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#1 2023-08-04 21:24:37

From: Forever youngville
Registered: 2010-11-30
Posts: 562

Preview for August from French site Aug 2 2023

hello dollz

This month, OhMyDollz will celebrate its 16th birthday ! So many years of magic, creativity and adventure!

If the dollz live exciting and incredible quests and stories, it's you, the community, who are showing real magic with your creations, your decorations in your lofts and your outfits . Each player contributes by making their own combinations of the thousands of objects that exist in the game. Congratulations and thank you all!

Our team has prepared for you a month of August under the sign of the sun but also of festivity .

The VIP gifts will feature the latest adorable animal , as well as two new decor elements for a magical ambiance by the water .

The background is that of the Africa piece.

And for the last VIP gift of the month? It will be a surprise but here is a small visual, accompanied by some elements of the gifts that will be offered to the community . These gifts will form a set in soft colors, reminiscent of the game and its basic design.

The start of the month kicked off with the return of an old quest in the sign of the sun , with two handsome guys up for grabs in the final stages, as well as gifts to put a holiday in your lofts .

The quests of the month will be partially accessible on the Anniversary quests , but not only. Indeed, these quests come up very often during this period and our team will not offer them all to you this time. This will allow us to bring you other less frequently offered, travel-themed quests , some with amazing rewards.

The Anniversary month will also be punctuated with numerous opportunities to obtain dedicated gifts and items . This month's Happy Hours will offer you 3 items each evening, 1 of which will be a gift . So don't miss this daily meeting to stock up on beautiful objects carefully selected by our team!

Around the anniversary , events will be offered on the theme, so be there to not miss any of these events. So don't forget to stay tuned, because this is just a preview of all the events to come!

Long live the holidays on OhMyDollz!


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