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#26 2019-03-18 15:06:22

Queen of the Supernatural
From: Crystal Realm
Registered: 2010-09-09
Posts: 742

Re: The Lost News

March 18, 2019 new

Here's the guide to A New Life quest:

It has gotten cold, brr~ Happy Holidays to you and yours!

#27 2019-03-21 16:33:51

Queen of the Supernatural
From: Crystal Realm
Registered: 2010-09-09
Posts: 742

Re: The Lost News

LookBook time - now, now, don't you groan at me in disgust.

Until March 24 you can get the following from $45 to $55, with the last one - that lovely Snow White ensemble - for $1.

$491 altogether - okay, now you can groan and moan. They really should listen to the players and put the prices down for the LookBook.

It has gotten cold, brr~ Happy Holidays to you and yours!

#28 2019-03-22 04:42:28

From: The Land Of The Undead
Registered: 2010-05-05
Posts: 3015

Re: The Lost News

*about the lookbook*
gorgeous. specialy the purple ones. but i'll pass. again. as usual.
if the total cost was somewhere between 251 $$$ and 351 $$$ I'd be more tempted to buy them... maybe. Player-made with no VIP items still gives me the feeling that I could just buy the parts and piece a copy together. and then disassemble it for variety's sake.

░▒▓█Anonymous Random Procrastinatos, UNITE... some day.

#29 2019-03-23 19:46:54

From: Chickenville
Registered: 2009-07-09
Posts: 3288

Re: The Lost News

Out of curiousity, how is this "lost news?" All of this shows up in the NEWS section of our dolls page.
"Well, Jane, it just goes to show you, it's always something — if it ain't one thing, it's another." Roseanne Roseannadanna

#30 2019-03-24 16:01:47

Queen of the Supernatural
From: Crystal Realm
Registered: 2010-09-09
Posts: 742

Re: The Lost News

The News on the News page of the main game site disappears in time, to be 'lost forever' if a Mod doesn't post it in the news section of the forum. So I created this thread to record all the news that doesn't get posted either in time or at all. Granted, you could just go to the French site and see the news there on their forum, but I'm guessing not a lot of English players do that. Also, there are some news that never gets over on the English site, such as the message Sarah posted that Darkgirrrl kindly put in the Lost News.

If you read my previous posts, I do try to wait a few days before posting; giving the Mods a chance to actually post the news before the new news becomes old news. Last year they kind of stopped posting because the French Mods do not send them the official news when they are supposed to. That's when I decided to help them out by making this one. It's just a way to not only give us players a heads up, but also to document what hasn't been documented. Such as the LookBook creations, which has yet to be posted in the News section of the forums, and which ends today. I would love to document the creations for this week's fashion show, but it's a lot of work to have to constantly go back to the News, copy then paste the pictures' image address.

Here's the French News for it:

Last edited by lady0filia (2019-03-24 16:29:07)

It has gotten cold, brr~ Happy Holidays to you and yours!

#31 2019-04-12 05:57:06

From: The Land Of The Undead
Registered: 2010-05-05
Posts: 3015

Re: The Lost News

so... how does one upload the news here?

░▒▓█Anonymous Random Procrastinatos, UNITE... some day.

#32 2019-04-14 17:32:07

Queen of the Supernatural
From: Crystal Realm
Registered: 2010-09-09
Posts: 742

Re: The Lost News

Simply post it. If you think something should go here, like a message from Sarah or shop news that hasn't been placed in the actual News section of the forums, you can put it here as a heads up. Then you as well as others are free to comment about it.

Some times players come to the forums first, since the game site can be slow to load, meaning they might miss out on any news that doesn't get officially posted because they just assume nothing is going on in the game; so I try to put things here that are going on at the present moment as well as shop news that I would like to comment about. I usually simply copy and paste; and use Google translate for the French news that hasn't been translated into English.

It has gotten cold, brr~ Happy Holidays to you and yours!

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