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#26 2011-06-12 12:48:05

From: Right here
Registered: 2009-10-12
Posts: 156

Re: Where's the Disco outfits girls?

cocobelle wrote:

Didn't I read somewhere (at one time) that because so many people didnt want to have to be forced to dress up in a specific style that it wouldnt be enforced??

On the French version it is enforced - they boot you out of the show. It isn't going to happen here. I tried to get Feerik to either throw away the themes, or enforce them.. They refused to throw away the themes, instead telling the voters to "Remember that it is up to YOU to vote for those who respect the theme".
Of course that doesn't stop all the people who don't care.

cocobelle wrote:

Its obviously bothering a few people that take the time to dress up on theme when others arent.  And have seen comments from a mod asking girls why they aren't dressed on theme...    Anyway,  if its going to be a big deal then make it a rule that you have to dress on theme.  Cause honestly, im gonna get tired of reading everyone complain month after month when girls don't dress on theme.

Would you prefer I voted for the 10 or so girls in the same bikini instead of trying to get them to put in a little effort? You are getting tired of this? How do you think I feel?

cocobelle wrote:

-- On another note,  its getting to be confusing with what we can do and cant do.. 

As for voting for your own doll - the cheats are going to do it no matter what we say, so if you see your own doll, and she's the best on the screen, vote for her

Isnt this voting for yourself?  Which is against the rules...  Which is probably why there was the old rule of only having one doll in the fashion show.

Having one doll in the FS does not stop you voting for yourself - you only need to vote from an alternate account. The ONLY way to prevent someone voting for themselves is to force players to have ONLY ONE doll. That is also a rule here that everyone is breaking. It was decided to let that rule be ignored because of all the MDD refugees here. Remember we MDD players lost everything. I personally lost $1000 worth of dolls and ponystars. Getting off track, but you can see why Feerik let it slide.

cocobelle wrote:

Some consistency here would be nice.  Can the "Rule-Makers" please take the time to think of rules & then actually stick with them please..  And not change them when it becomes convienent for them to do so. 


I am trying to make it fair  - not convenient.

1) Lets say I get online and vote 1000 times (and believe me I often do), and there are 200 dolls. If I vote for all equally, I have just pushed everyone's votes up by 5 votes. My votes of course have not advanced at all. By voting I am ruining my chances, aren't I? (Disadvantage  #1)

2) We all know "cheats" will vote for their own dolls no matter what. People who don't vote for their own doll ever are again at a disadvantage. (Disadvantage  #2)

So to make it fairer to serious players, I ask why they should be prevented from voting for their own doll.

So I will now specifically change the fashion show rule.

As long as you consistently vote for what you consider to be the best doll on the screen, you may do so no matter who owns that doll. That includes voting for your own doll, if you personally think she is better than the other two dolls on the screen at that time.
In otherwords, as long as you keep voting for dolls that are higher ranked than you, you may also vote for your own dolls.

GothGirlUni - Former Moderator for OhMyDollz

#27 2011-06-12 20:21:16

Registered: 2010-12-13
Posts: 2362

Re: Where's the Disco outfits girls?

Oh yay.. another rule change.. 

1) Lets say I get online and vote 1000 times (and believe me I often do), and there are 200 dolls. If I vote for all equally, I have just pushed everyone's votes up by 5 votes. My votes of course have not advanced at all. By voting I am ruining my chances, aren't I? (Disadvantage  #1)

Its pretty easy.. do what I do and not vote in the fashion show when you have a doll in it.

2) We all know "cheats" will vote for their own dolls no matter what. People who don't vote for their own doll ever are again at a disadvantage. (Disadvantage  #2)

So to make it fairer to serious players, I ask why they should be prevented from voting for their own doll.

Im sure that im just gonna have to agree to disagree at this point.  I still think its cheating to vote for yourself.   

How do you think I feel with people who have "voting accounts" who spend hours just returning votes.  And doesnt have anything to do with whether or not someone actually likes your doll/condo.   I would say it puts those of us who dont have "voting accounts" at a disadvantage in the rankings..  I work hard on my house, and know its way better than a lot of people in the rankings (who have nothing done to their home)  so, can I start voting for my own doll to level out the playing field..  Of course not, because thats cheating.


#28 2011-06-12 20:51:46

Ancien joueur angel923

Re: Where's the Disco outfits girls?

I'm going to have to agree with you there... ok


#29 2011-06-13 02:47:53

From: Right here
Registered: 2009-10-12
Posts: 156

Re: Where's the Disco outfits girls?

It would seem the only way to make everyone happy is to introduce a new rule:

Don't play.

Oh, but then someone won't like that either.

GothGirlUni - Former Moderator for OhMyDollz

#30 2011-06-14 12:20:18

From: Chickenville
Registered: 2009-07-09
Posts: 3288

Re: Where's the Disco outfits girls?

*shakes her head*  I don't know why, but with this fashion show I paid extra attention to what the dolls were wearing.  I'll probably be blasted for this comment, but: so sad that the top winners were not representing the theme at all.

I'm sure with the next theme: beach/playa that most everyone will be on theme.  I hope.
"Well, Jane, it just goes to show you, it's always something — if it ain't one thing, it's another." Roseanne Roseannadanna

#31 2011-06-14 13:31:12

Mother, Sister, Daughter, Friend.
From: Edmonton, Canada.
Registered: 2009-07-22
Posts: 2406

Re: Where's the Disco outfits girls?

I think people are forgetting to take into account that not everyone reads the message board.  I am sure a lot of the off-theme dolls are from those who don't read the message board and therefore have no idea there even is a theme for each week's FS.

After being off-line for a while (due to a broken computer), I was quite surprised when I came back online and saw people being called out re: the fashion show and being off-theme.  Hey, no one understands the frustration more then I do, but (perhaps it's the old mod in me) I feel this is dangerous behaviour.  Doing this can only lead to flaming/harassment of certain players. Players who, as I previously pointed out, might not even be aware that there are weekly themes that they are not meeting. 

Of course, there are always going to be some who ruin it for the rest of us, so I am sure some of these players are aware there is a theme and either chose to ignore it or probably do their best to interpret it the best they can

Yes, the winner this week is not a disco outfit (to my mind), but perhaps to her mind it was...and, clearly there were enough people who agreed (as she won.)

I do like the addition of the weekly themes for the fashion show.  I personally enjoy having a theme to try to meet.

cocobelle wrote:

How do you think I feel with people who have "voting accounts" who spend hours just returning votes.  And doesnt have anything to do with whether or not someone actually likes your doll/condo.   I would say it puts those of us who dont have "voting accounts" at a disadvantage in the rankings..  I work hard on my house, and know its way better than a lot of people in the rankings (who have nothing done to their home)  so, can I start voting for my own doll to level out the playing field..  Of course not, because thats cheating.

Those who know me know how I feel about voting accounts, so I won't go on that tirade again. ;)

With a game like this, and considering there are many different players of all ages, backgrounds, tastes, etc. it is going to be hard to please all of the people all of the time. 

It's suprising (to me) that the addition of the fashion show (which was meant to add another fun element to the game) has become the source of such heated debate and controversy.  Kind of a shame, really. :(

             **Board Admin - Moderator**

#32 2011-06-14 14:36:07

From: Right here
Registered: 2009-10-12
Posts: 156

Re: Where's the Disco outfits girls?

willowskye wrote:

I think people are forgetting to take into account that not everyone reads the message board.  I am sure a lot of the off-theme dolls are from those who don't read the message board and therefore have no idea there even is a theme for each week's FS.

It is also announced in the news each week, and that is the first page you see when you log in. I think it is more of a case of a lot of players don't read. period. And that includes rules, terms and conditions, news, or anything else.
But then, to counter my own argument - they DO read something at least - because they somehow find out what items are required to enter the show.

sierradane wrote:

*shakes her head*  I don't know why, but with this fashion show I paid extra attention to what the dolls were wearing.  I'll probably be blasted for this comment, but: so sad that the top winners were not representing the theme at all.

I think they were outfits that people could wear to a disco these days, rather than 70's disco style. At least they were not ball gowns or bathers.

sierradane wrote:

I'm sure with the next theme: beach/playa that most everyone will be on theme.  I hope.

I can already see one wearing last week's outfit with a badge from playa stuck on.... Be prepared for all of the bathers from the adventure to return, and no doubt there will be at least one person wearing that black and white gown, two Tim Burton dolls, two or three winged goths, and those wearing ball gowns with the playa items stuck to their legs under the dress.
And then there were those that entered the show before the last one was over - quite a few bathers outfits showed up! Hopefully they will realize their error and re-join.

GothGirlUni - Former Moderator for OhMyDollz

#33 2011-06-22 16:38:06

Ancien joueur 5556662

Re: Where's the Disco outfits girls?

yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so whatarewetalkinngabout? :3 iiiiii:new:  hhahahahhah iamma nnew. i see rv talkin about disco 8p i LIKE TO DISCO you like to disco? sooooooooo........ -------------- ugggh you all suxs sucks 8[ ok non  nrv  sad  ouf pleur  magic  honte  hypn  intr 

sooooooo how do i play this stupid game? DO TELL ME IMA DESPERATE



#34 2011-06-22 16:57:51

From: Under a blanket somewhere
Registered: 2009-07-18
Posts: 2124

Re: Where's the Disco outfits girls?

5556662 - Spamming the board with swearing and sexist language will not be tolerated.


#35 2011-06-22 17:06:18

Ancien joueur 5556662

Re: Where's the Disco outfits girls?

come again i am confuesed quoi quoi


#36 2011-06-22 17:42:37

From: Under a blanket somewhere
Registered: 2009-07-18
Posts: 2124

Re: Where's the Disco outfits girls?

Spamming - Multiple posts that contain little or no information. Multiple smilies in your posts.
Swearing - Even self censored words counts as swearing.
Sexist language -

5556662 wrote:


Not to mention being rude to other players and text speak. Go and read the rules.


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