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#1 2021-06-01 17:57:16

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012-03-21
Posts: 51772

[Replay Quest] In the clouds

Fly away Dollz !

Dreams and freedom await you in the clouds ! The sky and its birds are literally part of your world. Carried by the wind, your imagination will take you far up in the sky to a realm where you can fly forever !

This adventure takes you to the heart of your dreams where the realm of birds is not just a simple legend !

At the end of the quest you can obtain the "Sky" room (Loft tab) as well as its extension and its second theme.

A majestic room that will allow your Doll to spread her wings towards the realm of birds, the realm of her dreams !

Amazing gifts await you ! As you progress through the quest, the gifts will get more beautiful.

You will also have to answer riddles to get bonus gifts.

At the last stage of the quest, you will have to choose between 2 different endings.  What will be your decision "Open the cage" or "Open space"

If you play one end, you will win the "Sky" room.

If you play both ends, you will get the "Sky" room as well as its extension and its second theme.

Open the cage

Open space

The store linked to the quest will be open during the whole event !

You can replay this quest until Sunday at 11.59pm (Paris time).

Discover the sky and its secrets on OhMyDollz !


#2 2021-06-01 17:58:13

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012-03-21
Posts: 51772

Re: [Replay Quest] In the clouds

Special thanks to Rheasilvia for the guide and Sierradane for the bonus answers!!

Quest Name: In the clouds
Store Used: Earth
Two Endings? Yes.
Job? No.
Room? Yes - Sky (+ an extension and a 2nd theme with both endings)
Talent? No.
Total Cost: 306 $$$ + 150 Fee'z
               (251 $$$ for one ending)
Full Guide: … 31#p340431

Bonus Answers:
1. Bifidus
3.Ultralight aircraft
4.Leaves it's nest
5.The Crow
6.Third choice that isn't showing
7. Vertigo stops once you are no longer touching the ground


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