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#301 2012-12-04 08:12:22

Registered: 2010-11-12
Posts: 1316

Re: +*One•Direction•club*+
Soo Anybody heard about Mr.X,Haylor,Payzer,Perrie,Namy,& Elounor? It's been a very bad day for directioners yesterday.Also if you go on ustream some girls gave directioners a free concert by taping it live.But some turned off the ustream because they're battery died and some girls told the person to be quite and stuff soo it kinda made the person mad.Also there is a Secret 1D perfume.Then LouLou a.k.a. boobear birthday is on the 24th!
If your in the club you might get a message.
Please Comment if you want :)
If you want your quote up on the first comment please send me a comment or if you want, a privte message to me.

Last edited by torifan562 (2012-12-09 23:36:53)

be kind. always.

#302 2013-01-01 10:38:34

Registered: 2010-07-28
Posts: 804

Re: +*One•Direction•club*+

Happy new year to the boys and to all the directionners around the world and to our club members xx SANI
Made by Arlekinlain

#303 2013-01-01 10:45:09

Registered: 2010-11-12
Posts: 1316

Re: +*One•Direction•club*+

Soo Hows Everyones Holiday?
Jadefarnill would like to share a quote:

Last edited by torifan562 (2013-01-02 06:12:40)

be kind. always.

#304 2013-01-02 19:25:39

From: Asgard
Registered: 2009-11-24
Posts: 1356

Re: +*One•Direction•club*+

OKay anyone have any views on Haylor? I personally don't hate it, i love Taylor Swift and honestly, it's Harry's life, not ours. ANd what about all the hate he's been getting? It really does sicken me.

But i want to know, do you ship Haylor? If not, who do you ship Harry with?


#305 2013-01-02 23:41:21

Registered: 2009-11-25
Posts: 1721

Re: +*One•Direction•club*+

Personally, I don't ship Haylor. It's his life and his choices, but personally I think he could do better, to be honest. In my opinion, she's just looking for another 'hit song' to write about, and she's just using him to get back at her other five billion ex-boyfriends. That's just my opinion though, i'm not a huge fan of hers, as you can tell.
.•* Thank you Shadow c: *•.

#306 2013-01-03 08:28:44

Registered: 2010-11-12
Posts: 1316

Re: +*One•Direction•club*+

cullen97 wrote:

Personally, I don't ship Haylor. It's his life and his choices, but personally I think he could do better, to be honest. In my opinion, she's just looking for another 'hit song' to write about, and she's just using him to get back at her other five billion ex-boyfriends. That's just my opinion though, i'm not a huge fan of hers, as you can tell.

I agree with cullen.I really dont like the fact taylor uses boyfriends for songs.But what makes harry happy just let it be.We arent harry.He's enjoying life.
Also there is a warning that fans are leaving cause of haylor.But directioners arent.Directioners also dont send hate to harry..I talked to harry on kik.But im pretty sure he's fake.Other people are also noticing they'll break up this week.
@jade i ship all the bromances.mostly zayn bromances.Although Larry<3

Last edited by torifan562 (2013-01-03 08:30:21)

be kind. always.

#307 2013-01-03 13:50:36

From: Asgard
Registered: 2009-11-24
Posts: 1356

Re: +*One•Direction•club*+

Cullen: I sort of agree with you. I mean i don't ship Haylor, but like Tori said, as long as he's happy, i'm happy :)

Tori: Personally, I ship Narry <3

The top one gives me feels everytime <3

Last edited by jadefarnill (2013-01-03 13:51:17)


#308 2013-01-03 14:40:48

Registered: 2009-11-25
Posts: 1721

Re: +*One•Direction•club*+

Narry <3

.•* Thank you Shadow c: *•.

#309 2013-01-03 18:09:22

Registered: 2010-11-12
Posts: 1316

Re: +*One•Direction•club*+

I like ziall.Its werid because Zayns My 1st and nialls my 2nd.Their soo cute together even tho its just bromances.My old bromance one with zayn was ziam.It was when I liked liam as my 2nd but I changed it,I still love Zayn.I almost didn't like 1D anymore but I now try hard not to stop.Just Stay in the fandom(:

be kind. always.

#310 2013-01-04 13:11:24

From: Asgard
Registered: 2009-11-24
Posts: 1356

Re: +*One•Direction•club*+

  If you ever leave this fandom Tori I will personally hunt you down and punch you in the face! :D

BUt Yeah, it kinda makes sense since Niall Is my favourite. I DID ship Larry but seeing those gifs gave me many, many feels

Also, people are saying Elenour is a beard for Larry, right? Well what is Louis was a Beard for Narry? It makes sense, cover up a bromance with a bromance, then nobody will suspect a thing ;) (Apart from me of course :)

Last edited by jadefarnill (2013-01-04 13:14:21)


#311 2013-01-04 20:32:24

Registered: 2010-11-12
Posts: 1316

Re: +*One•Direction•club*+

@Jade I warned myself not to.Its my 2 year I love them still :) Well 31 of the afternoon I liked them.Idk why they make up these beard things.its werid.
(I would like to share something i made)
The GoodMorning Fanfic Part 1 chapter 1
One Morning I saw harry and taylor.Harry said,"Taylor,I bet you broke up with boys,You will write a song about them,but you never had an ex say Im breaking up with you.Sooo Im that ex.GoodBye."Then harry sees me sad.He says,"Hello." I couldn't believe it in my eyes."Harry Edwards Styles?!?!" "Your a fan?" harry said?"Yuppies.I feel like crying because No one won't buy tickets to see you guys." "Don't worry".The Next Day,
Harry Called me. "Hello?Harry?" I said. " [Y/N]!!!!Its Harry!!Help me!Me and my bandmates are getting chased!We are going to your house for now!" Harry Said scared. "Ok Harry Calm Down." 1 minutte later the doorbell rang and I opened it fast.And closed the door fast as they rushed in.I saw This Bradford Bad Boi,Zayn.3 years ago I had a crush on him.I still do."Hi Zayn,Niall,Louis,Harry,& Liam!" "Hi [Y/N]" Zayn Kept on looking into my eyes.Umm lets take a momment for you guys.... "hi beautiful" the gorgeus boy had ever said. "Hi Cutie" I said.He stared into my eyes and said,"I Love You". "I love you too". He leaned and Kissed me. A "I Love You", Whispered in my ear.Then Zayn Gave his number to me C; . "I love you more." i said.We holed hands and walked to the kitchen."You two are cute c:!" Harry Said. Harry and Niall has a crush on me.I could tell.But i got zayn.Uh-Oh.But I don't wanna cheat.They all knew my number but I only Knew Zayn's and Harry.Eleanor & Danielle knew my number.Which was werid too."Can't believe this is happening." I talk to myself. "I have the boys at my house,Im zayns girlfriend,and I'm friends with Dani & El?" i said to myself again.Zayn and Me lied down on the couch.the boys found a quest room to play and sleep around.Me and Zayn Watched a movie.First scarface and a scary movie.When scarface was over we watched a scary movie.I screamed and Zayn Said,"Its ok,Im here". 1 hour later 4 of them saw us sleeping.Louis and Liam send a pic to el and dani.El and Dani said,"Aww,our new friend is already sguggled up with zayn." "They Both Like Sleeping I quess."
To be continued
Sorry if it doesnt make sinces.Ill try to fix it up
.Anyone want the full chapter?Please tell me soo i could make more

Last edited by torifan562 (2013-01-04 21:45:50)

be kind. always.

#312 2013-01-05 00:58:07

From: Asgard
Registered: 2009-11-24
Posts: 1356

Re: +*One•Direction•club*+

That's really good tori! Are you on any story websites like quotev? It would be great for you to share. :)

Also, would you mind if i shared my imagines or fanfiction here?

Last edited by jadefarnill (2013-01-05 01:10:23)


#313 2013-01-05 01:37:10

Registered: 2009-11-25
Posts: 1721

Re: +*One•Direction•club*+

Jade, you have Quotev?
.•* Thank you Shadow c: *•.

#314 2013-01-05 02:41:03

Registered: 2010-11-12
Posts: 1316

Re: +*One•Direction•club*+

jadefarnill wrote:

That's really good tori! Are you on any story websites like quotev? It would be great for you to share. :)

Also, would you mind if i shared my imagines or fanfiction here?

Sure u could share c: no idont hve quotev.I put my fanfics or imagines in a mag website called j-14.

be kind. always.

#315 2013-01-05 03:17:41

From: Asgard
Registered: 2009-11-24
Posts: 1356

Re: +*One•Direction•club*+

cullen97 wrote:

Jade, you have Quotev?

yeah! It's called Peeta906 :))

Thanks Tori :) I just began writing this one, but i'll post the character profiles, then chapter 1 :)

Piano Girl *Niall Horan Love Story*

Hi, my name’s Emily Roberts and I am 18 years old. I have grey eyes, light brown hair and a pale complexion. I live in London in a flat above the music store where I work, pretty convenient huh? My best friend’s mum and dad own the store. When my parents died they took me in. Analyse is like a sister to me and Mr. and Mrs. Wilde acknowledged that. They are kind enough to let me stay in the flat as long as I work off the rent. They still pay me, just enough for food, clothes the essentials. Plus I get tips at the store.

Home: London
Age: 18
Hair: Light brown, just below my shoulders, curly.
Eyes: Light grey
Favourite colour: Lilac
Hobbies: Music - all of it.
Nickname: Em
Favourite singer (female): Emeli Sande
Favourite singer (Male): Ed Sheeran
Favourite group: Paramore (I know different right?)
Fashion must have: Flat shoes :D

Hey, I’m Analyse Wildes! I’m 18 years old and I live in London. I’m an only child and live with my Mum and Dad. We own the Music Store down the street from our house. I’m sure Em’s introduced herself already. Just to let you know, she is an amazing singer and plays piano amazingly. That’s why my mum and dad wanted her to work down at the store. Every so often she just sits down on the piano and sings a song. When the door is open she can attract so many customers.

Home: London
Age: 18
Hair: Brown, waist length and naturally wavy
Eyes: blue
Favourite colour: red
Hobbies: Reading, writing – I guess you could say I’m down to earth
Nickname: Anna
Favourite singer (female): Taylor Swift
Favourite singer (Male): Ed Sheeran
Favourite group: The Script
Fashion must have: Flowers! <3

Chapter 1

I tossed and turned in my sleep, wriggling under the covers on my bed. Suddenly, I woke up with a jolt, sat up straight in the bed. I looked over at the clock on the wall and sighed – 9 am. I strolled out of my bedroom door and into the living room of my cosy apartment. It was the middle of summer so it was kind of warm outside. In June, Anna and I had finished school – forever. My ambition: to travel around the world; see the sights; meet new people try new things. Anna and I are trying to raise the money we need, but it’s practically impossible. I guess I’m stuck here in London – forever.

Still half asleep, I walked over to my kitchen (sink, cooker, fridge, a couple of cupboards and a microwave) and pulled out a bowl, a spoon and some cereal. I poured some into the bowl and added a splash of milk. I sat at the small kitchen table, staring out of the large window onto the street bellow. After finishing my breakfast, I put everything away and walked into the bathroom. After getting a short shower I changed into this:

I left my hair hanging down my shoulders. By the time I was done it was time to meet Anna. I grabbed my phone and keys, jogged down the stairs and out of the front door, locking it after me. I walked slowly down the street and into the coffee shop on the corner and ordered a black coffee to go. After grabbing my plastic cup off of the counter I turned around quickly, looking down at my phone. Suddenly I crashed into someone and dropped my coffee on the floor.

“Watch it!” I yelled. I looked up and suddenly met pair of soft blue eyes staring back at me.

“Hey you walked into me!” he chuckled. I just laughed along.

“Sorry, you’re right it was my fault.” I admitted. He just slowly smiled at me, and reluctantly, I smiled back. His brown and blonde hair stood in the most perfect way and his arms looked amazing in his white tank top.

Coming out of my day dream I saw Anna over his shoulder. I sighed and began walking around the dreamy boy.

“Sorry again” I smiled at him, waving goodbye. He just raised his hand and stared at me as I walked out of the coffee shop towards Anna.

“Hey!” she said, hugging me. She was wearing this:

“Hi...” I said a little distracted. I recognised his face from some where, I just couldn’t think were…

“Okay spill” she said as we started to walk back towards the shop.

“What’s to spill?” I asked giving her a confused look.

“Who was that guy in the coffee shop?” she asked.

“I don’t know him Analyse, honestly. He did look kind of familiar though…” I muttered.

“Describe him to me!” she yelled as we stopped in front of the shop. I pulled out my keys, unlocking the shop door and sighed. I turned the door sign to ‘Open’ and walked over to the grand piano. I sat down on the stool as Anna came and sat beside me.

“Fine!” I sighed. I thought for a moment, then began describing him to her. “He had soft blue eyes, brown hair with blonde highlights in the quiff. Oh and he had really straight teeth. He’s probably had braces.”

“Hold on a second…” Anna whispered pulling out her phone. Eventually she showed me a picture of the guy I just described. “Is this your guy?” she asked.

I nodded nervously, “Why?”

“You just met Niall Horan from One Direction…”

Chapter 2

I sighed, leaning my head back and covering my eyes with my hand.

“Okay tell me again,” I said as Anna got up off the piano stool and walked over to the counter. “I have just witnessed love at first sight in the arms of Niall Horan. The Irish member of the biggest, most annoying boy band in the world, and I don’t even know him.” I finished, taking a deep breath.

Anna just looked at me and nodded. “Sorry Emm…” she muttered.  I took one last deep breath before placing my hands on the piano keys and beginning to play Titanium by David Guetta and Sia. Before I could stop myself I began to sing along…

As I reached the chorus I noticed Anna open the door to the shop. Her parents thought of me as free advertising. I could just sit here and play all day and get paid for it if I wanted to.

Halfway through the song I noticed someone walk into the shop and lean against the counter stood next Anna. I didn’t turn around to see who it was, I just carried on playing, my eyes not leaving the keys.

I sighed, pulling my fingers away from the keys and resting them on my lap. I just stared at them before I heard someone say something.

“Wow…” I quickly turned around to see him stood there with Anna. I smiled when I realized who it was.

“Thanks…” I muttered. I could feel the heat rising in my cheeks as I stared at the ground not making a sound. Something about this boy made me so nervous it was unreal. I glanced up at Annalyse to see a huge smile plastered on her face.

Before I knew what was happening Niall was walking around the back of the stool and to my left side.

“May I?” He asked politely.

“Sure…” I smiled shuffling over a little so there was room for him on the stool. Niall was sat by the lower keys and I by the higher.

“I can’t really play the piano, but I can definitely play the guitar.” He smiled.

“Go grab one off of the display” I said quickly. He smiled back at me before going to grab an acoustic guitar. I pushed the stool back a little to give him room and he sat beside me, the guitar resting on his knee. He began strumming a few chords as I just sat and listened.

“Join in” he said still playing.

“I-I don’t know the song…” I stuttered looking down.

“You don’t know Little Things?” he asked, I just shook my head. “Do you know who I am…?” he asked.

“Oh I know who you are,” I replied “I just don’t know your songs…” I looked up to see him looking at the wall, possibly thinking about something. I watched him as he then started to strum the first chords to The Only Exception by Paramore. I instantly joined in on the piano. He turned to smile softly at me. I returned the favor as I stared into his eyes and began singing along.

I noticed Anna go close the door out of the corner of my eye. She was probably worried about those stupid ‘Directioners’ finding Niall.

As we reached the chorus, I noticed Niall begin to sing along in harmony with my voice. Since I never listened to One Direction this was the first time I had listened to him singing – It was perfect. He sang all of the notes perfectly in tune and he was in time with both his guitar and my piano.

Our voices just fit together perfectly. As we reached the bridge I began to smile, his eyes still locked with mine. I just couldn’t seem to look away. It was like I was being pulled into the deep blue pool of his eyes.

As the song came to an end and I drifted out, I didn’t realize I began to lean in. Our faces were inches apart; our lips almost touching…

“Niall!” yelled a boy as he ran into the shop. We both pulled away instantly. I looked down at my feet, my cheeks getting redder and redder by the second.

“Sorry are we interrupting something?” asked another boy. I turned around to see four boys stood at the entrance of the shop.

“No, its fine.” Niall said as he stood up to put the guitar back on the wall.

“Listen, we have a problem…” said the boy with the curly hair. Suddenly I heard a very loud, very large group of girlish screams. The boys pushed the door closed as Anna ran over and locked the door from the inside.

“Well they’re definitely not getting in here.” Niall said triumphantly.

“Yeah and we’re not getting out either” Anna said with a cross look on her face.

I let out a huge sigh. “This is going to be one, long day.”

if you want to here the song Emily was playing when Niall walked in, look up "Christina Grimmie - Titanium" on youtube. Its an amazing cover and its slightly different too.

Was it okay? I've really enjoyed writing this one so far :)

Last edited by jadefarnill (2013-01-05 12:30:05)


#316 2013-01-05 03:54:42

Registered: 2010-11-12
Posts: 1316

Re: +*One•Direction•club*+

@Jade What a Beautiful Fanfic:)
Chapter two on
The GoodMorning Kiss
"Its been months sinces Zayn went on Tour.I miss him so much." I make myself some Yorkshire tea and Some HoneyNut Cherrios. And sit by myself. I hear my Vas Happenin Babe Ringtone."Its a Text!From Zayn!" The text said,*Open The Door*.I Opened the door,and I see Zayn with a tuxedo.Theres a paper saying,"Im your tuxedo and your my bow-tie lryic from Oath.And Says I Miss u". I hugged him soo tightly and said I Missed You The Most." We Both went inside and Behind me I see his bandmates in a tuxedo too.Zayn Forgotten he had flowers,then found it,and gave it to me.And Zayn Grabs something out of his pocket.A box.Ands opens the little black box.It had a ring with dimonds. Zayn Said,"I love u with all my heart,I miss u everytime i somewhere without you,but I know I could do better and stay with you when I can.But will you marry me?" "Oh my...Yes!" Zayn and Me hug while the boys calp their hands.And Louis is like,"Bravo *Crys* Bravo!"."Your my prince" I said whispering to zayns ear." and your my princess. ;)" Zayn says. And I feel a buzz.El and Dani invited me in a conversatiom on kik. They both said,"We heard-Dani Congratz-El <3" i forgot I had pjs.Soo I ran as quickly and wore something cute for the celebration."Can We Go To Nandos?" Said niall."NO jimmy protested!" Louis says. "Awh those days were I was crazy in love and knew every single thing." I said.Everyone loled :) to be continued
If u want heres an audition form:
Why You Wanna Join•
Who's your Boyfriend you would love to have•
I could maybe have el and dani as friends for louis and liam.And friends with me the next series.
Sneak Peek To,:I have just One Thing,
Jaylins POV:
"Why Did I even bother him,I didn't do anything." "I also can't believe he hit me." *crys*
Zayns POV:
*Opens Bedroom door*
*Lies Down and Hugs Jaylin*
"Im Sorry Babe.Im sorry for treating you like this.I heard u were seen with another guy.But Louis Told me He was just a sibling.Im Sorry.All I want is u to forgive me."
Jaylins POV
"Its ok."
*turns around*
"I forgive u babe"
Both POV
*Stands up and Kisses and Hug*
Zayns POV
"Like I said.You will always be my princess until the end"

Last edited by torifan562 (2013-01-05 06:07:37)

be kind. always.

#317 2013-01-05 06:36:19

Registered: 2011-11-12
Posts: 219

Re: +*One•Direction•club*+

Can I join?


#318 2013-01-05 06:57:21

Registered: 2010-11-12
Posts: 1316

Re: +*One•Direction•club*+

@tikkiwik Sure Sis!Yayay I was going to tell u to join but I forgot u said u quitted.Did u?

be kind. always.

#319 2013-01-05 12:24:32

From: Asgard
Registered: 2009-11-24
Posts: 1356

Re: +*One•Direction•club*+

Thanks Tori, your stories really coming on too :) The only thing i would say is try to slow it down a bit, It makes the reader more interested. Other than that you have a great storyline :))

Also, Can i be Niall's girlfriend? I want to join becuase you have a great story writing skills and you're a great friend, maybe we could be friends in the story? *hint hint* :D oh and you can just use Jade as the name


#320 2013-01-05 17:40:13

Registered: 2010-11-12
Posts: 1316

Re: +*One•Direction•club*+

Ok.But I was thinking since niall hasnt had a girlfriend in the story I'm thinking first he has a crush on you and he will ask u out.....Its kinda werid and moves fast because its kinda my first time and my first series.And I forgot zayn is on tour a year all over the place.And Zayn really misses (Me,Jaylin) and he wanted to marry me early.

Last edited by torifan562 (2013-01-05 17:59:42)

be kind. always.

#321 2013-01-05 22:50:56

From: Asgard
Registered: 2009-11-24
Posts: 1356

Re: +*One•Direction•club*+

Yay :)) Can't wait for the next chapter now ;)

And i see what you mean, It can be hard writing your first fan fiction. There's so much you want to include but you have to find just the right place to fit it in :) well done so far though x


#322 2013-01-05 23:50:37

Registered: 2011-11-12
Posts: 219

Re: +*One•Direction•club*+

Yea I did  but I do have time every 2 days for a while :)


#323 2013-01-06 01:27:10

Registered: 2010-11-12
Posts: 1316

Re: +*One•Direction•club*+

Ok tikki :)
short story for chapter 3 the goodnight kiss:
"Niall Looks Like He has been....In love Zayn." "Lol,heres a secret....Niall has a crush on this girl.Her Name is Jade." Zayn Says. " *giggles* awh thats cute.They met right?"."Yea They have.They bumped into eachother and then saw eachother again and became friends." Zayn Said. "haha.lets all make a plan.soo the plan is...*whispers in zayns ear* So we are going to disneyland and going on rollercoasters and we make fun of niall like "niall looks like he has a crushy-crushie!", and they have to sit together during the ride.Then Niall looks at her scared because shes scared and Niall says,"Don't worry.Im here ;)" and he will whisper "yes its true i love u". Then niall could live happliy ever after." I said. "Babe,You know Im scared of rollercoasters." Zayn Said. "Its ok.I'll make sure your fine ;)". "Soo Imma go and talk to liam,louis,and harry about this when we go to disneyland k?" zayn said. "ok".
----Disneyland Time----
Harry Liam Zayn and louis :"Looks like Niall has a crush"
Harry: "Niall and Jade Sitting in a tree k-i-s-s-i-n-g."
Louis:"Lets go to the rollercoaster!"
Jade:*Talks to self* "Uh-Oh.I hope I sit with someone whos like a hero.A cute hero."
*Gets on ride*
Niall: *Talks to self* "Uh oh what if I sit next to jade and scream werid!"
Everyone: *Whispers* " Nialls going to love this.See."
Jade:"Oh hi niall.Your sitting next to me :)"
Zayn:"Oh Look guys!They are already flirting!"
Niall:"Dont listen to them.And Yes.I like you more then a friend.Do u?"
Jade:Y......Ahhhh!OMG this ride is SCARy!"
Niall:*cuddles to jade and looks in her eyes*
*ride was done*
Louis and Zayn:"Well They are now a couple;)"
Me and Eleanor:"Aw their soo adorble!"
1 day later,
"Haha Well That worked." I said. "Thanks Babe for helping niall." "your welcome I love u boo!" "I love u too".
Welll the end. (1 more chapter)

be kind. always.

#324 2013-01-06 03:53:39

From: Asgard
Registered: 2009-11-24
Posts: 1356

Re: +*One•Direction•club*+

tori: Yay!!! I was REALLY fangirling when i saw my name in there, love it tori, you're a legend ;)

Piano Girl Chapter 3

I sighed, my fingers tracing the keys of the grand piano. I began to softly play a few notes, nothing to significant, just a soft tune I had put together.

The others were just sat around, not even talking to each other. I turned to look at Niall. He was sat near a display, strumming a small acoustic guitar. He looked up from the instrument into my eyes, giving me a soft smile. I returned the favour, my cheeks reddening as his smile turned into a huge grin.  I giggled quietly, shaking my head and turning my attention back to the piano.

Before I knew it Analyse was sat next to me on the stool.

“I saw that.” She whispered in my ear. I carried on playing hoping nobody would hear her.

I gave her a confused look, “Saw what?”

“You, flirting!” she muttered. I instantly blushed keeping my eyes on the piano keys.

“Is it really that obvious?” I whispered.

“Emm, all five of us just saw you two nearly kissing – it’s obvious.”  She said under her breath while walking away from me.

Before I knew what was happening, Niall was walking back over to me, sitting down where Anna was just a minute ago.

“I never actually caught your name…” he whispered, making me blush.

“It’s Emily, but Analyse calls me Emm.” I said, smiling at him.

“Emm… I like it” he smiled back. I giggled quietly after he said that. The way he said my name just made me blush. After laughing quietly with me, he stood up, still staring into my eyes. “Come meet the boys.” He said. “You’ll love them”

I stood up with Niall, walking over the other four boys. I waved Analyse over as she followed behind us.

“Guys, I’d like you to meet Emily and Analyse.” He said as the guys looked up at us both. We both smiled as they all stood up.

“Hey I’m Louis!” waved the guy in the striped shirt. “and that’s Zayn.” He said pointing towards the slightly tanned boy in the back. He just simply smiled at us both. Then, a boy with beautiful, curly hair came walking up to us. He stopped a few inches away from us, looking into Anna’s eyes.

“Hi, I’m Harry…” He whispered, still staring at Anna. I noticed her blushing from the corner of my eye.

“And I’m Liam.” Said the one with the buzz cut. “Sorry about this, we really didn’t expect this to happen.” He apologized gesturing to the still crazy fans outside.

“I suppose its okay,” Anna sighed, “it’s not like we get much business here anyway.”

She began talking with Harry, explaining how her parents owned the shop, and Louis, Liam and Zayn all began talking in their own little group. That left me and Niall. The awkwardness built up as the silence between us both continued.

I decided I was fed up of the near silence so I walked back over to the piano and began playing softly again.

When I looked up I saw Niall stood over by the music sheets in the corner of the room. When he turned around, he was holding a sheet music book: One Direction – Piano for beginners.

I sighed, “Niall you’ve heard me play. Beginners? Really?” he just laughed, putting it back and picking up two sheets. He walked back over, handing me the pieces before sitting back down next to me on the stool. I looked through the notes, getting the melody into my head. I realized I had heard this song once or twice before.

Slowly but surely, I began to play the song Niall had picked out.

As I began playing, Niall began singing…

“Girl I see it in your eyes you’re disappointed, ‘cause I’m the foolish one that you anointed with your heart, I tore it apart.” He stared longingly into my eyes, singing to me. “And girl what a mess I made upon your innocence and no woman in the world deserves this, but here I am, asking you for one more chance”

I felt the need to carry on the song, so I joined in.

“Can we fall, one more time? Stop the tape, and rewind. Oh if you walk away I know I’ll fade ‘cause there is nobody else…”

“It’s gotta be you, only you… It’s gotta be you, oh only you…” we sang together in harmony. At that moment I thought the whole world had stopped just to listen to Niall and I sing. We carried on through the song not a care in the world until we passed the bridge. At that point someone else joined in…

“Cause it’s gotta be you…” Harry sang, he was sat by the counter on the seating but I could tell he was looking at Anna. Then the rest of the boys came in with the final chorus.  I turned to look at them all smiling.

When I turned back around, Niall’s face was inches away from mine. I felt my cheeks redden as I found myself leaning in, my piano playing becoming quieter and less perfected. At the very end note, our lips brushed against each other, molding together perfectly. I felt a million tiny butterflies in my stomach at that point. As we both pulled away slowly, my eyes met his again.

Suddenly I heard a large amount of cheers and whistles coming from both around the room and outside the shop. I blushed as I realized they were all cheering for me and Niall.

I sighed, leaning my head on Niall’s shoulder and closing my eyes, holding onto his bare arm. I then whispered, “Best day ever.”

Hope you like it :))

Last edited by jadefarnill (2013-01-06 11:57:05)


#325 2013-01-06 08:42:40

Registered: 2010-11-12
Posts: 1316

Re: +*One•Direction•club*+

I loved the ending part.

be kind. always.

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