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#1 2019-02-14 14:43:43

*~.:Fairy Dust:.~*
From: In my own little world
Registered: 2010-03-02
Posts: 4655

[Packs] Three packs for Valentine’s day !

Hello girls !

Discover for Valentine’s day 3 packs composed of collector’s items, vouchers, $$$ and other bonuses !

Here they are :

The “Love” pack is made up of 5 item multipliers, 30 $$$, 10 vouchers, 10 tokens and a set of collector’s items for a romantic and chic evening.

The “Romance” pack” made up of 5 item multipliers, 30 $$$, 10 vouchers, 10 tokens and a set of collector’s items for a magically romantic evening.

The “Valentine” pack” made up of 30 tokens, 30 $$$, 10 vouchers and a set of collector’s items for an off-the-wall celebration of love.

To access these packs, click on the following button displayed in the current offers :

You have until Friday at 11.59 pm to take advantage of the offer (Paris time).

Have fun on OhMyDollz !


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