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  •  » [Replay Quest] The Cannes Film Festival continues on OhMyDollz!

#1 2020-05-26 14:05:38

From: The Inka Empire
Registered: 2009-09-30
Posts: 1364

[Replay Quest] The Cannes Film Festival continues on OhMyDollz!

Because of the risks of coronavirus infection, the real Cannes Film Festival will unfortunately not have its usual extravagance, its red carpet, its stars its crazy evenings, at least not in the real world. Fortunately on Ohmydollz we have been spared this scourge and we have every opportunity to celebrate cinema together. Take good care of your dollz!

The Cannes Film Festival 2014 quest

For the director of the largest hotel in Promenade de la Croisette the opening of the Cannes Film Festival seems like a marathon. Your doll runs a hotel on the promenade and so she is very close to the stars during the event!

During this quest, you can earn the Hotel room.

This room will be revealed bit by bit over the steps of the quest. You can get it piece by piece starting from step 2.

The Cannes Film Festival 2012 quest

You play as a little-known but promising film actress. Big news may change your life: you have been nominated for an award at the Cannes Film Festival! What if it is the beginning of your success?

During this quest with two endings you can earn the Fantastic World room and the permanent Movie Star career.

If you already own the Fantastic World room, you will gain its extension.

The Movie Star career will earn you 7 $$$ daily.

In addition, earn a +1 $$$ bonus for 100 days. This bonus will be added to your salary for 100 days (starting from the day you complete the quest) regardless of your career. If you already have an active bonus, the 100 days will be added to your account.

For the occasion of these replays the stores linked to these quests will be open during the whole event!

The replays of these quests will be available until Sunday, May 31st, at 11:59pm (Paris hour).

To access these replays click on the button in the Special Offers section:

You can return to the replays selection page until you have validated the first step.

Enjoy the quests on OhMyDollz!
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  •  » [Replay Quest] The Cannes Film Festival continues on OhMyDollz!

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