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#1 2019-07-07 14:24:08

From: The Inka Empire
Registered: 2009-09-30
Posts: 1364

Call to the Designers Rules

This is a unique opportunity for designers to show their talent to the community. Create extraordinary clothing, accessories and characters by assembling your favorite items with the Sewing Machine and send them to Sarah!

The creations selected by Sarah will then be for sale for the whole community during special events. If your creation is appreciated by your clients - the OhMyDollz players - you will earn $$$! Choose your creations wisely and mind the theme.

1) How to participate?

Go directly on the page of the contest to select and send your creations from your account. Or click the following icon (also avaliable in the Special Offers section of the game):

Each account can offer up to 5 creations for an event.
You don't have to send your creations all at once. You can send less, and you can make multiple selections (up to 5). You can't send the same creation twice.
The creations you've already sent will be displayed with a green check mark and will no longer be clickable, this will prevent you from sending duplicates by mistake.
Beware, only creations made less than 90 days ago can be sent!

2) Who will select the creations and how?

Sarah's team will select the most beautiful creations to offer them to the entire community during special events (Look Books, Designers' Happy Weekends, special packs etc.). Think of your future customers and think about proposing creations in accordance to their tastes.

This event will be available for all versions of the game at the same time. It will allow the whole community to be able to acquire your creations! Each creation will bear the name of its creator in the inventory and in the lofts.

3) What types of creations can I suggest?

- Do not use VIP objects in your creation
Why? Using a VIP item would prevent its purchase by a non-VIP player. We want creations to be accessible to everyone. If your creation has VIP elements, it will not appear on the contest page and can not be sent.

- Avoid proposing creations with pieces of skin (even small)
Why? A creation with body pieces can only fit one skin color. We want the creations to be usable with all the skins of the game.
Avoid items in the "Body" category

- Okay... what can I offer then?
Your creations must be universal and adapted to the classic Dollz (not Dollz Back, not Dollz Men, not Baby Dollz): clothes, dresses, complete outfits, makeup, accessories, scepters, wings, wigs, animals... You can offer characters but remember that a character too complex and/or too large may not be chosen because it can become too expensive to buy by the players.

- It is not possible to modify a creation from the sewing machine, whether by its original owner or not.
- A creation will always have the name of its creator (visible by right clicking).

4) What can we win?

At the end each creation selected for this event will earn its designer $$$. The designer will receive a private message that will tell them how much $$$ they have earned.

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