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Melde dich mit den selben Logindaten wie im Spiel an :) Du brauchst dich nicht noch einmal neu zu registrieren.

#1 2012-06-21 09:10:54

From: - Magnolia, Fiore -
Registered: 2011-04-01
Posts: 710

♦Hogwarts School of Witchery and Wizardry♦
Dear students,
Hogwarts is now re-opened for all to join once again! Assignments will be posted every month to prevent any rush. Holidays will be on March, April, October for the whole month. Students will be sorted after taking the quiz under "How to join". If need be, updates will be PMed to you. If you cannot finish your assignments on time, do let me know.
Galleons will be rewarded every year and during (some) assignments, like marks and points. To get extra galleons for free, please PM CresentMoon.

Skip a year - 970galleons
Skip "class" without valid reason - 200galleons
Pet - Helps add extra 2 marks for every assignment
Time turner (extends time for the month's assignment) - 100galleons
Gift (Get a Christmas gift -Drawing/Layout/Avatar & Signature - for free) - 300galleons
Year 1
Requires: 200 points gained + Grade 1 in any class
Reward: 20galleons

Year 2
Requires: 500 points gained
Reward: 50galleons

Year 3
Requires: 750 points gained + Grade 2 in any class
Reward: 125galleons

Year 4
Requires: 1000 points gained
Reward: 200galleons

Year 5
Requires: 1500 points gained + Grade 2 in any 2 classes
Reward: 300galleons

Year 6
Requires: 2750 points gained + Grade 3 in any class
Reward: 500galleons

Year 7
Requires: 3500 points gained + Grade 3 in any 2 classes
Reward: Get a chance to manage the school if you pass a test sent through PM
Grade one - Have 20 marks
Grade two-  Have 45 marks
Grade three- Have 70 marks

Care of magical creatures
Grade one - Have 20 marks
Grade two-  Have 45 marks
Grade three- Have 70 marks

Grade one - Have 10 marks
Grade two-  Have 25 marks
Grade three- Have 40 marks

Defense against the dark
Grade one - Have 10 marks
Grade two-  Have 20 marks
Grade three- Have 35 marks

Grade one - Have 20 marks
Grade two-  Have 45 marks
Grade three- Have 70 marks




It seems that your broom is broken! Make a new one now!

TASK (75points/10marks):
Design a broom of your own either by scanning, drawing on tablet or etc. You can use previous images used last time.

Constallations can tell you the direction, you know?

TASK (25points/9marks):
Name 5 constallations, no more, no less... :)

Care for Magical Creatures
The unicorns love bright and colourful things, not dull and ugly, go get changed now! The  first 3 students with the prettiest outfits will get a surprise!

TASK (50points/11marks):
Dress up in a colourful outfit! You can use your alts.... If you do, fill in this:

Doll name:
Alt name:

*Please do not send me a screenshot, I will check the outfits myself.


Student name: Nicky Bloom
Doll name: Blahblah
Wand: 5 inches, made out of gold, pegasus feathers and unicorn's hooves
Classes to be enrolled in (at least 2):
1. Herbology
2. Astronomy

If you see an old man trying to get up the stairs, will you help him even though you are in a rush?
1. No - I mean, he'll get there eventually.. Besides, I'm too shy too
2. Yes - What if he falls?

During your free time in Hogwarts, will you
1. Fly around on your broomstick
2. Go to the library
3. Play pranks on others
4. Help others

If your friends tell you a secret, will you keep it?
1. YES!
2. Umm, no...

Do you usually top the class?
1. Mostly
2. Everytime
3. Sometimes
4. Never

Do you gossip somtimes?
1. No... I o it everytime!
2. I wouldn't dare
3. Yeah... Sometimes...

Student name: Angel Sky
Doll name: manaal1
Wand: 6 inches, made out of gold, Pheonyx feathers
1. Care for Magical Creatures [9marks]
2. Defense against the Dark Arts [5marks]
3. Herbology
4. Flying
5. Astronomy
Points: 125
Student name: Ravenna Eaton
Doll name: xemoxrockerx
Wand: 9 1/2 inches; Made of Yew and Thestral Tail hair core.
1. Flying [10marks]
2. Astronomy [9marks]
3.Defense against the dark arts [5marks]
Points: 125
Student name: Cordelia Saint
Doll name: malu
Wand: 12 inches made out of real delicate butterfly wings.
1. Herbology
2. Care of magical creatures [9marks]
3. Astronomy [9marks]
Points: 125
Student name: Adrianna Jackson
Doll name: Cullen97 [May be subject to change..]
Wand: 5 inches, made out of maple wood, pegasus feathers and dragon claws
1. Care of magic creatures [Grade 1: 20marks]
2. Defense against the dark arts [5marks]
Points: 175
Student Name: Kigomi Myrah
Doll Name: Jorjor
Wand: 6 1/2 inches dragon breath and snake skin
1. Care for Magical Creatures [Grade 1: 20marks]
2. Defense against the Dark Arts [5marks]
3. Herbology
4. Flying
5. Astronomy [9marks]
Points: 175
Student name: Lannaa Castron
Doll name: shiva
Wand: 7 1/2 inches, gold, unicorn hooves
1. Defense Against the Dark Arts
2. Astronomy [9marks]
3. Care for Magical Creatures [9marks]
Points: 125
Student name: Fallon McCormic
Doll name: carefreegirl01
Wand: 5 1/2 inches, dragon tooth, feather of phoenix
1. Astronomy [9marks]
2. Care of Magical Creatures [9marks]
3. Flying
Points: 100
Student name: Amelia Lockheart
Doll name: Jadefarnill
glass, unicorn mane hairs, moonstone and amethyst
1. Flying [10marks]
2. Care of magical creatures [Grade 1: 20marks]
3. Herbology
4. Defense against the dark arts [5marks]
5. Astronomy [9marks]
Points: 275
Year: 1

Last edited by kadestry (2012-07-18 07:24:52)


#2 2012-06-21 11:24:31

From: Hogwarts
Registered: 2010-02-18
Posts: 29741

Re: ♦Hogwarts School of Witchery and Wizardry♦

Student name: Cordelia Saint
Doll name: malu
Wand: 12 inches made out of real delicate butterfly wings.
Classes to be enrolled in (at least 2):
1. Herbology
2. Care of magical creatures.


If you see an old man trying to get up the stairs, will you help him even though you are in a rush?
1. No - I mean, he'll get there eventually.. Besides, I'm too shy too
2. Yes - What if he falls?

During your free time in Hogwarts, will you
1. Fly around on your broomstick
2.Go to the library
3. Play pranks on others
4. Help others

If your friends tell you a secret, will you keep it?
2. Umm, no...

Do you usually top the class?
1. Mostly
2. Everytime
3. Sometimes
4. Never

Do you gossip somtimes?
1. No... I o it everytime!
2. I wouldn't dare
3.Yeah... Sometimes...

Snapchat: amalmooon
Insta: mal.mooon

#3 2012-06-21 12:44:45

From: - Magnolia, Fiore -
Registered: 2011-04-01
Posts: 710

Re: ♦Hogwarts School of Witchery and Wizardry♦

malu wrote:

Student name: Cordelia Saint
Doll name: malu
Wand: 12 inches made out of real delicate butterfly wings.
Classes to be enrolled in (at least 2):
1. Herbology
2. Care of magical creatures.


If you see an old man trying to get up the stairs, will you help him even though you are in a rush?
1. No - I mean, he'll get there eventually.. Besides, I'm too shy too
2. Yes - What if he falls?

During your free time in Hogwarts, will you
1. Fly around on your broomstick
2.Go to the library
3. Play pranks on others
4. Help others

If your friends tell you a secret, will you keep it?
2. Umm, no...

Do you usually top the class?
1. Mostly
2. Everytime
3. Sometimes
4. Never

Do you gossip somtimes?
1. No... I o it everytime!
2. I wouldn't dare
3.Yeah... Sometimes...

Thanks for joining! Your house is Ravenclaw and assignments will come in as soon as more members join in :)


#4 2012-06-21 12:46:50

From: Hogwarts
Registered: 2010-02-18
Posts: 29741

Re: ♦Hogwarts School of Witchery and Wizardry♦


Snapchat: amalmooon
Insta: mal.mooon

#5 2012-06-21 15:12:39

Registered: 2009-11-25
Posts: 1721

Re: ♦Hogwarts School of Witchery and Wizardry♦

Can't wait :'D

Student name: Adrianna Jackson
Doll name: Cullen97 [May be subject to change..]
Wand: 5 inches, made out of maple wood, pegasus feathers and dragon claws
Classes to be enrolled in (at least 2):
1. Care of magic creatures
2. Defense against the dark arts

If you see an old man trying to get up the stairs, will you help him even though you are in a rush?
1. No - I mean, he'll get there eventually.. Besides, I'm too shy too
2. Yes - What if he falls?

During your free time in Hogwarts, will you
1. Fly around on your broomstick
2. Go to the library
3. Play pranks on others
4. Help others

If your friends tell you a secret, will you keep it?
1. YES!
2. Umm, no...

Do you usually top the class?
1. Mostly
2. Everytime
3. Sometimes
4. Never

Do you gossip somtimes?
1. No... I o it everytime!
2. I wouldn't dare
3. Yeah... Sometimes...

Last edited by cullen97 (2012-06-24 19:08:31)
.•* Thank you Shadow c: *•.

#6 2012-06-22 17:17:26

From: Toradora!
Registered: 2012-01-28
Posts: 38246

Re: ♦Hogwarts School of Witchery and Wizardry♦

Student Name: Kigomi Myrah
Doll Name: Jorjor
Wand: 6 1/2 inches dragon breath and snake skin
Class i want enrolled in (at least 2):
Defense against the Dark Arts
Care of Magical Creatures

If you see an old man trying to get up the stairs, will you help him even though you are in a rush?
-->1. No - I mean, he'll get there eventually.. Besides, I'm too shy too
2. Yes - What if he falls?

During your free time in Hogwarts, will you
1. Fly around on your broomstick
-->2. Go to the library
3. Play pranks on others
4. Help others

If your friends tell you a secret, will you keep it?
-->1. YES!
2. Umm, no...

Do you usually top the class?
1. Mostly
-->2. Everytime
3. Sometimes
4. Never

Do you gossip somtimes?
1. No... I o it everytime!
2. I wouldn't dare
-->3. Yeah... Sometimes...

Last edited by bloodyemos (2012-06-22 17:19:07)
Soldier to Be Following Enlisted, My Heart
Tumblr: The-Steampunk-Paradox|Snapchat: KatInsanity1102

#7 2012-06-22 20:09:55

From: The world I created in my head
Registered: 2010-08-12
Posts: 21425

Re: ♦Hogwarts School of Witchery and Wizardry♦

Student name: Angel Sky
Doll name: manaal1
Wand: 6 inches, made out of gold, Pheonyx feathers
Classes to be enrolled in (at least 2):
1. Care for Magical Creatures
2. Defense against the Dark Arts
(Can we take three...or all?)

If you see an old man trying to get up the stairs, will you help him even though you are in a rush?
1. No - I mean, he'll get there eventually.. Besides, I'm too shy too

2. Yes - What if he falls?

During your free time in Hogwarts, will you
1. Fly around on your broomstick
2. Go to the library
3. Play pranks on others
4. Help others

If your friends tell you a secret, will you keep it?

1. YES!
2. Umm, no...

Do you usually top the class?
1. Mostly

2. Everytime
3. Sometimes
4. Never

Do you gossip somtimes?
1. No... I o it everytime!
2. I wouldn't dare

3. Yeah... Sometimes...

This sounds like fun...! I'm crossing my fingers on this
Twitter|Tumblr|Howrse|MCL|dA: angelfire2197          Wysp|YouTube|Elitedollz: angelfire
Art Portfolio: livininart.tumblr                                   Tumblr: askmyocsstuff

#8 2012-06-23 05:26:16

From: - Magnolia, Fiore -
Registered: 2011-04-01
Posts: 710

Re: ♦Hogwarts School of Witchery and Wizardry♦

angelfire wrote:

Student name: Angel Sky
Doll name: manaal1
Wand: 6 inches, made out of gold, Pheonyx feathers
Classes to be enrolled in (at least 2):
1. Care for Magical Creatures
2. Defense against the Dark Arts
(Can we take three...or all?)

If you see an old man trying to get up the stairs, will you help him even though you are in a rush?
1. No - I mean, he'll get there eventually.. Besides, I'm too shy too

2. Yes - What if he falls?

During your free time in Hogwarts, will you
1. Fly around on your broomstick
2. Go to the library
3. Play pranks on others
4. Help others

If your friends tell you a secret, will you keep it?

1. YES!
2. Umm, no...

Do you usually top the class?
1. Mostly

2. Everytime
3. Sometimes
4. Never

Do you gossip somtimes?
1. No... I o it everytime!
2. I wouldn't dare

3. Yeah... Sometimes...

This sounds like fun...! I'm crossing my fingers on this

Yes, you can take all classes :)

Angelfire - Gryffindor
Bloodyemos, Cullen97 - Ravenclaw

Will add assignments and edit houses on Monday when I get on the computer, thanks for joining!


#9 2012-06-23 05:53:41

Registered: 2009-11-25
Posts: 1721

Re: ♦Hogwarts School of Witchery and Wizardry♦

Yay! Ravenclaw :3 Lol
.•* Thank you Shadow c: *•.

#10 2012-06-23 09:21:10

From: Attitude City
Registered: 2010-07-20
Posts: 2879

Re: ♦Hogwarts School of Witchery and Wizardry♦

Student name: Lannaa Castron
Doll name: shiva
Wand: 7 1/2 inches, gold, unicorn hooves
Classes to be enrolled in (at least 2):
1. Defense Against the Dark Arts
2. Astronomy

If you see an old man trying to get up the stairs, will you help him even though you are in a rush?
1. No - I mean, he'll get there eventually.. Besides, I'm too shy too
2. Yes - What if he falls?

During your free time in Hogwarts, will you
1. Fly around on your broomstick
2. Go to the library
3. Play pranks on others
4. Help others

If your friends tell you a secret, will you keep it?
1. YES!
2. Umm, no...

Do you usually top the class?
1. Mostly
2. Every time
3. Sometimes
4. Never

Do you gossip sometimes?
1. No... I o it every time!
2. I wouldn't dare
3. Yeah... Sometimes...

tumblr: sirpepperston

#11 2012-06-23 09:35:12

From: Hogwarts
Registered: 2010-02-18
Posts: 29741

Re: ♦Hogwarts School of Witchery and Wizardry♦

Yay bloody and cullen is in Ravenclaw!fete fete

Snapchat: amalmooon
Insta: mal.mooon

#12 2012-06-23 11:20:49

From: - Magnolia, Fiore -
Registered: 2011-04-01
Posts: 710

Re: ♦Hogwarts School of Witchery and Wizardry♦

shiva wrote:

Student name: Lannaa Castron
Doll name: shiva
Wand: 7 1/2 inches, gold, unicorn hooves
Classes to be enrolled in (at least 2):
1. Defense Against the Dark Arts
2. Astronomy

If you see an old man trying to get up the stairs, will you help him even though you are in a rush?
1. No - I mean, he'll get there eventually.. Besides, I'm too shy too
2. Yes - What if he falls?

During your free time in Hogwarts, will you
1. Fly around on your broomstick
2. Go to the library
3. Play pranks on others
4. Help others

If your friends tell you a secret, will you keep it?
1. YES!
2. Umm, no...

Do you usually top the class?
1. Mostly
2. Every time
3. Sometimes
4. Never

Do you gossip sometimes?
1. No... I o it every time!
2. I wouldn't dare
3. Yeah... Sometimes...

You'll be in RavenClaw, thanks for joining


#13 2012-06-24 19:00:35

From: The world I created in my head
Registered: 2010-08-12
Posts: 21425

Re: ♦Hogwarts School of Witchery and Wizardry♦

YES! Im in gryffindor fete
Twitter|Tumblr|Howrse|MCL|dA: angelfire2197          Wysp|YouTube|Elitedollz: angelfire
Art Portfolio: livininart.tumblr                                   Tumblr: askmyocsstuff

#14 2012-06-25 22:21:32

Ancien joueur carefreegirl01

Re: ♦Hogwarts School of Witchery and Wizardry♦

Student name: Fallon McCormic
Doll name: carefreegirl01
Wand: 5 1/2 inches, dragon tooth, feather of phoenix
Classes to be enrolled in (at least 2):
1. Astronomy
2. Care of Magical Creatures
If you see an old man trying to get up the stairs, will you help him even though you are in a rush?
1. No - I mean, he'll get there eventually.. Besides, I'm too shy too
2. Yes - What if he falls?

During your free time in Hogwarts, will you
1. Fly around on your broomstick
2. Go to the library
3. Play pranks on others
4. Help others

If your friends tell you a secret, will you keep it?
1. YES!
2. Umm, no...

Do you usually top the class?
1. Mostly
2. Everytime
3. Sometimes
4. Never

Do you gossip somtimes?
1. No... I o it everytime!
2. I wouldn't dare
3. Yeah... Sometimes...


#15 2012-06-25 22:54:49

From: Toradora!
Registered: 2012-01-28
Posts: 38246

Re: ♦Hogwarts School of Witchery and Wizardry♦

Care of Magical Creatures

I have bought my animal. I chose a cat.

Here is my blingee. I chose a cat.
crazy cool sexy cat pictures

Defense Against the Dark Arts

Here are my 5 spells and what they do:

Freezing Charm-freezes what the caster what's
Hover Charm-Similar to Wingardium Leviosa which was used to defeat the troll in Sorcerer's Stone
Incarcerous-Ties someone up with ropes
Locomotor-moves the object/person at will
Stupefy-stuns the victim

I tried not to use curses, because they're are not allowed to first years and they are normally forbidden. I also found spells that did not cause any dramatic physical harm to the troll.

Last edited by bloodyemos (2012-06-25 23:01:57)
Soldier to Be Following Enlisted, My Heart
Tumblr: The-Steampunk-Paradox|Snapchat: KatInsanity1102

#16 2012-06-26 00:33:01

From: The world I created in my head
Registered: 2010-08-12
Posts: 21425

Re: ♦Hogwarts School of Witchery and Wizardry♦

Care for Magical Creatures:

Can you put me in all the classes please :) thanks!

Defense Against the Dark Arts:

Petrificus Totalus- freezes the body
Serpensortia- produces snake, which can be controlled.
Reducto- explodes an object; knock down opponent.
Confudus- confuses opponent.

Last edited by angelfire (2012-06-26 00:46:21)
Twitter|Tumblr|Howrse|MCL|dA: angelfire2197          Wysp|YouTube|Elitedollz: angelfire
Art Portfolio: livininart.tumblr                                   Tumblr: askmyocsstuff

#17 2012-06-26 00:50:18

From: Toradora!
Registered: 2012-01-28
Posts: 38246

Re: ♦Hogwarts School of Witchery and Wizardry♦

I'm with Angel. Can I be put in all 5 too?
Soldier to Be Following Enlisted, My Heart
Tumblr: The-Steampunk-Paradox|Snapchat: KatInsanity1102

#18 2012-06-26 01:15:06

From: Attitude City
Registered: 2010-07-20
Posts: 2879

Re: ♦Hogwarts School of Witchery and Wizardry♦

This is my pet.

tumblr: sirpepperston

#19 2012-06-26 13:02:25

From: Hogwarts
Registered: 2010-02-18
Posts: 29741

Re: ♦Hogwarts School of Witchery and Wizardry♦
My pet mdr

Snapchat: amalmooon
Insta: mal.mooon

#20 2012-06-28 11:12:38

From: - Magnolia, Fiore -
Registered: 2011-04-01
Posts: 710

Re: ♦Hogwarts School of Witchery and Wizardry♦

Shiva- Sorry, you have to make a bligee with this picture...

Carefreegirl01- Slytherin

Bloodyemos & Angelfire- Updated :)

Everyone- points & marks added added!


#21 2012-06-28 12:19:22

From: Asgard
Registered: 2009-11-24
Posts: 1356

Re: ♦Hogwarts School of Witchery and Wizardry♦

Student name: Amelia Lockheart
Doll name: Jadefarnill
glass, unicorn mane hairs, moonstone and amethyst
Classes to be enrolled in (at least 2):
~Care of magical creatures
~Defense against the dark arts

If you see an old man trying to get up the stairs, will you help him even though you are in a rush?
1. No - I mean, he'll get there eventually.. Besides, I'm too shy too
2. Yes - What if he falls?

During your free time in Hogwarts, will you
1. Fly around on your broomstick
2. Go to the library
3. Play pranks on others
4. Help others

If your friends tell you a secret, will you keep it?
1. YES!
2. Umm, no...

Do you usually top the class?
1. Mostly
2. Everytime
3. Sometimes
4. Never

Do you gossip somtimes?
1. No... I o it everytime!
2. I wouldn't dare
3. Yeah... Sometimes...

Last edited by jadefarnill (2012-06-28 12:20:03)


#22 2012-06-28 13:06:20

From: Land of Storms and Sunshine
Registered: 2010-05-15
Posts: 4092

Re: ♦Hogwarts School of Witchery and Wizardry♦

Student name: Ravenna Eaton
Doll name: xemoxrockerx
Wand: 9 1/2 inches; Made of Yew and Thestral Tail hair core.
Classes to be enrolled in (at least 2):
1. Flying
2. Astronomy

If you see an old man trying to get up the stairs, will you help him even though you are in a rush?
1. No - I mean, he'll get there eventually.. Besides, I'm too shy too
2. Yes - What if he falls?

During your free time in Hogwarts, will you
1. Fly around on your broomstick
2. Go to the library
3. Play pranks on others
4. Help others

If your friends tell you a secret, will you keep it?
1. YES!
2. Umm, no...

Do you usually top the class?
1. Mostly
2. Everytime
3. Sometimes
4. Never

Do you gossip somtimes?
1. No... I do it everytime!
2. I wouldn't dare
3. Yeah... Sometimes...
|Older Art. Updated: 10/17/14| Instagram : p2ionics |
| Twitter : psionic_nerd | Tumblr Writing Blog : under-latest-nostalgia |
Thanks for the ava/sig shadowchild03!

#23 2012-06-28 13:24:29

From: - Magnolia, Fiore -
Registered: 2011-04-01
Posts: 710

Re: ♦Hogwarts School of Witchery and Wizardry♦

Jadefarnill- Hufflepuff
Xemoxrockerx- Gryffindor

Thanks for joining!


#24 2012-06-28 14:04:20

From: Land of Storms and Sunshine
Registered: 2010-05-15
Posts: 4092

Re: ♦Hogwarts School of Witchery and Wizardry♦

DADA Assign:

Spells I'd use:
1. Confundus - confuses enemy
2. Flipendo - knock backward spell
3. Immobulus - paralyzes enemy
4. Impendimenta
5. Incendio

I got kinda lazy at the last two...
These are real HP spells xD.

Last edited by xemoxrockerx (2012-06-28 14:04:42)
|Older Art. Updated: 10/17/14| Instagram : p2ionics |
| Twitter : psionic_nerd | Tumblr Writing Blog : under-latest-nostalgia |
Thanks for the ava/sig shadowchild03!

#25 2012-06-28 22:50:38

Ancien joueur carefreegirl01

Re: ♦Hogwarts School of Witchery and Wizardry♦

Haha, I'm first in Slytherin~

Care For Magical Creatures-
I'm sorry if links aren't allowed, but here...

Oh yes, and may I also be in Flying?

Last edited by carefreegirl01 (2012-06-28 23:05:13)


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