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#1 2021-06-21 19:38:05

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012-03-21
Posts: 51772

Future of OMD

Just translating and sharing some updates posted by Feerik on French site:

On June 17:

fred-feerikgames wrote:

Et ben alors! Il ne faut pas paniquer comme ca!
On travail on travail!
Ca n'avance pas vite mais ca avance. Bientôt bientôt.
Pour la Holding et Feerik Games, c'est tres simple:

Quand j'ai repris Feerik, j'ai fais une holding, la societe mere, avec comme fille Feerik Games en pensant faire d'autres structures avec genre Feerik Toys, Feerik Books etc etc.
MAIS, ca entraine des frais meme de ne rien faire! Donc Feerik Holding coutait de l'argent pour rien... Et on n'a pas assez d'argent pour en mettre la poubelle (Demandez a ma Yaris qui a 180000 km...).
DONC, on transfert tous vers la societe Holding, on la renomme Feerik Games 2 et Feerik Games ferme. Ce n'est que de la paperasse. Rien ne change pour les jeux etc. Rien ne ferme. Tout est pareil sauf que je n'ai plus a payer des frais pour rien.

Pour OhMyDollz, ca arrive. On a des surprises. C'est long, ca m'enerve d'etre long et ca m'inquiete de promettre quand on est pas sur que les navigateurs soient compatibles etc. Mais ca vient!
De tres tres grosses ambitions sur OhMyDollz. C'est long. Patience.

Voila, on devrait faire une visio conference un de ces jours. (Zut j'ai promis un truc la?).


Well then! We must not panic like that!
We're working we're working!
It is not moving quickly but it is moving forward. Soon soon.

For the Holding and Feerik Games, it's very simple:
When I took over Feerik, I made a holding company, the parent company, with Feerik Games as a daughter, thinking of making other structures with the genre Feerik Toys, Feerik Books etc., etc.

BUT, it incurs costs even for doing nothing! So Feerik Holding was costing money for nothing ... And we don't have enough money to put it in the trash (Ask my Yaris which has 180,000 km ...)

SO, we all transfer to the Holding company, we rename it Feerik Games 2 and Feerik Games closes. It's just paperwork. Nothing changes for games etc. Nothing closes. Everything is the same except that I no longer have to pay fees for anything.

For OhMyDollz, it's happening. We have surprises. It's long, it annoys me that it's taking so long and it worries me to promise when we are not sure that the browsers are compatible etc. But it's coming!
Very very big ambitions on OhMyDollz. It's taking long but coming. Please be patient

Voila, we should do a videoconference one of these days. (Damn, did I promise something?).


There were a couple posts in the middle explaining why they're reluctant to make more promises as they keep running into blockers and don't have a clear understanding of the timeline so don't want to promise anything.
Then we got:

fred-feerikgames wrote:

Je parle comme ca. Ce n'est pas badin, c'est comme ca que je suis. Je ne suis pas en costard cravate, je n'en ai jamais porte je déteste ca.
J'ai même reçu un email dans les locaux ou nous étions en face d'IBM a Montpellier parce que je me baladais pieds nus dans les bureaux parce que ben c'est mal vous savez.
La promesse elle est dans le fait qu'on ait porte le jeu sur Unity. Je le répète, OhMyDollz perdait déjà de l'argent avant. On va pas se prendre la tête a porter le jeu sur Unity pour rien. Donc oui, pleins pleins de trucs. Ca vient.
Quand a décrire le futur… Comme d'habitude, la promesse est dangereuse, le silence est dangereux et je dois trouver une balance la dedans.


Pour ce qui est des nouvelles choses:
- Avec l'arrivée de Unity, nous avons vu que des navigateurs, des OSs et des machines avaient des problèmes. Des problèmes que nous ne pouvons pas résoudre, des limitations qui sont hors de notre control.
- Donc nous devons tester et choisir des nouveautés en faisant très attention et en testant beaucoup.
- Et comme nous avons des ressources limitées (Programmeurs), cela prend du temps.

Sorry pour les délais. C'est pénible je sais. :2_super

I speak like this. It's not me being playful, that's how I am. (This was referring to the more casual communication style Fred's posting in)

I'm not in a suit and tie, I've never worn one, I hate that.

I even received an email in the premises when we were in front of IBM in Montpellier because I was walking around the offices barefoot because well, you know it is wrong.

The promise is in the fact that we brought the game to Unity. I repeat, OhMyDollz was already losing money before. We're not going to bother to port the game to Unity for nothing. So yeah, lots of stuff. It's coming.
When to describe the future… As usual, the promise is dangerous, the silence is dangerous and I have to find a balance between the two.

As for the new things:
- With the arrival of Unity, we saw that browsers, OSs and machines were having problems. Problems that we cannot solve, limitations that are beyond our control.
- So we have to test and choose new things, being very careful and testing a lot.
- And as we have limited resources (Programmers), it takes time.

Sorry for the delays. It's painful I know.

There were a few posts regarding getting volunteer artists but Fred said they can't do that because that would be an unfair practice to hire people and not pay them. It's one thing to offer something for the community as a contest and another to work full-time/part-time without pay.

fred-feerikgames wrote:

Donc ma reponse:

Non ce n'est pas nouveau, je suis beaucoup intervenu sur le debuggage de la version Unity. Je ne m'occupe pas de la communauté, je suis la pour les problèmes techniques, quand il y a urgence et ben on va voir pour les annonces futures.
On ne veut pas dire que tout va bien. Eredan Arena est le jeu qui nous permet de rester a flot. Pas de faire des megas profits de gros méchants patrons mais de rester a flot.
Donc quand il y a a gérer Arena, on est oblige de foncer dessus. Cela nous empêche de mettre des programmeurs sur OhMyDollz. Mais ca avance.
Et pour avancer il faut rester vivant.
Pas question de bénévolat dans le futur de OhMyDollz. C'est dans les plans.


No, it's not new, I worked a lot on the debugging of the Unity version. I'm not responsible for responding to the community as I'm on the technical side unless there is an emergency . Well, we will see for future announcements.
We don't want to say that all is well. Eredan Arena is the game that keeps us afloat. Not to make mega profits from big bad bosses but to stay afloat.
So when you have to manage Arena, you have to go for it. This prevents us from putting programmers on OhMyDollz. But it's progressing.
And to move forward you have to stay alive.
No question of volunteering in the future of OhMyDollz. It's in the plans.


As we hear/learn more, this thread will be updated with new posts.


#2 2021-06-22 16:54:06

Queen of the Supernatural
From: Crystal Realm
Registered: 2010-09-09
Posts: 742

Re: Future of OMD

It's nice to finally get some news from the main guy.

At the moment, all I ask is for them to fix that annoying pop-up about Unity not working every time I go to mine or someone else's rooms. If they can fix it on the French server, then they can fix it on the other, 'less important' servers. It's the main thing that keeps me, personally, from enjoying the game.

The 'Try On' option in the stores would be an awesome fix as well, but I guess it's a more difficult fix since it hasn't been fixed on the French server.

It has gotten cold, brr~ Happy Holidays to you and yours!

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