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#1 2011-04-15 20:33:50

Ancien joueur elorwin

Wall paper

Hi there I have seen a couple of other dollz rooms and sometimes they have a sort of wall paper background behind which you can tell when you hover it that there is stuff piled behind them. Example here: (this is not my doll) I really want to know how she has covered the background and the floor, can only certain wall papers do this or what. Please help I am very confused. applau


#2 2011-04-15 21:46:43

Registered: 2010-12-23
Posts: 218

Re: Wall paper

Ahh There are two types:

1) the normal wallpapers that cover the entire wall of your room. You cannot put things behind those, I don't think so any way. If you click on the icon in any shop you can find these.

2) The one you are talking about is these strips that are not actually wallpapers. You can put stuff behind them and they are like furniture. There are some in Coldy's shop in the furniture section.

eg, in OMD basics store in the furniture section on page 87 there are 3 like this:
And also Coldy's furniture page 8.

Hope that helps!

Last edited by ruealice (2011-04-15 21:51:49)

#3 2011-04-17 18:51:42

Ancien joueur angel923

Re: Wall paper

ruealice wrote:

I don't think so any way.

No, you can't put stuff behind it.


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