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#1 2021-10-12 22:20:42

From: The Land Of The Undead
Registered: 2010-05-05
Posts: 3015

[Replay] 1001 dresses

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Hey dollz !

Today we offer you to replay a quest: 1001 dresses! You get a second chance to win superb gifts among which the marvelous duplex room!

You’ve organized an event for socialites, who could have a better dream job? All your friends admire you and you are chosen to be the maid of honor in your friends wedding! And you, what’s your personal life like? Can you find yourself a man who can accept your rhythm of life of about 100 per hour?

“In everyone’s eyes I have such a fun job! I guess it’s true I spend my days organizing the events of my dreams. For example, yesterday, I organized an event for investiture for the next American president. Last month was a wedding for two famous actors and the month after an event for the Prince of England! Do you know what that means, I’m integrated in the high society!”

Participate for this adventure on OhMyDollz and win tons of gifts! Here’s a little glimpse of what you might receive, a room with two levels : The Duplex !

Each step you earn numerous gifts!

The further you progress in the story, the harder the steps become but the gifts get even better!

You must answer the riddles to win the bonus gifts!

At the end of the story, you will be offered two choices! For those who desire, you can play them both but the second choice will cost an additional 150 fee’z !

If you play the first choice, you will win a 1st floor and if you do the second, you will win the 2nd floor. If you do both choices, you will win 2 levels, therefore a complete Duplex!

You have until Sunday  at 23:59 AM (French time), to participate in this quest and live a great VIP adventure!

Enjoy the game on OhMyDollz !

░▒▓█Anonymous Random Procrastinatos, UNITE... some day.

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