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#1 2010-12-05 16:20:21

From: Under a blanket somewhere
Registered: 2009-07-18
Posts: 2124

FAQ - The other diva site

1) What happened?
2) I had unused Feez, I want my money back!
3) Can I get my doll transferred?
4) Why can't I post MDD in the title on these boards?
5) Can I post about MDD on my page?

1) MyDivaDoll was forced to close because of the contract that Acclaim signed. Feerik did not want it to happen but had to abide by the contact terms and conditions.

2) You will need to contact Feerik directly for that. Use the 'contact us' link at the bottom of your page on OMD.

3) No, unfortunately due to the terms and conditions of the original contact, all data stored on that site has had to be deleted.

4) First; it is a legal issue. Second; it is unfair to the current community on OMD to suddenly be flooded with post about MDD. As a result posts with MDD/MyDivaDoll in the title are not allowed. However posting about the site itself is allowed as long as it follows the rules of conduct.

5) Yes, as long as it follows the rules of conduct.


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