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  •  » From Fr forum 4/07/2023 - Preview of the month of July 2023

#1 2023-07-07 02:42:11

From: Forever youngville
Registered: 2010-11-30
Posts: 562

From Fr forum 4/07/2023 - Preview of the month of July 2023

hello dollz

How time flies, we are already in summer, with its promise of sun , relaxation and beach . Holidays and idleness settle on OhMyDollz!

Our team has prepared a month of July filled with carefully selected events to allow you to have fun and treat yourself.

This month, the VIP gifts will make you crack ! They are cute, adorable and bring their African faces to your lofts. These adorable baby animals will accompany you for the next few weeks.

The elements of the decor come from the VIP shop. The background is that of the Africa coin.

The beginning of the month started with panache with the return of the Atlantis quest which has not been offered for a few years. This quest, mixing holidays and adventures , is a good prelude to the quests of this month. A sumptuous cruise will be offered to you aboard the OhMyDollz Boat to discover mythical islands , but you can also reach the domain of the Gods to try to forge your destiny.

A little fairy told me that two handsome guys will be making a comeback this month too, with summery gifts perfect for chilling out by the water .

The month will of course be punctuated by the sales which will offer you discounts on several shops each week . Don't forget to shop while the prices are on sale, it's the perfect time for bargains!

The seasonal gifts for friends are also making a comeback, colorful and festive, they will be the ideal accessories for having fun at the beach.

Many other events will be waiting for you throughout the weeks, allowing you to travel through several themes , selected to allow you all to obtain the ideal seasonal items for your outfits and decorations .

So don't forget to stay tuned, because this is just a preview of all the events to come!

Long live the holidays on OhMyDollz!


#2 2023-07-10 17:58:37

From: Chickenville
Registered: 2009-07-09
Posts: 3287

Re: From Fr forum 4/07/2023 - Preview of the month of July 2023

Thanks for the update!
"Well, Jane, it just goes to show you, it's always something — if it ain't one thing, it's another." Roseanne Roseannadanna
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