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  •  » [Personality Test and Packs] The power of Friendship!

#1 2022-03-07 19:49:15

From: Chickenville
Registered: 2009-07-09
Posts: 3287

[Personality Test and Packs] The power of Friendship!

Hello dollz!

Friendship is a force which is in everyone’s way, but also a power shared with others. And you, what magical friend are you?

We offer you to redo the Personality Test « The power of friendship » to discover which heroine resemble you the most! Inspired by a famous animated designed, discover our fan-art ? OhMyDollz? version.

Each friend profile corresponds to different batch of gifts. Answer the question to determine which friend you resemble the most and get the linked outfit! There are 6 different outfits to collect!

Answer a test costs 49 $$$, then the price decreases: the second costs 39 $$$, following the 29 $$$, then 19 and finally 10 $$$! The more you reply to test, the cheaper it becomes! Enjoy! Don’t miss it!

Attention: if you answer the test multiple times, be attentive to your answers! Otherwise you could get several times the same set of gifts.

The personality test will be available until Friday at 11:59pm (Paris hour).

Discover also 2 other additional ?fantasy? outfits on this theme: ?Sun and Moon?!

The models aren’t included, only the ouftis are available for this event.

Find these exclusive ?fantasy? outfits ?Sun and Mon?:

? In the pack ?Magical Friends?, that will let you get all the 6 outfits of the personality test, with ?Sun and Moon? outfits offered

? In the pack ?Fantasy Princess?, that will let you get these two outfits ?Sun and Moon? exclusively, without the 6 personality test outfits.

The packs will be available until Friday at 11:59pm (Paris hour).

Discover the magic of friendship on OhMyDollz!

Last edited by sierradane (2022-03-07 19:50:40)
"Well, Jane, it just goes to show you, it's always something — if it ain't one thing, it's another." Roseanne Roseannadanna

#2 2022-03-10 17:27:55

From: Texas
Registered: 2010-11-30
Posts: 84

Re: [Personality Test and Packs] The power of Friendship!

I wish they wouldn’t do multiple events at a time I am strapped for cash enough as it is even after I just got a promotion! gai  ouf

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