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#1 2012-05-31 05:19:30

From: Alice Academy :P
Registered: 2011-12-31
Posts: 374

A story by JJ-panda-chan

Since my llama/alpaca story is taking so long I wrote dis one.

There once was a moose cat and it died. The end.

lolwhut can you imagine if I actually did that? So like yeah. real story now.

There once was a piece of anteater turd named Dukie that wanted to be a strawberry. She was a very small turd, compared to others. And all of the other turds in the forests bullied her because she was so small. Then one day Dukie came across a shoe that was orange. But in fact, the shoe was no shoe. It was the foot of a magician. The foot asked Dukie "I will grant you 3 wishes if you stop getting turd all over my toe." and she realized that she was touching the magic foots nail and quickly (as quickly as a turd can) moved. The he was all like "State yo first wish mama." and she was all like "I wanna be a Strawberry!" and the foot was all like "'Aight'" And then he was all like "Hey girl waddup magic people in da sky? Dis hot babeh wants to be a strawberry can you do a foot a favor and grant this wish?" and then a whisk of sprinkles surrounded Dukie and she became a strawberry that smelled like turd. And then she was all like "Yay I'm a strawberry!!!" and then the foot was all like "Well you shmell like donkey butt" and she was all like "How would you know you have no nose" and then he was all like "I can feel in in mah vains that you smell like donkey butt" and she was like "Well I'm prettier so too bad. My next wish is that I was Jell-o on the inside!!!" and then da foot was all "That's the most retarded wish I ever heard you stupid strawberry wannabe." and then she was all "JUST DO IT!!!" and then he was all like "Dang girl get yo peaches in a straw. Hey girl waddup magic people in da sky so like this strawberry wants to be mush on the inside can ya handle that mah gooses?" And then they were all like "What flavor?" And then he was all "CHICKEN LIVA!" and they were all like "Done." and then Dukie became chicken liver jell-o on the inside. and then Dukie was all "Yay I'm jello on da inside yaaaaay" and them magic foot was all "Nobody wants to eat a chicken liva jell-o strawberry" and then she was all "You don't know that" and he was all like "SHUTUP I KNOW STUFF! NEXT WISH." And then she was all "I want to have a twin but is yellow not red like me." and then the foot was all like "Hey girl magic peeps in da sky. Dis combination of farts wants to have a yellow twin can ya handle that ma home octopus noodle?" and then a yellow strawberry appeared next to Dukie and was all "I'm outta here!" And then it hopped away. And that foot was all like "Well faget you. I don't need you. I poop in ma own diaper son! I don't need to borrow yours." and then Dukie was all "wth" and then the foot was all "SHUT UP I'M SMART!!!" and then he stepped on her and she died. Teh End c: norm
dA/FF: Deleque
Tumblr: ask-akitaneru

#2 2012-05-31 14:35:49

From: Toradora!
Registered: 2012-01-28
Posts: 38246

Re: A story by JJ-panda-chan

I laughed until the end. Dukie getting stepped on made me cry. I love reading your stories.
Soldier to Be Following Enlisted, My Heart
Tumblr: The-Steampunk-Paradox|Snapchat: KatInsanity1102

#3 2012-05-31 15:54:56

From: The world I created in my head
Registered: 2010-08-12
Posts: 21425

Re: A story by JJ-panda-chan

Wow!! OMG!! LOL!! and other stuff I can'tt hink of in the morning right now...
Poor dukie. Oh well. This was the best story I read in like eva. I loved it KEEP WRITING JJ!!!
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#4 2012-06-01 12:05:04

From: Hogwarts
Registered: 2010-02-18
Posts: 29741

Re: A story by JJ-panda-chan

Hahaahhaa!! Lol!!

Snapchat: amalmooon
Insta: mal.mooon

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