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#1 2021-06-02 17:41:23

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012-03-21
Posts: 51772

[Call to the designers] Musical and vocal inspiration

Dear Dollz,
The joys that music brings to our lives brighten our daily lives. Whether it is through an instrument or through singing, you will have to be creative to present us with superb musical creations.

Unveil your fabrics, your sewing machines and your most beautiful creations for a new Fashion Show: Musical and vocal inspiration!

You have until the 13th of June to send your creations based on the previously described theme while giving free rein to your imagination, let nothing stop you!

Your creations will then be selected among all the submitted ones. Enjoy your endless imagination.

You can propose up to 10 items, created maximum 3 months ago !

No VIP items! When a VIP item is in a creation, creation can only be available to VIP members. We’d like Fashion Shows to be available for the largest part of the community.

Dollz whose creations will be selected will of course receive a reward, so good luck everyone and may you be inspired!


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