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#1 2012-07-20 16:57:59

From: Hogwarts
Registered: 2010-02-18
Posts: 29741

:♥ Royal Academy ♥:

Here at Royal Academy we inspire young princesses and princess royals to reach their full potential. All will be sorted into two categories, based on their personality and skills.
You will be given tasks and based on how you perform you will be given tiara points. If you cannot complete the tasks or break any rules you will be given -1 tiara points.
Your headmistresses are amaryllis-love & malu
Please add
Royal-headmistress to the account you are using.

If you like you can make a new account for this club suitable for it.
* Lady Royals are the ones who help the princesses in very important things.
I will choose whether you are going to train as a Princess or Lady Royal
Lady Royals and Princesses will be in same classes and will be given same tasks.
Tasks will be given every two weeks. Two tasks per month.

Princesses and Lady Royals must ~
♥  Be polite
♥  Hand in the tasks before the due-date
♥  Tell the Headmistresses if you cannot do the tasks
♥  Wear proper attire (If you have a special doll for this club)

Main doll~
Doll you are going to use ~
Fake name you'd like to use ~
Your fake kingdom ~
Take this Quiz ~
1)If you had an group assignment and if your team members are lazy what would you do ~
a - Do it all yourself. Somebody's got to do it.
b - Tell them to work.
c - Don't do it at all and let them figure something out.
d - Be lazier than them or join another team.

2)If you had to go to a ball and a dinner at the same time and you can only attend one where would you go?
a- Dinner of course.
b- The ball, I love dancing.
c - No where. I will just be helping my little sister.

3) What do you do normally in your free time?
a- Help people.
b- Read
c- Attend my duties.
d- Other.

4)Who do you admire most?
a - My mother
b - My friends
c - My Lady Royal.

5)Which describes you best?
a - Nice, Friendly
b - Busy, helpful
c - Carefree,Bubbly

♥  Princess Rayne Vinora aka Bloodyemos (Kingdomcome) of Wisteria
Tiara points ~ 38
♥ Princess Dellanir aka Angelfire (princessdellanir) of Elfia
Tiara points ~ 28
♥ Princess Elladora aka Cullen97 (Royal-cullen) of Venitia
Tiara points ~ 18
♥ Princess Raven Holmes aka Kadestry (Cresentmoon) of Genvaria
Tiara points ~ -2
♥ Princess Jazmine aka Jezzabelle123 (redredred99) of Dinotopia
Tiara points ~ 6
♥ Princess Daisy aka Rukia131 of Valliere
Tiara points ~ 28
♥ Princess Sierra Alise Martine aka Supersweetie of Kingdom of Navia
Tiara points ~ -3
♥ Princess Allysaana D' Armarien aka Ramonna (Arwenlady) of Almalyria
Tiara points ~ 20

♥  Lady Royal  Henrietta aka Redridinghood07 of Gloria
Tiara points ~ 18
♥  Lady Royal Aleya Falcon aka Sarahgrrl (aleyafalcon) of Vailsland
Tiara points ~ 16
♥  Lady Royal Hitsune-san aka Hitsune of Lemons
Tiara points ~ -3
♥ Lady Royal Noirella aka Blue Noir of Adonis Rose
Tiara points ~ 7
♥ Lady Royal Marie Anne LeFay aka rheasilvia (Zooey) of Adwirathien
Tiara points ~ 37
♥ Lady Royal Bellatrix Blanche aka xemoxrockerx (musicality) of Celestia
Tiara points ~ -2

1 ~ Would you like there to be a shop in the Royal Academy?
Yes or No
2 ~ If so then what items would YOU like to be in it?
3 ~ Would you like things like graphics in it?
4 ~Would you like to buy the items with your tiara points or do you want there to be money?
A ~ Tiara points
B ~ Money
1 ~ 4 votes
2 ~ Layouts ,blingees, stamps, avatars, headers, and signatures
3 ~ 4 votes
4A ~ 3 votes
4B ~ 0 votes

Task one by Malu ~ The Welcome (10 tiara points)
We walk into the Royal Academy school. It was amazing! The place was decorated with gold and silver. It looked magical.
"May I have your attention please?" Headmistress Malu said."You all are wearing good attire but you cannot attend classes like this. So please change into your uniforms."
In this task you have to buy and wear a type of uniform. It actually does not matter what you wear as long it is BLUE OR RED OR WHITE.
It cant be a dress. Top and bottom are required.
Task Two by Amaryllis-love ~ Nature Walk
As we all took our seats at the dining hall for breakfast, Headmistress Amaryllis-love stepped up to the podium at the head table to address us.
"Welcome to the Royal Academy girls. Now, before you all get settled in to your classes and dorms, you all get to travel to one of the most breathtaking forests for a Nature Walk. This will give you a chance to socialize with each other and let you appreciate and experience all the wonderful things nature has to offer us."
You all need to change your attire to something a bit more suitable for a couple of weeks in a forest. (Something comfortable that represents nature at its best.)  Good Luck!
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Task three by malu ~ (12 tiara points)
"There are different types of flowers in the forest" malu explained "Lillies, Roses etc. Which one is your favorite?"
Dress up as your favorite flower.
This is a bit hard so you can use an alt if you like.
TASK FOUR~THE QUEEN by Amaryllis-love
The Queens of the kingdoms from where you all come from are coming to pay a little visit to see how their faithful future Queens and their Lady Royals are doing. You are all very excited, and cannot wait to impress your individual Queens!
You have to write a short poem about your Queen to impress them. Don't worry, it's not necessary to rhyme.
                           Thank you fasionstar for the Amazing layout!

Last edited by malu (2012-10-17 17:23:39)

Snapchat: amalmooon
Insta: mal.mooon

#2 2012-07-20 19:14:46

From: Toradora!
Registered: 2012-01-28
Posts: 38246

Re: :♥ Royal Academy ♥:

Main Doll-Bloodyemos
Doll Using-Kingdomcome
Fake Name-Rayne Vinora
Fake Kingdom-Wisteria

1)If you had an group assignment and if your team members are lazy what would you do ~
a - Do it all yourself. Somebody's got to do it.
b - Tell them to work.
c - Don't do it at all and let them figure something out.
d - Be lazier than them or join another team.

2)If you had to go to a ball and a dinner at the same time and you can only attend one where would you go?
a- Dinner of course.
b- The ball, I love dancing.
c - No where. I will just be helping my little sister.

3) What do you do normally in your free time?
a- Help people.
b- Read
c- Attend my duties.
d- Other.

4)Who do you admire most?
a - My mother
b - My friends
c - My Lady Royal.

5)Which describes you best?
a - Nice, Friendly
b - Busy, helpful
c - Carefree,Bubbly

This is a neat idea. I can't wait to start. My answers are Bold, Italicized, and Underlined, hehe.
Soldier to Be Following Enlisted, My Heart
Tumblr: The-Steampunk-Paradox|Snapchat: KatInsanity1102

#3 2012-07-20 19:44:25

From: The world I created in my head
Registered: 2010-08-12
Posts: 21425

Re: :♥ Royal Academy ♥:

Main doll~
Doll you are going to use ~
I'm going to make one and then let you know
Fake name you'd like to use ~
Your fake kingdom ~
Take this Quiz ~
1)If you had an group assignment and if your team members are lazy what would you do ~

a - Do it all yourself. Somebody's got to do it.
b - Tell them to work.
c - Don't do it at all and let them figure something out.
d - Be lazier than them or join another team.

2)If you had to go to a ball and a dinner at the same time and you can only attend one where would you go?
a- Dinner of course.

b- The ball, I love dancing.
c - No where. I will just be helping my little sister.

3) What do you do normally in your free time?
a- Help people.
b- Read

c- Attend my duties.
d- Other.

4)Who do you admire most?

a - My mother
b - My friends
c - My Lady Royal.

5)Which describes you best?

a - Nice, Friendly
b - Busy, helpful
c - Carefree,Bubbly

This sounds like fun Malu :)
Twitter|Tumblr|Howrse|MCL|dA: angelfire2197          Wysp|YouTube|Elitedollz: angelfire
Art Portfolio: livininart.tumblr                                   Tumblr: askmyocsstuff

#4 2012-07-20 21:40:43

Registered: 2009-11-25
Posts: 1721

Re: :♥ Royal Academy ♥:

I am FOR sure going to join, but I can't post till monday nrv See you then!
.•* Thank you Shadow c: *•.

#5 2012-07-20 22:27:23

From: Land Of The Forgiven
Registered: 2011-08-20
Posts: 791

Re: :♥ Royal Academy ♥:

I would LOVE to join but I'm going to be gone from July 22nd-Aug1 :/

#6 2012-07-20 23:17:31

Ancien joueur hitsune

Re: :♥ Royal Academy ♥:

Main doll~Hitsune
Doll you are going to use ~Hitsune
Fake name you'd like to use ~ Hitsune-san
Your fake kingdom ~Lemons

1)If you had an group assignment and if your team members are lazy what would you do ~

b - Tell them to work.

2)If you had to go to a ball and a dinner at the same time and you can only attend one where would you go?

a- Dinner of course.

3) What do you do normally in your free time?

d- Other.

4)Who do you admire most?
- My friends

5)Which describes you best?
b - Busy, helpful

So how'd I do..


#7 2012-07-20 23:40:35

Registered: 2010-12-13
Posts: 2362

Re: :♥ Royal Academy ♥:

There already is a Princess Academy.   Is the name of this Royal Academy or Princess Academy since there cant be 2 clubs named the same thing.


#8 2012-07-21 00:04:02

From: Toradora!
Registered: 2012-01-28
Posts: 38246

Re: :♥ Royal Academy ♥:

I would like it done every other week.
Soldier to Be Following Enlisted, My Heart
Tumblr: The-Steampunk-Paradox|Snapchat: KatInsanity1102

#9 2012-07-21 03:17:14

Ancien joueur sarahgrrl

Re: :♥ Royal Academy ♥:

Main doll~ Sarahgrrl
Doll you are going to use ~
Fake name you'd like to use ~ Aleya Falcon
Your fake kingdom ~ Vailsland
Take this Quiz ~
1)If you had an group assignment and if your team members are lazy what would you do Tell them to work.

2)If you had to go to a ball and a dinner at the same time and you can only attend one where would you go?
a- Dinner of course.

3) What do you do normally in your free time?
a- Help people.

4)Who do you admire most?
a - My mother

5)Which describes you best?
a - Nice, Friendly

Last edited by sarahgrrl (2012-07-22 00:00:51)


#10 2012-07-21 07:19:44

From: Hogwarts
Registered: 2010-02-18
Posts: 29741

Re: :♥ Royal Academy ♥:

How often to you want assignments?
a - Weekly
b - Every two weeks
c - Monthly

cocobelle wrote:

There already is a Princess Academy.   Is the name of this Royal Academy or Princess Academy since there cant be 2 clubs named the same thing.

Its Royal Academy and really? I never knew there was a Princess Academy before. Is it exactly the same as this one? pleur

Sarah, Hitsune, Angel and Bloody ~ Welcome to Royal Academy!

Cullen and Fashion ~ Its OK. You can join whenever you like!

Last edited by malu (2012-07-21 07:43:55)

Snapchat: amalmooon
Insta: mal.mooon

#11 2012-07-21 07:56:17

Registered: 2010-12-13
Posts: 2362

Re: :♥ Royal Academy ♥:

Its Royal Academy and really? I never knew there was a Princess Academy before. Is it exactly the same as this one?

Yeah, I started it in 2010 :P
Its pretty close, there are a few differences..  That doesnt really matter there are lots of clubs that are similar.  Just wanted to make sure the names are different to avoid any confusion..


#12 2012-07-21 08:14:16

From: Hogwarts
Registered: 2010-02-18
Posts: 29741

Re: :♥ Royal Academy ♥:

Oh! At first I was going to name it Princess but its not only for princesses so I named it Royal. That would explain the banner on top. =P I will change it. Sorry for the trouble.

Last edited by malu (2012-07-21 08:18:45)

Snapchat: amalmooon
Insta: mal.mooon

#13 2012-07-22 00:03:16

Ancien joueur sarahgrrl

Re: :♥ Royal Academy ♥:

Put up link to my academy doll. And I think we should have assignments every 2 weeks.

Last edited by sarahgrrl (2012-07-22 00:25:42)


#14 2012-07-22 04:19:27

Registered: 2012-05-21
Posts: 39

Re: :♥ Royal Academy ♥:

Main doll~ Redridinghood07
Doll you are going to use ~ not decided yet
Fake name you'd like to use ~ Henrietta
Your fake kingdom ~ Gloria

~1)If you had an group assignment and if your team members are lazy what would you do
a - Do it all yourself. Somebody's got to do it.

2)If you had to go to a ball and a dinner at the same time and you can only attend one where would you go?
a- Dinner of course.

3) What do you do normally in your free time?
d- Other.

4)Who do you admire most?
b - My friends

5)Which describes you best?
b - Busy, helpful

How often to you want assignments?
c - Monthly


#15 2012-07-22 12:25:19

From: Hogwarts
Registered: 2010-02-18
Posts: 29741

Re: :♥ Royal Academy ♥:

new new new
Please add
Royal-headmistress to the account you are using.

sarahgrrl wrote:

Put up link to my academy doll. And I think we should have assignments every 2 weeks.


Redridinghood ~ Welcome to Royal Academy!

Snapchat: amalmooon
Insta: mal.mooon

#16 2012-07-23 05:30:37

Registered: 2009-11-25
Posts: 1721

Re: :♥ Royal Academy ♥:

Ahkay! I'm back :]

Main doll~ Cullen97
Doll you are going to use ~ Royal-cullen
Fake name you'd like to use ~ Elladora
Your fake kingdom ~ Venitia
Take this Quiz ~
1)If you had an group assignment and if your team members are lazy what would you do ~
a - Do it all yourself. Somebody's got to do it.
b - Tell them to work.
c - Don't do it at all and let them figure something out.
d - Be lazier than them or join another team.

2)If you had to go to a ball and a dinner at the same time and you can only attend one where would you go?
a- Dinner of course.
b- The ball, I love dancing.
c - No where. I will just be helping my little sister.

3) What do you do normally in your free time?
a- Help people.
b- Read
c- Attend my duties.
d- Other.

4)Who do you admire most?
a - My mother
b - My friends
c - My Lady Royal.

5)Which describes you best?
a - Nice, Friendly
b - Busy, helpful
c - Carefree,Bubbly

And Assignments every two weeks please :]

Last edited by cullen97 (2012-07-23 19:27:41)
.•* Thank you Shadow c: *•.

#17 2012-07-23 13:13:21

From: - Magnolia, Fiore -
Registered: 2011-04-01
Posts: 710

Re: :♥ Royal Academy ♥:

Can I join?

Main doll~ Kadestry
Doll you are going to use ~ Cresentmoon
Fake name you'd like to use ~ Raven Holmes
Your fake kingdom ~ Genvaria

1)If you had an group assignment and if your team members are lazy what would you do ~
a - Do it all yourself. Somebody's got to do it.
b - Tell them to work.
c - Don't do it at all and let them figure something out.
d - Be lazier than them or join another team.

2)If you had to go to a ball and a dinner at the same time and you can only attend one where would you go?
a- Dinner of course.
b- The ball, I love dancing.
c - No where. I will just be helping my little sister.

3) What do you do normally in your free time?
a- Help people.
b- Read
c- Attend my duties.
d- Other.

4)Who do you admire most?
a - My mother
b - My friends
c - My Lady Royal.

5)Which describes you best?
a - Nice, Friendly
b - Busy, helpful
c - Carefree,Bubbly


#18 2012-07-23 16:59:45

Ancien joueur jezzabelle123

Re: :♥ Royal Academy ♥:

Main doll~jezzabelle123
Doll you are going to use ~My sister, Bloody's, alt. redredred99
Fake name you'd like to use ~ Jazmine
Your fake kingdom ~Dinotopia
Take this Quiz ~
1)If you had an group assignment and if your team members are lazy what would you do ~
D - Be lazier than them or join another team.

2)If you had to go to a ball and a dinner at the same time and you can only attend one where would you go?
B- The ball, I love dancing.

3) What do you do normally in your free time?
B- Read

4)Who do you admire most?
B - My friends

5)Which describes you best?
C - Carefree,Bubbly

Assignments every 2 weeks please

Last edited by jezzabelle123 (2012-07-23 17:00:42)


#19 2012-07-23 19:54:56

From: The world I created in my head
Registered: 2010-08-12
Posts: 21425

Re: :♥ Royal Academy ♥:

My doll is going to be princessdellanir
Twitter|Tumblr|Howrse|MCL|dA: angelfire2197          Wysp|YouTube|Elitedollz: angelfire
Art Portfolio: livininart.tumblr                                   Tumblr: askmyocsstuff

#20 2012-07-23 22:39:28

Ancien joueur bluenoir

Re: :♥ Royal Academy ♥:

Main doll~ Blue Noir
    Doll you are going to use ~ BlueNoir
    Fake name you'd like to use ~ Noirella
    Your fake kingdom ~ Adonis Rose
    Take this Quiz ~
    1)If you had an group assignment and if your team members are lazy what would you do ~
    b - Tell them to work.
    2)If you had to go to a ball and a dinner at the same time and you can only attend one where would you go?

    b- The ball, I love dancing.

    3) What do you do normally in your free time?
    a- Help people.

    4)Who do you admire most?

    c - My Lady Royal.

    5)Which describes you best?
    c - Carefree,Bubbly

Last edited by bluenoir (2012-07-24 17:22:06)


#21 2012-07-24 13:02:09

From: Hogwarts
Registered: 2010-02-18
Posts: 29741

Re: :♥ Royal Academy ♥:

If you have a doll specially made for this club please dress it suitably

Welcome to Royal Academy Guys!~

bluenoir wrote:

Fake name you'd like to use ~ Princess Noirella

Sorry Noir, you cant use Princess in your name.

Last edited by malu (2012-07-24 13:29:20)

Snapchat: amalmooon
Insta: mal.mooon

#22 2012-07-24 17:23:07

Ancien joueur bluenoir

Re: :♥ Royal Academy ♥:

malu wrote:

Sorry Noir, you cant use Princess in your name.

Sorry mdr  I fixed it!


#23 2012-07-24 19:24:42

Ancien joueur supersweetie

Re: :♥ Royal Academy ♥:

Main doll~Supersweetie
Doll you are going to use ~Main Doll
Fake name you'd like to use ~Sierra Alise Martine
Your fake kingdom ~Kingdom of Navia
Take this Quiz ~
1)If you had an group assignment and if your team members are lazy what would you do ~
a - Do it all yourself. Somebody's got to do it.
b - Tell them to work.
c - Don't do it at all and let them figure something out.
d - Be lazier than them or join another team.

2)If you had to go to a ball and a dinner at the same time and you can only attend one where would you go?
a- Dinner of course.
b- The ball, I love dancing.
c - No where. I will just be helping my little sister.

3) What do you do normally in your free time?
a- Help people.
b- Read
c- Attend my duties.
d- Other.

4)Who do you admire most?
a - My mother
b - My friends
c - My Lady Royal.

5)Which describes you best?
a - Nice, Friendly
b - Busy, helpful
c - Carefree,Bubbly


#24 2012-07-25 00:41:34

From: Hogwarts
Registered: 2010-02-18
Posts: 29741

Re: :♥ Royal Academy ♥:

@noir -

Supersweetie - welcome to the academy! I will put your name on the first post when i get on the laptop. Your a princess.

Snapchat: amalmooon
Insta: mal.mooon

#25 2012-07-25 02:28:58

From: Toradora!
Registered: 2012-01-28
Posts: 38246

Re: :♥ Royal Academy ♥:

When will the 1st task start? quoi
Soldier to Be Following Enlisted, My Heart
Tumblr: The-Steampunk-Paradox|Snapchat: KatInsanity1102

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