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#1 2011-06-20 18:20:15

Registered: 2010-12-04
Posts: 7

New Adventure

Can someone post a guide to the new adventure? Thanks <3


#2 2011-06-20 18:21:35

Registered: 2010-12-01
Posts: 98

Re: New Adventure

Adventure Guide:
Step 1 Internet: My stage!
I always wanted to be a star! When I was a child, I use to organize \ "special singing shows " and sing some songs in front of my parents.
I remember several times shouting \ "My heart will go onnnnnnnn!" Anyhow, song is my life! I sing in the shower, on the bus, in the queue at the supermarket, even at the schoolyard at the time! I sing everywhere, all the time!
I think it is time for me to fulfill my dreams! I don't want to regret it later. Unfortunately, I have no idea how to start or where to go. Fortunately, my girlfriend Lola, who is my biggest fan by the way, came up with a great strategy!
She filmed me singing a popular song of lady Gogo then posted the video on the net.
Now we just have to wait and see how the world thinks of my obvious talent!
You need:
Cost: 7
Question: Chase the intruder:
Answer: My way
Bonus reward:
Step 2    Glory behind a computer!
In one night alone, my video was viewed over 100,000 times! It's amazing! Internet users demand more songs, obviously they love my voice and my guitar!
I continued and posted about ten new videos in less than a week! The more I do these videos, the more relaxed I am! I was even able to improvise a little dance during one of my songs! I have to say that the video that has the most hits is the one where I tripped and fell on the floor like a silly pancake. I did continue to sing though, even on the floor..well the show must go on right?! hihi!
A few days later, I received a phone call... A very famous record company from Los Angeles asked me to come and meet them to discuss my future ...
Wow! I cannot believe this! I need to find the right dress to show them how trendy I am! I have to go in there and show everyone how big of a star I am!
You need:
cost 5+9=14 [in total:21]
Question: What is the translation for "singer" in french?
Answer: Chanteur
Bonus reward:
Step 3  I Love LA !
I froze after seing how luxurious and posh this record company was, no wonder this company is called Universe! The whole building is built out of pure glass implemented in the center of LA!
Portraits of the biggest celebrities are on the wall... Right, now I'm scared! I sat down in the waiting room like a nervous wreck until a young intern rushed in to offer me some cake and coffee. It was just a small gesture but it made me smile and relax! I'm starting to love this place more and more!
How can I put it into a few words? My interview was perfect! The man who gave me the job interview told me how talented I was and how Universe studios were keeping a close eye on me, they want me to get bigger and become a true star, this is exactly what he said to me: \ "Listen love, I already see you as a star! Yet you need to prove it to the world! I'm not going to lie to you, you will have to make a few sacrifices, first off, you will have to move to L.A! Will that be a problem?\ "
You need:
cost:10+7+5=22 [in total:43]

Question: What is the real name for Los Angeles?
Answer: Pueblo de Nuestra Señora la Reina de Los Ángeles del Río de Porciúncula
Bonus reward:
Step 4 Oh baby, come back !
This is dream! Yesterday, I lived in a small apartment in Ohmydollz City and now I have my own loft at the Heart of LA! I cannot believe it.
Lola followed me in this fabulous adventure, she's now my agent. It's great to share this new life with my best friend! This morning, while preparing breakfast, I heard my song \ "Oh baby, come back! " on the radio!
I was so shocked that I spilt the entire maple syrup all over my shirt! I was hysterical! We ended up eating pancakes at the breakfast bar hihi!
In the evening, Lola asked me if I fancied a drink in the trendy bar down town, she had something very important to announce. As usual, she arrived twenty five minutes late...
I barely had time to moan to her! She told me straight what the big news was: "You, Mlle, are a lucky winner: You will be singing the first part of Lady Gogo's concert! "
OH MY.... HIIIIIII!!!!!! I cannot believe I'll be singing on stage just before Lady GOGO ! Lola told me that we had no time to rest.
I'm going to have to rethink of my whole image! I must look thoroughly glamorous! Extreme makeover time!

You need:
cost:6+10+5+10=31 [in total:74]

Question: What does an agent do in the world of showbiz?
Answer: Someone that handles different contracts for stars.
Bonus reward:
Step 5 Success story
My first half of the concert was such a success that I was able to sing all the songs in my repertoire, the crowd was amazed! Lady Gogo's concert started half an hour later than originally planned because I was that good! Following this great evening, I made the headlines: \ "The Doll that impressed Lady Gogo!\ ", " Stronger than Lady Gogo: “Your doll name”!\ "
In the evening, I was already flooded with proposals! Fortunately, Lola's management was very effective. The following week, my album was available in stores and over one million copies were sold!
Now I'm running interviews and TV shows. I sleep In the most luxurious hotels ever! I never have a minute for myself, but regardless, I love what I'm doing!
Tonight is THE night of my singing career, I am invited to the music award ceremony!
I'm nominated in several categories: \ "Best Album of the Year ", \ " Best Newcomer of the Year ", \ "Best Singer of the Year ".
I'm here, sitting next to Lola, my stomach is aching, I'm so nervous yet so happy!
I would reach ultimate happiness if I got one of these awards tonight...What a consecration it would be!
Suddenly I heard my name! I couldn't believe it! I got up and walked to the stage to receive my reward. While I made my speech, tears of joy rolled down my cheeks...
You need:
cost:10+5+5+9+6=35 [in total:109]

Question: What does "Crocodile tears" mean?
Answer: When someone is pretending to cry
Bonus reward:
Step 6 World Tour
I am over the moon... Who would have thought that I would doing this today? I still cannot believe I am famous throughout the world! My world tour will be starting soon: First stop is New York!
All tickets sold out under two hours! The show \ "Tonight's Show " in Times Square is making a special report on my life. I am the guest of honor.
At the end of the TV show, a group of fans were waiting for me with tons of gifts! They were so nice that I decided to invite them to join me for the evening.
We went to trendy bars and nightclubs! And because I am a celebrity , we were lucky enough to be placed in the VIP area and we were offered bottles of champagne!! I even had a big crush on Tom, the most handsome of all my fans!
I love my life!!!
You need:

Cost: 5+8+5+10+12=40 [in total:149]

Question: What is the legal age to drink alcohol in the USA?
Answer: 21
Bonus reward:

Today is your big day, your Tour is about to start! But... is being a star really what you want to do? The choice is yours: Go on stage and give the concert of your life or leave everything behind and travel to Japan to find your true purpose?

Time to make a choice!

Click on the images to observe the different paths offered to you, the gifts are different for each path! Choose wisely, once decided, you cannot go back!

Caution: the jobs to win are different too depending on your choice!
Step 7 I'm a superstar!
Today is a great day! My great tour is starting! The beginning of three months of non-stop concerts in all major cities around the world! The whole world is ready for the concert tonight! It is a global and major event!
I was surprised this morning when I discovered the Time Doll Mag headlines: "smashed-tomato now belongs to the list of 100 most influential people in the world!\ "
Wow! It's official, my great talent is finally recognized! I'm a super star now!
Later in the day, while I was daydreaming, I realized that a whole team was working around me: hair stylists, makeup artists, fashion designers...It's true that I need to be perfect when I go on stage and I feel very forunate to have them around me! I even had the chance to visit and talk to one of the most famous fashion designers in the world, the one and only J. Paul. Gollz! Well he did create all of my all my outifts hihi!
I'm about to go on stage and the pressure is at its peak!
Fortunately, my dog, Max is there to support me! I hear people screaming my name. I take a deep breath, I walk on stage, I hear the first notes of my hit song and... here we go!
An unexpected surprise occurred during my live concert, Lady Gogo appeared in flesh and blood on stage and we sang a duet together! The crowd went wild!
When the concert ended, fans ran on stage to offer me my first gold record award!
So many emotions today! I'm living the dream! The Super Star life, I love it!!! I would not change a thing, my life is pure perfection!
You need:
Cost: 11+10+9+10+10=50 [in total:199]
7$$$ job

Step 7 Enough of the bling bling!
Today is a great day! Well at least it shopuld be...
I should be happy but when I woke up this morning in my majestic Dollz Palace, a feeling of sadness came over me. All this glitter, people who harass me on the street, I just can't stand it anymore and it feels wrong somehow!
I just don't think the world of showbiz is for me. I cannot even go out and have coffee anymore without someone asking me for an autograph...
Right! I've decided! I taking the first plane to Asia! I'm retreating from it all, I'm going to the mountains. This will be for the greater good! After a long journey on the plane, I finally arrived on the quiet shores of Lake Ashinoko and it is absolutely beautiful!
Mount Fuji completes this incredible panorama, perfect serenity! I decided to visit the Hankone Jiinja shrine to meditate a little, take a step back from the recent months and refocus my energy!
After my meditation session, I decided to go to ryokan to enjoy the hot spring water, view the mountains and flowers and breath the fresh air. It's wonderful and beautiful! I'm fully relaxed now and realize that I'm not meant to be in the ??shallow and hysterical world of showbiz! It's all about the zen attitude!
You need:
Cost: 12+10+8+14+6=50 [in total:199]
7$$$ job Master Yogi
Total cost: 199$$$ or 249$$$ and 150feez

Last edited by mikomi (2011-06-20 18:31:03)


#3 2011-06-20 18:29:05

Registered: 2010-12-04
Posts: 7

Re: New Adventure

OMG thank you so much for the guide! It really helps! ok


#4 2011-06-20 19:07:16

From: Penn
Registered: 2009-08-27
Posts: 347

Re: New Adventure

massiealpha wrote:

OMG thank you so much for the guide! It really helps! ok

Please do not double post, there is an edit button here for a reason.
Thanks for the guide! The prizes look amazing, but I really want a room, because I already got a 7 $$$ job.

#5 2011-06-20 19:21:30

Registered: 2010-12-04
Posts: 7

Re: New Adventure

I'm so sorry-- my computer was acting up. Thanks for the reminder though! Again, sorry.


#6 2011-06-20 20:16:38

Registered: 2010-11-29
Posts: 1010

Re: New Adventure

Oh I love these things:love: I so have to find away to finsih this.


#7 2011-06-20 21:22:18

From: Under a blanket somewhere
Registered: 2009-07-18
Posts: 2124

Re: New Adventure

Thank you for the guide!
I have enough money (just) on my secondary accounts to complete this!!


#8 2011-06-20 23:16:26

Registered: 2010-12-23
Posts: 218

Re: New Adventure

Ehh... the band guys are super cute!! But I'll only do till the stage with the pretty closet :D

#9 2011-06-20 23:48:13

Registered: 2011-06-20
Posts: 2

Re: New Adventure



#10 2011-06-21 02:37:07

From: Termina
Registered: 2010-10-02
Posts: 3592

Re: New Adventure

F-f-finally! I managed to save up and finish my first adventure!! So worth it!!!

#11 2011-06-21 04:43:14

Registered: 2010-12-01
Posts: 229

Re: New Adventure

Love Love Love This Adventure love love  But again.. can't afford it.. =.=


#12 2011-06-21 04:58:39

From: Right here
Registered: 2009-10-12
Posts: 156

Re: New Adventure

I did the adventure to get the job - only to find I already had a 7$$$ job I had forgotten about.... intr

GothGirlUni - Former Moderator for OhMyDollz

#13 2011-06-21 08:11:00

From: Luck Land - Ireland
Registered: 2010-02-20
Posts: 14

Re: New Adventure

I will be able to finish it yay!!!

Smile will save the world!!!

#14 2011-06-21 08:21:16

Registered: 2010-11-30
Posts: 31

Re: New Adventure

Thank you for the guide :) I can't wait to finish the adventure.


#15 2011-06-21 09:33:54

Ancien joueur tweetyx

Re: New Adventure

Thanks for the guide, I think I'll do it on one of my alt (Jawahir) gai


#16 2011-06-21 09:56:30

From: City of Love
Registered: 2011-05-07
Posts: 384

Re: New Adventure

Thanks so much, your guide is really help me

Beautiful comes from inside >3

#17 2011-06-21 12:30:01

Ancien joueur xtifax

Re: New Adventure

t.y. for 'd guide/


#18 2011-06-21 13:10:26

Ancien joueur meribelle

Re: New Adventure

Thanks for the guide ^^

I finally have enough to complete it ^^


#19 2011-06-21 15:01:33

Registered: 2011-03-21
Posts: 35

Re: New Adventure

OMG Thank you Thank you Thank you

You can't help who you fall in love with. Love is love no matter the orientation. The most important thing in this world is to love and be loved in return.

#20 2011-06-21 15:23:39

Registered: 2011-03-21
Posts: 13

Re: New Adventure

fete Thank you thank you:applau:

I have the phoenix inside me. I will take what is mine with fire and blood. When you take me down, I will rise again stronger and harder than before. Anyone who stands in my way will burn. I swear to Ceres

#21 2011-06-21 20:22:02

From: The Land Of The Undead
Registered: 2010-05-05
Posts: 3015

Re: New Adventure

thanks for the guide mikomi ok

but it'll cost 43d$... '-'
and i don't like what comes before i can earn that....
*98%chance to change my mind on the weekend*
luckly, i already have a 7d$ job fete

░▒▓█Anonymous Random Procrastinatos, UNITE... some day.

#22 2011-06-22 12:07:43

From: The Demon Academy
Registered: 2010-11-29
Posts: 129

Re: New Adventure

kandygirl123 wrote:

massiealpha wrote:

OMG thank you so much for the guide! It really helps! ok

Please do not double post, there is an edit button here for a reason.
Thanks for the guide! The prizes look amazing, but I really want a room, because I already got a 7 $$$ job.

I don't belive it-s a double post,it-s rather a reply. A double post would be is you post 2 messages, one after the other.Like:
[dollzname] wrote at 17:42:31: OMG!Thanks!
and the message right after it is:
[dollzname] wrote at 17:42:58: It really helped me decide.

But the guide is awesome,I wish I could only do the Yogi(or Yoga?) Master step,I love the Japanese stuff,the room items, and the house.And that is the loveliest kimono I've seen so far in the game.

#23 2011-06-22 19:46:26

Registered: 2010-12-04
Posts: 7

Re: New Adventure

It WAS a double post, but i deleted it. My computer was going crazy :p


#24 2011-06-25 06:58:08

From: The Land Of The Undead
Registered: 2010-05-05
Posts: 3015

Re: New Adventure

i just couldn't resist the purple dress and spent 43$$$ to get it...
it was worth it! star

░▒▓█Anonymous Random Procrastinatos, UNITE... some day.

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