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#1 2020-08-02 21:12:36

From: Poland
Registered: 2010-12-03
Posts: 72

Golden/yellow dress from packs "nostalgia! beach and swimming"

Did anyone purchase the pack "bungalow" with the yellow/ golden dress? I am looking for it and want to purchase... Please help!

P.S. Did anyone by chance get the pack playa M with the surfer? Looking for his hair...


#2 2020-08-02 22:27:09

Registered: 2013-11-10
Posts: 76

Re: Golden/yellow dress from packs "nostalgia! beach and swimming"

You can find the surfer all the way on the left in my Mediterranean room on the trip tab!!!  I also have put the dress, shoes and purse from the Bungalow temporarily out there in the Mediterranean room as well.  Let me know when you have purchased!!!!!



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