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#1 2020-04-24 00:00:11

From: Forever youngville
Registered: 2010-11-30
Posts: 562


the hair thing is sill not fixed.intr stt previor post on this


#2 2020-05-20 19:02:43

From: Forever youngville
Registered: 2010-11-30
Posts: 562

Re: hair

sarah wrote:
sakura67 wrote:
I have the same concerns but for all haircuts the skin color does not matter which nothing works. When I click on it it displays it on the doll overview but when confirming nothing happens.


this means that, like all the others, you have on your dollz an element of the makeover which currently malfunctions, this prevents any modification of your look.

You would have to indicate to me the objects that you would like and that you cannot have either with a screen print of these, or by indicating their position in the makeover. And we will unlock you manually;)

who unlocks this for us here. my doll Caphy is still waiting for help


#3 2020-05-21 16:28:32

Queen of the Supernatural
From: Crystal Realm
Registered: 2010-09-09
Posts: 742

Re: hair

Sometimes if you post over on the French forums your problems, they will fix it. At least they used to. You just have to make sure to say the doll's name and what server it is from.

It has gotten cold, brr~ Happy Holidays to you and yours!

#4 2020-05-22 19:04:05

From: Forever youngville
Registered: 2010-11-30
Posts: 562

Re: hair

lady0filia wrote:

Sometimes if you post over on the French forums your problems, they will fix it. At least they used to. You just have to make sure to say the doll's name and what server it is from.

yes thank you.. It got fixed.


#5 2020-05-23 00:07:23

Mother, Sister, Daughter, Friend.
From: Edmonton, Canada.
Registered: 2009-07-22
Posts: 2406

Re: hair

I'm glad this got fixed for you finally. good

             **Board Admin - Moderator**

#6 2020-07-25 17:49:51

Registered: 2011-03-05
Posts: 2

Re: hair

I was doing flirts now I cannot go back to my original HAIR .. Its ridiculous !!!!


#7 2020-07-28 23:11:44

Mother, Sister, Daughter, Friend.
From: Edmonton, Canada.
Registered: 2009-07-22
Posts: 2406

Re: hair

The flirting has a known bug associated with hair changes. 

If you are unable to change the dollz hair after buying the required one, a GM needs to be contacted so they can manually make the change for you. You need to let them know which hair you are wanting.

There is now a forum to report any hair related issues due to flirting found here ->

I will leave it to you to report your bug in that forum, asia67, because you will need to indicate what hair you are trying to get.

*Please note that the French GM will not be checking this forum daily. For you a faster result, if you have an account on the french site, you may want to report your bug there.

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