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#1 2011-09-01 11:58:53

From: Chickenville
Registered: 2009-07-09
Posts: 3288

Victorian vs King's Court

When thinking of this recent Fashion Show, "King's Court" and the person in history, Marie-Antoinette this is what I think of:

Or from that time period, I also think of 'barmaids,' which I think that was what I was going for.   Well... maybe a royal barmaid (since I threw in a crown) ;)

The images brought forth from doing an image search for Victorian period clothing brings up dresses quite a bit like the picture above, but from doing searches for clothing for the game Sims 2 and 3 (for Victorian period clothing), the style was more straight and not like the Marie-Antoinette look.  Anyone watch Titanic and see those dresses?

Anyway, as for the Fashion show... I've seen lots of long dresses but once again, it's sad to see all those short dresses, shorts or whatever they have on. 

For the most part, I think the "theme" fashion show is both good and bad.  It probably depends on if I like that theme and/or if I have the DB. :)

Thoughts anyone?

Last edited by sierradane (2011-09-01 12:00:15)
"Well, Jane, it just goes to show you, it's always something — if it ain't one thing, it's another." Roseanne Roseannadanna

#2 2011-09-03 10:25:45

Registered: 2011-03-15
Posts: 33

Re: Victorian vs King's Court

I find that I seem to interpret the theme differently to a lot of people.  I get tired of the pretty dresses and so go down a different road.

This week, for example, I took the King's Court theme more to a Lord of the Rings/Song of Ice and Fire destination and made a ranger-type entry on an alt doll of mine.  I love looking through all the stores and will happily spend a good couple of hours getting my doll looking as close to the picture in my head as I can.  The problem with this, I find, is that my entries are very often 'against the grain'.  I had a similar problem with the 'stars' contenst.  I spent a good while dressing my doll as Princess Leia in the infamous slave costume, only to find that others had taken the theme differently and added stars to their gorgeous outfits.

Still, the theme gives me a challenge and the opportunity to be a little different but leaves me with the problem that few dolls meet MY interpretation of the brief.

*shrugs*  It's all fun and games, at the end of the day.

I'm definitely in agreement regards the dress length, though.  Anyone showing even an ankle at the King's Court would be cast out and disciplined.  Presuming, of course, that they even managed to get through the doors before they were dragged away by the guards.

On a slightly related note, I used to work at Lumley Castle in England as a banquet server.  Our uniforms were traditional, Victorian blacks and they left absolutely EVERYTHING to the imagination.  Throat-height collars, wrist-length sleeves, ankle-length skirts.  All black, with spotless (and I do mean spotless) white gloves, full-length white apron, starched white collar and cuffs and a white mop cap.  Very, very conservative.  I don't miss getting dressed for that job!


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