple accounts is prohibited.
- Results online June 24, 2018.
- The jury: Skeleton & Styliste-x2.
- Authorized software, no retouching, creation subject to the rules of style and design challenges .
- Contest open to all servers. Darkelfqueen will post your submissions for you on the French OMD forums when deadline is up :)
- All questions and submissions go into the open topic in the Contests section.

The prizes:

1st prize - The two outfits of the winning couple are re-adapted in game by Styliste-x2 for a setting in store. From 5 to 20 elements maximum redrawn. Note that designers have their own release schedule and that position changes will not be considered with the exception of dresses.

Top 3 - Only if the contest reaches 15 participating couples, graphic montages (QSJ, forum ...).

Participation bonus - 1 compatibility userbar per couple.

The word of the continuation: relax, no stress!


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