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#1 2020-01-03 11:59:03

Registered: 2015-05-29
Posts: 1

How to buy feez

Hi! I would appreciate it if anyone could answer. I'm from Philippines and I want to buy some feez to purchase a new room. However, the only available option for me is through LevelUp! Games which is now PlayPark. I have an e-money there (in PlayPark) which I purchased through PayPal but I don't know how to transfer that in OhMyDollz. Help?


#2 2020-01-06 20:56:07

From: Cordoba, Argentina
Registered: 2010-11-30
Posts: 269

Re: How to buy feez

Hello, lovely. What I did once and worked for me, was to change the country. In my case, I am from Argentina. What I did was to choose Brazil as my country, then I chose the feez option that I wanted to pay for and then, I paid the ticket at the bank at the currency for that day. After a couple of days, I got my feez. Hope that helps.

~**...Keep your eyes on the stars, they will show you something everytime...**~

#3 2020-01-20 09:23:57

From: Wonderland
Registered: 2011-03-15
Posts: 61

Re: How to buy feez


I'm based from the Philippines as well and I've bought feez a few times in the past. You can buy LevelUp! Game or Cherry Credits through the stores that they are available in. I usually buy Cherry Credits through 7-11 and they come in a form of a scratch card. But I think now you can automatically send the credits to your Cherry account by using the kiosk. I haven't tried that method yet but it seems easier. ^.^


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