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#1 2020-12-15 00:19:00

Mother, Sister, Daughter, Friend.
From: Edmonton, Canada.
Registered: 2009-07-22
Posts: 2406

[Replay] Christmas Pt. 2 of 2

Hello dollz!

December 25th is approaching - our team is offering you the replays of previous years Christmas quests in two parts.

Here are the quests in this second wave of holiday spirit!


The 2009 Christmas Quest

Your doll will have to help the inhabitants of Lutinville to prepare for Christmas! Six little elves need her help as well as Mother and Father Christmas!

During this quest, you can earn great gifts and Christmas items!

NOTE: This quest is not offered in replay, but as a pack.


The 2010 Christmas Quest - Guide: … 02#p338902

D-2 before Christmas Eve and the opening of the presents! Direction Lapland! Embark on a new magical Christmas adventure!

During this quest, you can earn the Mountain room (or its extension if you already have the room).


The 2014 Christmas Quest - Guide: … 89#p338889

Your Doll is Santa's housekeeper, she must attend all his tasks! Will she be up to the challenge?

During this quest, you can earn:

- the Cloud room with its “starry night” theme (or its extension if you already have the room).

- the temporary talent Mrs. Claus who will give you +1 gift voucher per working day until February 1, 2019

- 10 object multipliers


The 2015 Christmas Quest - Guide: … 65#p325565

A mysterious and strange gift awaits you at the foot of your tree? But what does this mysterious package contain?

Discover a fantastic Christmas story, full of magic and dreams! An exciting adventure in the land of toys!

During this double-ended quest, you can earn:

- the Christmas Chalet room (or its extension if you already have the room)

- the Christmas House room (or its extension if you already have the room)

Another great gift awaits you too if you complete the quest:

No matter which ending you choose, you'll gain 15-day access to all temporary in-game stores! If you complete both endings, you'll earn 30 days of access to unlimited temporary stores for your shopping!


The 2016 Christmas Quest - Guide:

Your town's orphanage is looking for volunteers to host New Year's Eve for the children. Prepare the most beautiful Christmas for these children and discover the true face of Christmas.

During this double-ended quest, you can earn:

- the Christmas Night room (or its extension if you already have the room)

- 10 gift vouchers

- 10 object multiplier

- the Christmas Fairy profession which allows you to earn 7 $$$ per working day


Discover the color variations of the items you will need for the quests in the shops:

To access the replays, click on the button in the current offers:

Replays of these quests will be available until 11:59 PM Sunday. (Paris time)

May the magic of Christmas enchant you on OhMyDollz!

             **Board Admin - Moderator**

#2 2020-12-15 06:02:39

From: The Land Of The Undead
Registered: 2010-05-05
Posts: 3015

Re: [Replay] Christmas Pt. 2 of 2

has anybody who did only one ending from a quest with 2 endings from the previous batch of quests had any problems starting the quests from this batch?

just wanted to confirm if that bug has been fixed.

ps: thanks for the links!

░▒▓█Anonymous Random Procrastinatos, UNITE... some day.

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