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#1 2012-02-07 09:29:24

Registered: 2011-05-19
Posts: 120

adventure rewards ( a bit of complaining)

lately it seems like someone new is doing the adventure reward selection ( putting the reward sets together) or maybe its the designers but i really feel dissapointed with the choices lately...they seem flat and boring and non of the steps seem worth the money i spend..i didnt want to say anything at first because it seems normal to me that you cant like everything every time..but its a couple of times in a row now that they are just far less appealing...not sure how to put it really..they just dont come to life,..some of them i like the idea but the image itself is just not "pretty' enough...or other times they mess up a perfectly nice items ( like a lot of the bars,bathroom furniture etc with ugly pattern stamps on shower cabins with ugly wallpaper in them ( there are plenty of nice wood/stone/tile paterns and textures available) and this just makes them limmit their use for a lot of people and harder to fit into a roomdesign....mostly my complaint is with the graphic quality/design style and the repetition of basicly the same items over and over again and im missing the imagination i use to see here...i was always looking forward to new adventures comming out..spending my money on them because i was satisfied with what i got in return, i hope to see that come back.


#2 2012-02-07 09:53:18

Chat moderator
From: somewhere :)
Registered: 2010-11-30
Posts: 1445

Re: adventure rewards ( a bit of complaining)

i have to agree with you , the adventures are becoming way boring & yes not worth the money , i didnt do the last adventure i guess.... and i dont feel like doing this one all the items are boring & the somehow good items are at the end of the adventure where i never reach :(
& the gif dresses or items they always have in the last step of the adventure is of a very bad quality.
i wish to see a really different & more intresting adventure soon :)


#3 2012-02-07 11:22:39

Registered: 2010-12-13
Posts: 2362

Re: adventure rewards ( a bit of complaining)

Im kinda in agreement with you.. 

I think adventures are losing some of their appeal due to there being so many of them..  It seems like some of the prizes for doing them arent as good of quaility as if maybe they were rushed so the designers can start work on the next adventure..? :P


#4 2012-02-07 17:18:05

From: The Land Of The Undead
Registered: 2010-05-05
Posts: 3015

Re: adventure rewards ( a bit of complaining)

i bet you can guess why i did not do the mangaka adventure thing a few months ago when i'm kinda fanatic for japanese things nor the on-going personality test they just realesed.
even the pretty items are lame. lately i've only been doing adventures for free rooms and extra dollz...

let's look at the bright side: it's getting easier and easier to save $$$! if it stays this way, i bet i can reach my goal to save 700$$$ pretty soon [/was it sarcasm?]

but back to the subject:
how can an avatar-customizing game be so uncreative with the items?
i've never been very sensive with the items here and i've never been a big fan of fashion & cat walk things but even i am feeling this lack of spirit and this lack of "wow i need to get this thing!" on the quest rewards.

░▒▓█Anonymous Random Procrastinatos, UNITE... some day.

#5 2012-02-08 02:50:49

From: The world I created in my head
Registered: 2010-08-12
Posts: 21425

Re: adventure rewards ( a bit of complaining)

darkjewels wrote:

i bet you can guess why i did not do the mangaka adventure thing a few months ago when i'm kinda fanatic for japanese things nor the on-going personality test they just realesed.
even the pretty items are lame. lately i've only been doing adventures for free rooms and extra dollz...

let's look at the bright side: it's getting easier and easier to save $$$! if it stays this way, i bet i can reach my goal to save 700$$$ pretty soon [/was it sarcasm?]

but back to the subject:
how can an avatar-customizing game be so uncreative with the items?
i've never been very sensive with the items here and i've never been a big fan of fashion & cat walk things but even i am feeling this lack of spirit and this lack of "wow i need to get this thing!" on the quest rewards.

I only do the adventures for rooms too
I never noticed but how much time is in between quests? If they do quests like every 2 months or so then maybe they'ed have enough time to think the prizes through. Plus we'd have enough time to save $$$ gai
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#6 2012-02-08 03:02:54

Mother, Sister, Daughter, Friend.
From: Edmonton, Canada.
Registered: 2009-07-22
Posts: 2407

Re: adventure rewards ( a bit of complaining)

Personally, I find the repetition of items (bathtubs, sinks, beds, etc.) AND the frequency of the adventures to be the most frustrating aspect.

Having an adventure every two weeks means that my attic is the room that fills up the most.  They have added a lot of rooms, but they always come with an adventure full of stuff.  I really wish they would take a break from adventures for a few months and just come out with some rooms for fee'z.  That way, I can start to use some of the items gathering dust in my attic.  Also, it would give everyone a chance to relax for a while.  If not, then at least come out with some new blank rooms for fee'z, that we can buy whenever.  (If I was a new player who had just joined today, I would be SO frustrated to find out that the majority of rooms can not be bought because they were part of a past adventure.  For a player joining today, there are only 16 rooms they can get...out of 36!  If I found this site today, I might not join because of that.)

I feel (and have long felt) that the pace of adventures is like having someone with a whip behind you, constantly cracking it and telling you to "Go Faster!"  Even if I'm not taking part in each adventure, having them every two weeks still feels like too much, too fast, too soon.

Having so many repetitive items makes me resent wasting my money on them just to get further in the adventure.  Seriously, how many tubs, sinks, beds, one piece of wallpaper, etc. does one doll need?

I do like that they have more interactive items, but yes, the quality is sometimes not there.  You're right, lilysummer, sometimes they go one step too far and ruin a perfectly good item by adding one extra thing.  Also, I find the scale of some of the items to be ridiculous.  With space so limited, a couch that takes up almost 1/2 of the room is not going to be useful.  I love that we can chose the colour of items we have to buy (an improvement from before), but I wish we could also chose the colour of the rewards.  In the latest adventure, I would love to use to the yellow bar with drinks that we got...expect, not if it's yellow.  So, there's a wasted reward for me.  If I'm getting a(nother) bed as a reward, could I at least chose the colour so maybe one day I can use it?

Sorry, a bit of rant from things long held in. :)  Don't get me wrong, I like an adventure just as much as the next doll..but, since the last year of playing, I realized that I haven't been able to decorate a room the way I really want because I've done most of the adventures.  I'm just taking all of the adventure items and trying to "make it work." 

I am getting more choosy about the adventures I do and will probably start missing some if they just offer more of the same old, same old.

I would also like to see some more creativity in the items.  I have enough couches, chairs, etc. and there are enough of them in the store that I don't want to see more offered in adventures.  How about creating some more themed items?  I have a space doll who is in desperate need of space themed items.  Or more medievil items?  Items from other time periods?   This a game where imagination is encouraged, so let's get funky with some of the items!  Lol :)

P.S. I LOVE the two wigs we got as rewards from the Valentine's adventure, but they're not in my doll's hair colour so now they're an item (and money) wasted. :(  Bummer.

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#7 2012-02-08 14:31:54

From: Chickenville
Registered: 2009-07-09
Posts: 3290

Re: adventure rewards ( a bit of complaining)

I agree with 99 and 3/4 % of everything that has been said, if not a full 100%.

The Adventures that I am the most focused on finishing, are the ones with the rooms and/or new 7 DB jobs.  (I like to switch around jobs that are the 7 DB from time to time).  I'd like to do this current one, simply because I'm lacking in the "other people/dolls" department.  But I seriously doubt if I finish it completely.  It's boggles the mind that to complete each Adventure (when you have to go ahead to purchase more feez) ends up costing around $30!  If I were to sit down to total all those up... *swoons*

I agree that I wish they would slow up on having an Adventure and I wish that they would have the rooms to be bought with FEEZ.  Remember the day when you invited a friend to this game and depending on the length they continued playing, you received a certain amount of tickets?  that could have been used for the gifts or to buy a room.  Those were the days.

Did this company "wake up" last year and decided they needed to come up with ideas to make them more money?  And yes, I do realize that this is a company and it's a business and they are in it to make money.  And thats how it can be free for others.  I fully realize that.  But I also see it as a company that has been guided by the greed of making more money.

The amount of DB you now get for the FEEZ is outrageously and horribly low.  "Before," it the exchange rate was a lot more DB for your FEEZ.  The Free Feez offers are getting mighty thin and the amount of things that have been added to download which results in viruses is increasing.

I just feel that what all of us like or what we don't like or what we'd like to see... falls on deaf ears.  Because... it's "all about the almighty dollar."

oh and yes... my attic... please, anyone who visits me... leave that door alone!  You open that attic door and everything will crash out and you wont' be seen for a long time.  There is so much stuff in my attic that it would take a good 5 or 10 minutes just to load it.

Last edited by sierradane (2012-02-08 14:33:33)
"Well, Jane, it just goes to show you, it's always something — if it ain't one thing, it's another." Roseanne Roseannadanna

#8 2012-02-10 06:56:19

Registered: 2010-12-01
Posts: 128

Re: adventure rewards ( a bit of complaining)

I think they are not being very creative, all the stuff rewards are kind of the same style lately, are plain with strange stamp designs and the clothes are usually dresses that again are plain and not worth it.  For people like me for example, doing the adventures it's not worth it, because i don't like that kind of style, the furniture it's just too common. The good thing is they innovated by doing interactive items, which is cool. I just hope someday they change the pattern for the adventures, so i can do one that i like. I did one, was horrible because i did it only for the 7DB but almost everything was horrible XD but i couldn't help it had to do it for the $$$

#9 2012-02-12 04:04:53

From: Chickenville
Registered: 2009-07-09
Posts: 3290

Re: adventure rewards ( a bit of complaining)

I wish they would stop the "for another 150 FEEZ plus more DB, you can get this new room!"  I have some dolls that do nothing but log in, get their DB return votes but none of them ever have feez.  So they will more than likely always have only one room.
"Well, Jane, it just goes to show you, it's always something — if it ain't one thing, it's another." Roseanne Roseannadanna

#10 2012-02-12 09:10:36

Mother, Sister, Daughter, Friend.
From: Edmonton, Canada.
Registered: 2009-07-22
Posts: 2407

Re: adventure rewards ( a bit of complaining)

sierradane wrote:

I wish they would stop the "for another 150 FEEZ plus more DB...

I agree.  It would be nice to not have every single adventure have 2 endings.  I also really like the mini-adventures we know, the one level "flirts."  Those are fun and I'd like to see more of them (maybe in place of every other full adventure.)  Adventures every 2nd Monday is just too much!

sierradane wrote:

I have some dolls that do nothing but log in, get their DB return votes but none of them ever have feez.  So they will more than likely always have only one room.

My extra dolls (who don't have fee'z) will usually only do an adventure IF it gets them a new room.  I'm confused...Do you not chose the free room endings for your extra dolls?  Not trying to be critical or anything, just wondering why you say they will always have only one room? :)

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#11 2012-02-12 10:31:01

From: Under a blanket somewhere
Registered: 2009-07-18
Posts: 2124

Re: adventure rewards ( a bit of complaining)

There is a lot of things I agree with in this thread.

I don't personally mind the chose both endings for 150 Feez, especially as it comes with a gift. Again it's designed specifically for the people who pay to play. I don't think they should stop being rewarded because they're the ones keeping the site open.

I do think we're having too many flirts now and I think that's contributing to the problem of repetitive and sometimes boring gifts. Now if there were more mini flirts that would give the creative team to come up with more ideas and get more elaborate.
Bringing back more old flirts so new players have the chance of getting rooms would also give the team more time to create and design fantastic new things.

What I hate about flirts is nothing matches, I would be nice to see a flirt that when you get a bar, you have to buy 4 bar stools not one or visa versa. That's one of the most irritating things. The most recent is the Sarah's Miami, where we got a window with tables outside and then ONE table for inside. Yup just one. Pretty much a freaking useless restaurant if you've got ONE table inside.
And at the start of this valentines flirt you get a big chair, that matches absolutely NOTHING that comes with the rest of the flirt. At each stage we could get items that all make a set. Now that would be nice.


#12 2012-02-12 16:20:14

From: Watching a Hockey Game
Registered: 2010-12-05
Posts: 565

Re: adventure rewards ( a bit of complaining)

anyamalfoy wrote:

What I hate about flirts is nothing matches, I would be nice to see a flirt that when you get a bar, you have to buy 4 bar stools not one or visa versa. That's one of the most irritating things. The most recent is the Sarah's Miami, where we got a window with tables outside and then ONE table for inside. Yup just one. Pretty much a freaking useless restaurant if you've got ONE table inside.
And at the start of this valentines flirt you get a big chair, that matches absolutely NOTHING that comes with the rest of the flirt. At each stage we could get items that all make a set. Now that would be nice.

I completely agree.  It would be nice to have items that were useful either with previous adventure items or within that specific adventure. 
It seems like there are more and more itemst that, while may be nice, tend to be useless and put in the attic or behind other items.


#13 2012-02-12 23:35:16

From: an igloo.
Registered: 2011-01-13
Posts: 1503

Re: adventure rewards ( a bit of complaining)

Very true, I used to look forward to each adventure, making wish lists, saving divabucks etc. not as quite anymore.  I find the clothes more bland or not worth it, and the furniture items seem repetitive, like others hav said. 

Also i think there needs to be more time between adventures so dolls can save money and look forward to the next one.

It's better to be Hated for what you are than to be Loved for what you are not.

#14 2012-02-12 23:46:08

From: You are a diamond
Registered: 2011-07-21
Posts: 1688

Re: adventure rewards ( a bit of complaining)

Ive never completed an adventure on this account, mostly Alts. This is because I check to see what the prizes are. I agree we should have more unique items. Enough furniture, enough dresses that we'll never use. I think they should be more considerate opinions and Ideas. Sometimes I wonder if there is any point to the Idea and Suggestions topic. I mean, Ive only seen about 1 or 2 become real.  And we should have a bit more time to save up.


#15 2012-02-13 15:46:16

From: Chickenville
Registered: 2009-07-09
Posts: 3290

Re: adventure rewards ( a bit of complaining)

To Willowskye:

I can only afford to buy FEEZ for my main doll.  Occasionally I'll do the free feez on the other dolls but with all the RL errands I have to do right now, I don't have the time to do the free feez on anything other than my main.  I have a couple of dolls that I've been doing the free feez on them from time to time, just to be able to buy another room.  Such as sophiemcdane, her theme is "sailboats" so one of these days, when I can remember to do those free feez on her, she'll have the yacht and maybe the beach.

Also, I've never seen the free room endings.  Lately, in order to get that free room... you have to pay 150 feez to be able to finish.
"Well, Jane, it just goes to show you, it's always something — if it ain't one thing, it's another." Roseanne Roseannadanna

#16 2012-02-13 18:30:43

Mother, Sister, Daughter, Friend.
From: Edmonton, Canada.
Registered: 2009-07-22
Posts: 2407

Re: adventure rewards ( a bit of complaining)

Sierradane...I tried sending you private notes just now, but when I tried to send them the system gave me the "server busy" page and I have no idea if my notes were sent or not.  I didn't really want to answer on the board (as the discussion is going a bit off topic) but due to a busy server, I have no choice now. (One can only type the same thing so much. Lol)

It is definitely possible and quite easy to get an adventure room w/out ever having to spend fee'z or real life money.  (I don't spend money or fee'z on my other dolls, yet they all have at least 2-3 rooms.)

Each adventure comes with two endings now, however, you don't have to do both endings to get a room.  You just have to chose the ending that comes with the room and ignore the other ending.

For example, with the 2nd last adventure we had that gave us the Venetian ending had the $7/day job and the other ending came with the room.  If your other dolls want an extra room just chose that ending (as long as you have enough $$$ to complete it to it's end.)

You can check out my other doll halliwellmanor (please ignore her mess.)  I have never spent one single dime on her, nor have I done any of the free fee'z offers with her (or any of my dolls.)  Notice that she has 3 additional rooms?  I just chose the ending that came with the room.

Occasionally, both endings will come with a room (such as the adventures that gave us the Hawaii and New York rooms and the adventure that gave us the Paradise and Hell rooms.)  If you want both rooms, then yes you would need to spend fee'z.  Only if you wanted both rooms, though. 

I hope this has helped you to see that you can get adventure rooms without spending money or fee'z.

(If you were referring to not being able to get the older rooms like the kitchen, garden, terrace, etc.  then yes, those rooms do require fee'z.)

Anyway, I hope I've helped and not confused you. :)

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