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#1 2019-04-28 08:19:50

From: phoenix
Registered: 2011-01-20
Posts: 41

TBH feez and Dollars and Bonuses oh my Boutique and the level and FWTB

Why everything have to be so expensive On OhMyDollz i mean its a good prize but like On VIP its so much Feez's i don't think no one likes that four one months 999 6 mouths 4999 3 months 2999 and 1 year 3499  they should put one month 50 and 3 months 100 and 6 months 200 and 1 year 250 and the Obtain Dollars 10$$ four 60 and 30$$ 150 185$$ 999 500$$  2300 ooh no make it as 10$$ 20 and 30$$ make it as 40 and 185 make it as 200 500$$ make it as 650 and Bonuses really 50 on 10 coils to reduce make it as 20 100 coils four 450 make it as 250 500 coils four 2000 make it as 650 and four one gift 45 feez ooh no make it as 5 feez but if its 10 gift make it as 20 and 5 skill points not good four 115 make it as 10 and 25 tokens four 99 not good make it as 30 and OMB like the stuff its soo expensive points like the clothes and dress bathroom and rooms and the token too 5 token four 7500 and 10 token four 15000 and 15 token four 22500 ooh no its not worth it like make it as 5 four 10 and 10 make it as 20 and 15 make it as 25  and flirt with the boys its so much Dollars too and the level its good prize but a lot

we spend so much real money on this game to get a lot feez's and Dollars and i mean the game its not bad i like it a lot cause it have fashion and everything but i don't think other girls don't like that and its so hard tbh and its a really good game i love it but plezz Sarah Help us keep it low prize intr   i mean if you girls don't want me here its okay i mean i spend money on this game but if you girls want me to delete this post i will do it and i don't mid if you girls want to report me!!! :( pleur sad  i just really love this game a lot


#2 2019-04-28 08:53:08

From: Under your Bed
Registered: 2010-01-01
Posts: 290

Re: TBH feez and Dollars and Bonuses oh my Boutique and the level and FWTB

I think that some prices while being high, they are meant to be a certain amount to be able to support the game properly and it's new content, its creators, designers and such.
Therefore, there are discounts from time to time, which can help players to get something cheaper or for a lesser amounts of real money.
While we all would love to get things for free or for a very low price, the game could not be supported constantly on low income.
I have quite a lot experience with different online games, and I have to say that this game in comparison is not really that expensive and you are not necessarily forced to spend real money all time.
I think bottom line is that it does not come for free to keep the game up and running and it is a business for certain people.

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