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#1 2011-04-11 09:21:31

From: Right here
Registered: 2009-10-12
Posts: 156

Another irreverent fashion show review by Goth Girl Uni

Here are this weeks  thoughts on the entries to the fashion show. I appreciate it when people dress their dolls according to the week's theme, and vote accordingly. It was a difficult challenge this time, with there being very few items of clothing in the required shop. Needless to say, the small beaded head dress was almost universally used, though sometimes hidden. I admire those that had the guts to work with the difficult tops and bottoms.

awesomebeauty - quite pretty, but using minor items, so not really Asian in my books.
tangailacail - Not unlike last weeks entry, and apparently as popular!
aurorars - elegant and definitely Asian, but those pesky required items are well hidden.
nicknack - your name fits the outfit - bits and pieces from here and there, still I find it oddly appealing.
lestli - well done. Asian, well integrated and displaying the required items.
avivah - I'm glad to see you've finally come out of the woods.
teom - now this one really takes the cake - well executed, and with a touch of humor.
vicha - at least you have a new dress this week.
remember-my-name - I guess I'll have to, because I certainly won't remember your face.
kimbu1990 - relatively uncluttered, yet eye catching.
xrapx - I fail to see anything Asian, but this whole ensemble is JUST TOO CUTE!
cullen97 - attractive, but one of many that went for this style of outfit this time. It's the doll itself that has given you the edge.
flavounette2 -  very attractive, but again, pretty much ignoring the theme, not that doing so has affected your votes.
teenage-dream - wings rarely work in the fashion show.
loula97 - one that had the guts to take the challenge head on - even with extras from the Arabian Nights shop. Good effort!
seralina - an exception to the wings-not-working set - a unique and really appealing combination!
josie85 - it's that gold dress again, but at least there aren't dozens of you wearing it. You wear it well.
monik163 - striking!
cherryberry - one of those simple, clean lined outfits that really appeals.
otherunicorn - proof that you can get votes when wearing the required items!
kendraice - don't be in such a rush to join the show that you mess up your outfit. A few moments of care, and your leggings would have been where they should be - on your legs.
zoexo - same applies here - that extra shoe is so distracting.
poome-rouge - that look may have won before, bit it is SO LAST WEEK. Again you are replicating a previous winner, albeit with a different doll.
cupcake505 - nice, but unfortunately the gothic, emo and all black looks rarely do well in the show. (cries)
jennalee - interesting, but I feel the glasses are messing up your look - or at least their position is.
born2bstar - only Asian in a harajuku way, but oh so colorful. I really like this one.
simuka - a classic case of how a pretty doll can beat just about any outfit, no matter what they are wearing.
unii - how not to dress for a fashion show!

I didn't comment on your doll? That doesn't mean I didn't like it... then again, I may have hated it! No insults meant.

(and who am I to judge? Meh, I've just another voter - a VERY active voter. I looked, I saw what I liked, and thought it would be fun to comment. Note that these comments are made as a player, not as a moderator, and have nothing whatsoever to do with Feerik's view.)

GothGirlUni - Former Moderator for OhMyDollz

#2 2011-04-11 09:27:26

Ancien joueur angel923

Re: Another irreverent fashion show review by Goth Girl Uni

Bravo! <3


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