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#1 2021-12-22 19:50:26

From: Chickenville
Registered: 2009-07-09
Posts: 3287

[Waiting for player response] Santa's Workshop won't save

I've just spent the better part of 2 hours arranging things in that room we got from the c00kie thing and it will not save at all.  fete

And of course....

click on something else and the room reloads to nothing saved.  Now I can save it and I'm a purple Christmas tree!

Last edited by sierradane (2021-12-22 19:53:52)
"Well, Jane, it just goes to show you, it's always something — if it ain't one thing, it's another." Roseanne Roseannadanna

#2 2022-01-10 11:28:09

Mother, Sister, Daughter, Friend.
From: Edmonton, Canada.
Registered: 2009-07-22
Posts: 2406

Re: [Waiting for player response] Santa's Workshop won't save

Are you still unable to save in this room?

             **Board Admin - Moderator**

#3 2022-01-10 14:34:35

From: Chickenville
Registered: 2009-07-09
Posts: 3287

Re: [Waiting for player response] Santa's Workshop won't save

willowskye wrote:

Are you still unable to save in this room?

Now I can save it and I'm a purple Christmas tree!

Last edited by sierradane (2021-12-22 13:53:52)

"Well, Jane, it just goes to show you, it's always something — if it ain't one thing, it's another." Roseanne Roseannadanna

#4 2023-01-20 19:20:32

French Community Manager
Registered: 2009-10-20
Posts: 23

Re: [Waiting for player response] Santa's Workshop won't save

Hello sierradane

This bug is quite old, it seems to me that it had been corrected.

Can you now save in this room correctly?

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  •  » [Waiting for player response] Santa's Workshop won't save

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