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#1 2021-04-15 22:22:24

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012-03-21
Posts: 51772

[Replay Quest] A New Life

Greetings Dollz!
There comes a time when everyone has to leave their nest, move away from family and take the first steps towards independence. A new life is waiting for you in Pariz!

Come discover the joys of sharing an apartment, life in an apartment building and new neighbors in this urban adventure!

As you progress through the stages, you can obtain and expand the Building room!

Beautiful gifts are waiting for you! As you progress through the quest, the gifts will become nicer and nicer!

You can also answer mini riddles to win bonus gifts!

As you progress through the stages, you can obtain and expand the Building room (Loft tab)!

This very special room is vertical! (Like the underwater room)

You can get the base as soon as you reach stage 2, then, at each new step, you will win an extension and the room will become taller and taller, eventually becoming a whole building.

The decoration and furniture in the room is modifiable. You can find many items in stores to create your dream building!

At the end of the quest, you can also get the ?Pariz by Night? theme for the room, as well as the ?night version? windows of the quest for 150 Fee’z.

And, of course, many other gifts can be won throughout the stages!

To access the quest, click the button in the current offers:

Discover the variations of colors of the objects you need for the quest in the Basics store.

You can replay this quest until Sunday at 11.59pm (Paris time).

Ready to move to the city on OhMyDollz?


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