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#1 2023-08-04 20:54:46

From: Forever youngville
Registered: 2010-11-30
Posts: 562

August 2 2023 French Site news

Hello dollz

The sweetness of flowers has been associated with the force of the wind in this incredible new outfit, offered by Coeurarcenciel in its shop.

This dress and its associated accessories are spectacular and will bring magic to your look. The details of the flower petals perfectly complete the set.

The graphic designer offers you this outfit in several associated colors, accompanied by skin effects that will allow you to give a new magical color to your dollz.

It also offers many separate elements, to allow you to use them according to your desires and needs.

Find these elements now in the Stylist Center store under the acronym Coeur
Merci à Coeur for this superb new outfit! … tea4-2.png


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