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#1 2021-11-23 22:27:23

From: Forever youngville
Registered: 2010-11-30
Posts: 562

[replay Quest] November Rain

Hello dollz!

Childhood memories, calm, relax, the rain isn’t necessary depressing.

Let yourself enchant and enjoy the poetry of a November rain in this new quest.

You can obtain the new room “City“ in this quest! only with the 1st ending

Gorgeous gifts await you! As you progress in the quest, the gifts are getting better and better.

You will also be asked to answer enigmas to win bonus gifts.

In the final step of the quest, you will have a choice to make:

If you choose the ending “The City of Waters”

This step will let you obtain the new “City” room and the elements to decorate a city in the rhythm of water streams.

If you choose the ending “November Rain Cafe”

This step will let you obtain two new models, in a new and very beautiful complementary position.

To access the quest, click on the button in the offers of the moment

Discover the color variations of the objects you will need for the quest at the Autumn store.


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