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  •  » [Stores] Swords of Rainbowheart Swordtember finally available!

#1 2022-12-15 12:11:09

From: Chickenville
Registered: 2009-07-09
Posts: 3287

[Stores] Swords of Rainbowheart Swordtember finally available!

Hello dollz!

Many of you have expressed your interest in the Swordtember that the graphic designer Coeurarcenciel had led last September on her topic on the forum.

This project took him a long time, but the results were amazing! The player has created many swords, one for each day of September.

And since Coeurarcenciel is very meticulous, she didn't stop at just creating the swords... These weapons being intended for the different models existing in the game, she also took the time to draw the associated skin elements to allow insertion into the lofts in detail!

After several months of drawing, Coeurarcenciel makes this ambitious project a reality by offering you the elements in its shop on OhMyDollz. And it's just amazing to see the result in the lofts!

Look at the incredible number and detail of these swords!

Find these items now in the Stylist Center store under the acronym

But that's not all !

From the start, there was talk that these creations would be offered in one way or another to the community, and the opportunity has finally arrived!

Christmas is approaching and the designer offers you the incredible opportunity to get your favorite sword as a gift.

Each of you can choose your favorite sword and will receive it for free on your account with the matching dollz modifiers (arms, hands and fingers), in the color of your choice.

Full details of this opportunity can be found in the relevant forum thread

Don't expect too much! You only have until Sunday to register!

Thanks Rainbow Heart!
"Well, Jane, it just goes to show you, it's always something — if it ain't one thing, it's another." Roseanne Roseannadanna

#2 2022-12-18 19:44:36

From: The Land Of The Undead
Registered: 2010-05-05
Posts: 3015

Re: [Stores] Swords of Rainbowheart Swordtember finally available!

i want most of those!

░▒▓█Anonymous Random Procrastinatos, UNITE... some day.
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  •  » [Stores] Swords of Rainbowheart Swordtember finally available!

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