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#1 2011-06-30 08:32:19

Ancien joueur o-0

What has happened to your voting dolls?

gothgirluni wrote:

My review: Too many outfits without any stripes at all!

I gree with gothgirluni,. my review: this is a disaster! completely pathetic o<.>o

hey! >.P  there all off the theme,( the dollz in the FS)  i mean only two that i see in very stripes and very creative and those girls are TW33TYX &&& UNII &&& MIKONI && FAIRYKISSES ok We should see those two girls leading the fashion show but nooo.. the one's that are really off-theme are in the lead! none of them are even perfect!! arrrgh, pathetic.' whats had happened to your voting people. Didn't you ge it?! "Remember, it is up to you to decide who is worthy to win the Fashion Show by voting!" (and to top that, it was written by the adminstarter 8>.<8)  Well i am going to do my best to get the best dollz on theme. Also theres this girl who had two dollz leading 1st &&& 2nd and i did my best to bring her down (I succeeded with one and her other doll is stilling winning....i smell some cheats going on)  anyway, all i am trying to say is "Remember, it is up to you to decide who is worthy to win the Fashion Show by voting!"
*(*this msg is no to offence anyone okay?**
Seriously the top three right now (SHADA22, JULIANA3MMY, GEEKGIRL/SMILES527) are  not worthy of winning >.< I admit they do have stripes in there outfit...but only a LITTLE!! as I said there no match for those 3 girls MIKONI &&& FAIRYKISSES &&& TW33TYX &&& UNII &&&... but the sad thing is their the ones that are worthy of winning are not in the top 15 yet!
This has completely turned to "Do not vote the one that are on theme, vote the one that is off-theme'
I know many of you had this kind of same argument in forums about this fashion show and I am also sick of it! non

I wish we had the french fashion show rules in this version as well ok

Last edited by o-0 (2011-06-30 10:35:59)


#2 2011-06-30 09:08:49

*~.:Fairy Dust:.~*
From: In my own little world
Registered: 2010-03-02
Posts: 4655

Re: What has happened to your voting dolls?

I agree with you. I spend my $$ to buy outfits for the fashion show just to be over voted for dolls that don't fit the theme. It makes me not want to join any more nor vote anymore either.


#3 2011-06-30 11:11:32

From: There, where I fly
Registered: 2010-11-29
Posts: 1562

Re: What has happened to your voting dolls?

Even I were looking for some items with stripes to add my doll. I made an outifit with some stripes(check my loft). I have a stripy shirt and socks, but off-theme people are getting more votes. I am sick of it! If there wont be people like them, maybe I could be between Top 15 girls non

Yes, maybe I sound like a little spoilt girl, but that, what I say is true.


#4 2011-06-30 11:23:36

Ancien joueur larette

Re: What has happened to your voting dolls?

I'm trying my best to vote the 'Stripy' dolls up too! It's driving me crazy & last week was embarrassingly awful too.
I really like mikomi, fairykisses, tw33tyx, valyeria, blackmoonlight, evadiva, mystixgirl...
others with plenty of stripes & cute too are sunshinesmiles, lolycats, yarlyna, there are some others too but I don't remember the names.
Very few of these are in the classification & when they do appear they disappear just as quickly!

edit: here are a few others that caught my attention during my last spate of voting - sugarkande, alesxandra, elouise, ehawee, lily530

Last edited by larette (2011-06-30 12:55:50)


#5 2011-06-30 14:41:10

Ancien joueur geekgirl

Re: What has happened to your voting dolls?

I entered the Fashion Show too early xD I bought striped accessories too, but forgot that I already entered, and couldn't changed it nrv Oh well. I wasn't aiming for me to win anyways =P
I use up all my money for the Fashion Show... I don't even come in the Top 15. Now, in this fashion show, I did nothing, and they voted for me. I admit, I shouldn't be in the Top 15. =(

Last edited by geekgirl (2011-06-30 14:47:38)


#6 2011-06-30 20:12:05

From: The Land Of The Undead
Registered: 2010-05-05
Posts: 3015

Re: What has happened to your voting dolls?

sad thing they're off-theme, but if among 100 people there are only 2 or 3 on-theme, obviously the off-theme people will get more votes.

1)you can only refresh page every 10 minutes, so it's pretty hard to find one of the 3% on-theme people and as you're already there, you vote for someone with the outfit you like
2)some people may not be aware of the theme(i'm sure there are tons of people who never read the news)
3)several people just don't care about the theme and still use the same criteria to vote(they just vote for the one with the best look)
4.1)some people may just have NO clothes with stripes at all
4.2)people who don't buy feez and who have recently done this last quest may not be willing to spend $$$ with new clothes
4.3)the clothes with stripes in this sites are either not-that-good-looking, hard to find, expensive or kind of suspicious*

as long as i couldn't find an outfit(with stripes) that pleased me, i just didn't join this time(i wish i found something to join...)
*easy to find+cheap = you're afraid everyone else will decide to wear that same item.

░▒▓█Anonymous Random Procrastinatos, UNITE... some day.

#7 2011-06-30 20:42:17

From: There, where I fly
Registered: 2010-11-29
Posts: 1562

Re: What has happened to your voting dolls?

Yes, I believe i this site there ARE MORE ITEMS WITHOUT STRIPES (oops, sorry for Caps Lock, but I don't want to rewrite this sentence!).

@darkjewels: I don't get it, why to care that others may have that item too?


#8 2011-06-30 22:08:50

From: The Land Of The Undead
Registered: 2010-05-05
Posts: 3015

Re: What has happened to your voting dolls?

@shutupandletmego: the point isn't the fact that another person has the same item, but the fact that several people are wearing the same item on the FS. imagine everyone in the FS wearing the same item. you'll get tired of seing this all the time. eg: you buy the zebra stripe skirt from dolls and roses store and everyone else had the same idea, so you'll see that skirt in the FS everytime you're going to vote for someone.
but the main reason would be the $$$ cost. we NOW have this 30% sale, but during that quest...

Last edited by darkjewels (2011-06-30 22:13:00)

░▒▓█Anonymous Random Procrastinatos, UNITE... some day.

#9 2011-07-01 11:33:07

From: There, where I fly
Registered: 2010-11-29
Posts: 1562

Re: What has happened to your voting dolls?

@darkjewels: I imagined it and it looks funny :D Everyone look like zebras :D

I little take look in fashion show and voted some dolls. I counted how many have stripes, and how many don't.
Have: 20
Don't have: 13

My review: Yesterday in each voting page there were 1 doll with stripes. Today from 33 dolls 20 have atleast one stripy item, 13 still don't.

Ah, now I reget that I didn't add my doll green stripy scraf...


#10 2011-07-01 15:46:46

From: Right here
Registered: 2009-10-12
Posts: 156

Re: What has happened to your voting dolls?

darkjewels wrote:

sad thing they're off-theme, but if among 100 people there are only 2 or 3 on-theme, obviously the off-theme people will get more votes.

1)you can only refresh page every 10 minutes, so it's pretty hard to find one of the 3% on-theme people and as you're already there, you vote for someone with the outfit you like

It's 2 minutes, not 10 minutes.

darkjewels wrote:

3)several people just don't care about the theme and still use the same criteria to vote(they just vote for the one with the best look)

These are the sort of player who only think it is fair if it works the way they want it to.

darkjewels wrote:

4.1)some people may just have NO clothes with stripes at all

So buy some! Serious fashion show entrants save up each weak for the next show.

darkjewels wrote:

4.2)people who don't buy feez and who have recently done this last quest may not be willing to spend $$$ with new clothes

That does not mean they should enter in the quest clothes. A couple of weeks ago we had a huge number of identical and boring quest clones in the show. So who was the best? Who was displaying their unique fashion sense? None of them. So why did they even bother to enter?

darkjewels wrote:

4.3)the clothes with stripes in this sites are either not-that-good-looking, hard to find, expensive or kind of suspicious*

It's not that hard to find a pair of striped socks to wear as part of the outfit. People with talent can work wonders even when restricted. Why do the unskilled and lazy expect to win and complain when they don't? And even if everyone does use the same item, there are seven other items that they are wearing that will make the difference. See above comment on the clones in the bikinis with baskets a couple weeks ago, or the pile of people wearing the same black and white dress. Obviously these people don't care if they are wearing the same thing as everyone else anyway!

darkjewels wrote:

as long as i couldn't find an outfit(with stripes) that pleased me, i just didn't join this time(i wish i found something to join...)

That is a valid choice. I wish more people would behave the same way.

GothGirlUni - Former Moderator for OhMyDollz

#11 2011-07-02 00:05:04

From: The Land Of The Undead
Registered: 2010-05-05
Posts: 3015

Re: What has happened to your voting dolls?

@gothgirluni: when i checked the french news of the previous fashion show's theme, i must have read it wrong. thanks for correcting ok
as for the clothes, well, yesterday i was looking for new clothes for my doll and found nice ones with stripes(but didn't buy them) and i went mad because i didn't find them earlier hypn
about the rest, thanks for the review(is it the right word?) good

@shutupandletmego: yep, that would be funny ^-^

now i wonder if i'll be able to help those who are wearing clothes with stripes(or if the FS's page will still run slow x_X)

░▒▓█Anonymous Random Procrastinatos, UNITE... some day.

#12 2011-07-02 11:11:19

Registered: 2011-03-24
Posts: 43

Re: What has happened to your voting dolls?

well... i have tried to do my best to join the fashion show... i spent some $$$ as well... but if u thought i dont deserve to win its owkayy, and plus i dont cheat at all.. cuz even i was very busy to open this site, im still there... but thanks for the suggestion... i'll be better next time guys...


#13 2011-07-02 12:32:47

From: Right here
Registered: 2009-10-12
Posts: 156

Re: What has happened to your voting dolls?

shada22 wrote:

well... i have tried to do my best to join the fashion show... i spent some $$$ as well... but if u thought i dont deserve to win its owkayy, and plus i dont cheat at all.. cuz even i was very busy to open this site, im still there... but thanks for the suggestion... i'll be better next time guys...

What one judge dislikes, another may love. Don't worry about it. I don't think Unii is worthy of winning either, despite o-0 liking her, and she's my doll!
That's why we have lots of people to judge/vote.

GothGirlUni - Former Moderator for OhMyDollz

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