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#1 2021-06-21 19:34:18

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012-03-21
Posts: 51772

[Replays Quest] Music on OhMyDollz! [2/2]

Hello dollz!|
This week we continue our celebration of the music on OhMyDollz!

The « In the Land of Music » Quest

Discover a poetic, peaceful and delicate universe. This quest will lead you to an utopian land, where music is queen.

Throughout this quest, you can get the Symphonic Palace room and the Diva talent to get 1 $$$ more while working.

If you already own the Symphonic Palace, you get its extension.

The « OMD’s got talent! » Quest

With her experience and support of her family, this year, our doll has decided to participate in an international competition and be submitted to the judgment of a world-renowned jury! Will you be able to bring your doll to the top?

Throughout this quest, you can get the Concert hall room and the Diva talent to get $$$ more while working.

If you already own the Concern hall room, you get its extension.

For the opportunity of these replays, the Music Store will open their doors during the whole event!

Replay these quests until Sunday, June 27th at 11:59pm (Paris hour)!

You can return to the replays selection page until you have validated the first step.

Replay the Music on OhMyDollz!


#2 2021-06-21 19:37:43

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012-03-21
Posts: 51772

Re: [Replays Quest] Music on OhMyDollz! [2/2]

"OMD Has Talent" 2013 Quest

Special thanks to Sierradane for the answers.
Special thanks to Xemoxrockerx for the cost.

Quest Name: OMD, a fabulous talent!
Store Used: Music Shop
Two Endings? No.
Job? No
Room? Yes - The Concert Hall or extension.
Talent? Yes - Diva Talent (+1 $$$ when you work)
Total Cost: 220 $$$

Full guide:

Bonus Answers:
1. Bob Marley
2. Jaques Brel
3. Bjork
4. Eminem
5. Michael Jackson
6. Mick Jagger
7. Madonna

Special thanks to Sierradane for posting the quests total cost and answers originally.

Special thanks to n0regrets for posting the quest's full guide originally.

Quest Name: In the land of music
Store Used: Music Shop
Two Endings? No.
Job? No.
Room? Yes - Symphonic Palace.
Total Cost: $253
Full Guide: … 14#p326314

Bonus Answers:
1. I'm going to be sent to a parallel universe
2. Christmas 2015
3. By politely answering my questions
4. The Island of Melody
5. Nobody knows
6. I need to search the entire castle
7. I'm going to a concert tomorrow


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