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#1 2012-07-23 12:19:11

Registered: 2007-07-18
Posts: 1208

Take par in "Secret Dollz", the reality game show of the new OhMyDollz

Hi girls!

This week you are going to enter Dollz Loft to take part in a reality game show: Secret Dollz in which each candidate has a secret that he or she must hide from the others. Will you discover the other candidates' secrets and protect your own? Will you manage to keep cool in a house full of tensions? And will you be the big winner of this reality show?

The Dollz Loft nest isn't really a loft. It's a huge house which is part of the studios of Dollz TV. There is even an inside garden. A real labyrinth. I nearly lost myself!<br>This place is unreal... it's strange to be on the other side of the TV screen! And it's hard to believe that I'm gonna live with all the others for several weeks. The only link we will have with the outside is the Eye: some sort of huge pupil that will watch us day and night and will challenge us.

Participate in this quest on OhMyDollz and win lots of gifts! Among which the Secret Dollz room and the exclusive job: TV host!

As you go along, it becomes more and more difficult, but the gifts get better and better!

You will have to solve riddles to win bonus gifts!

If you obtain all the bonus gifts, you win a decor to set up your little collection!

At the end of the story, you have two choices! For those who wish, you can play the second choice for 150 fee'z!

If you choose the first ending, you win the Secret Dollz room! A room like TV show ones, with message that scroll like in the "Secret Dollz" show! These messages are sentences related to the quest or comments you receive from other players!

If you choose the second ending you win the exclusive TV host job that will enable you to earn 6$$$ and will increase your popularity by adding 2 points to your doll mark and 2 points to your loft mark everyday!!

You have until Monday July 30th at noon (French time) to take part in this new mythological quest and win lots of gifts!

Enjoy the game on OhMyDollz!


#2 2012-07-23 12:40:48

Mother, Sister, Daughter, Friend.
From: Edmonton, Canada.
Registered: 2009-07-22
Posts: 2409

Re: Take par in "Secret Dollz", the reality game show of the new OhMyDollz

LOL!!!  As a huge Big Brother fan, I find this adventure to be hilarious (and awesome.)  I have to check the items out, but I saw this as I was heading to bed.

I'll look more into it when I get up, but after spending the night tweeting about Big Brother (and watching the shows) I'm loving the concept of this. :D

Well, Feerik...for the theme of this adventure, I say  good

             **Board Admin - Moderator**

#3 2012-07-23 12:42:06

*~.:Fairy Dust:.~*
From: In my own little world
Registered: 2010-03-02
Posts: 4655

Re: Take par in "Secret Dollz", the reality game show of the new OhMyDollz


Step One
Everything went so quick. The audition ended only a few seconds ago. The candidate that was just before me looks desperate. Apparently, things didn't go very well for her. For my part, I'd rather not think about it too much. I've been preparing for months, thinking about the secret I was gonna use for the reality show. I'm so happy to take part in Secret Dollz, my dreams might come true. But I've decided to take it easy!
I think I managed to transmit my motivation to the jury. If they don't choose me... They will have lost a super candidate who has a really original secret...
After that hectic day full of emotions, things go back to normal. I must admit that I'm rather tensed, I start shaking each time the phone rings. But one the day the staff of Secret Dollz calls me I can only nod with a stupid smile on my face. I can't believe that tomorrow I'll be on TV, taking part in Secret Dollz show!

Possess: 7$$

Click here to see the rewards-->

Q. Which one is a famous reality show?
A. Big Brother

Bonus Gift:

Step Two
The Dollz Loft nest isn't really a loft. It's a huge house which is part of the studios of Dollz TV. There is even an inside garden. A real labyrinth. I nearly lost myself!
This place is unreal... it's strange to be on the other side of the TV screen! And it's hard to believe that I'm gonna live with all the others for several weeks. The only link we will have with the outside is the Eye: some sort of huge pupil that will watch us day and night and will challenge us.
Among all the other candidates, another girl looks nice, her name is Jenny. As soon as we met, I sensed that she wanted to discover everyone's secret absolutely. And I believe she might manage. She said she was sure Frederico, the Italian surfer took part in another reality TV show last year.
I hope the others won't discover my secret as easily!

Possess: 7$$
Possess: 7$$

Click here to see the rewards-->

Q. Which one is a TV show in which several girls try to charm a cute and brilliant guy?
A. The bachelor

Bonus Gift:

Step three
The first week in the Dollz Loft is nearly finished, it's the first Prime Time tonight
The first week was rough, even though the atmosphere seems cool. Frederico tried to get close to me but I'm on my guards. Jenny says that it's just a means to hide his love story with Celia. From what Jeny says, she is his girlfriend in real life, and that would be their secret. I'm not sure about that but I'm not very good at reading between the lines neither...
Anyway, I hate the way Mikaïl is nosy about everything. The other girls don't like that neither. That's why he got nominated with Anne-Stefani, a sort of chatterbox who Jeny believes is a karate champion. Her arms are not that of any girl!
Exceptionally for the Prime Time we watched the show from the TV set and not from the loft. It's really different to be on the other side of the screen.
At the end of the show, Mikail had to leave the Loft even though the public supported him. And now Charlotte seems quite gloomy... That needs to be checked...!

Possess: 6$$

Possess: 9$$

Possess: 10$$

Click here to see the rewards-->

Q. In The Bachelor TV show is there:
C. A rose ceremony?

Bonus Gift:

Step Four
I'm starting to get fed up of all these cameras and bugs everywhere! But that's the game... I could probably use them to eliminate some nasty candidates. I think that's what Jenny did the other night. She surely didn't lead Charlotte under the camera accidentally! This week, the eyes asked us to set up a punk fashion show, for that we got plenty of old clothes. They don't know me, for sure, because when it comes to fashion, I am the one! They made two teams and Jenny was in the opposite one. I think she didn't really appreciate my talent. During the award distribution, while the Eye camera was trained on our team -the winner's team- she whispered something to Ane-Stephanie and stared at me. Frederico took me in his arms and told me not to bother, that made me feel better.
That's when the alarm went one. At first I thought that someone had buzzed me, but I felt relieved -even though a little ashamed- when I saw Jean-Sebastien's name displayed and Jeanne coming out of the room. That night, Jenny told me that she had just felt totally disappointed to lose the fashion show contest. I wonder if she isn't the karate champion. With such a competitive spirit, she could very well be...

Possess: 5$$
Possess: 5$$
Possess: 9$$
Possess: 9$$

Click here to see the rewards-->

Q. Which TV one is a TV show that resembles Survivor?
A. Expedition Robinson

Bonus Gift:

Step Five
After the fashion show, the group splits into two clans: the first around Frederico, the second around Jenny. I don't really know where to go. For the moment I prefer staying neutral. I hope it won't cause me trouble. The members of both clans keep on nominating each other for the weekly disqualifications. Therefore my situation might not be desperate.
Many candidates have been eliminated now. Charlotte was buzzed rapidly. I think that she was somewhat happy about it because she wanted to see Mikail who had already left. They were engaged, as we had guessed. The Dollz Loft is getting more and more empty. But we must still pay attention... even more in fact! The candidates activate the buzz to guess the other's secret more and more often. But most of the time the propositions about the secrets are weird. Today it's my turn! As usual, we are called in by the alarm, we all sit down in the Room of Secrets, in front of the Eye, waiting to know who rang the alarm buzz for me.
What a surprise: it's Jenny who denounced me!

Possess: 13$$
Possess: 15$$
Possess: 11$$

Click here to see the rewards-->

Q. Which one isn't a reality show?
A. Fur Society

Bonus Gift:

Step Six
Jenny is completely wrong about my secret. How could she imagine such a thing... me, Katty Berry's sister, no way. I don't look at all like here.
When I think that I considered her as my friend... I'm more than disappointed, I can't trust anybody here! This week Jenny got nominated by the boys, Frederico got nominated too. They've hated each other since the game has started. The spectators eventually chose Frederico, so he gonna stay with us and Jenny has to leave. Jenny has tears in her eyes when she says that she feels bad because of our argument. She explains that she really got into the game and didn't realize that she had made a real friend. Now she asks me to forgive her. Her confession doesn't seem to have been prepared by the production company since security agents come to fetch me while I am having a rest next to the swimming pool and grabb me to bring me on the TV set. Before I have time to understand what is going on Jenny throws herself into my arms. No one says a word and then everyone applauses. After that, Jenny bowes the public with a great smile and leaves.

Possess: 6$$
Possess: 12$$
Possess: 8$$
Possess: 8$$
Possess: 11$$

Click here to see the rewards-->

Q. A nominated "candidate" is...
A. a candidates that viewers can choose to evict or not

Bonus Gift:

Step 7a

Anne-Stephanie comes out of the buzz room looking triumphant. What a pest! Not long after, the eye appears on screen. That voice sounds like that of a god announcing my destiny.
Anne Stephanie has discovered {NOM DE LA DOLLZ}'s secret. Her secret was: In an other life, she was a Greek goddess
I'm on the verge of fainting. I should have been more careful! From now on I'll always tidy up my things! During the last Prime Time I feel completely down. Fortunately, Frederico gains the victory. I would have been desperate if Anne-Sophie had.
After Dollz Secret, I thought I was gonna go back to my normal life but I was wrong. I had just arrived to my loft when the phone rang. The people from Dollz TV really appreciated my personality and they would like to invite me as a guest star in all the future Secret Dollz shows.
But shush, it's a secret!

Possess: 10$$[img][/img]or[img][/img]
Possess: 10$$
Possess: 8$$
Possess: 10$$
Possess: 8$$

Step 7b
Anne-Stephanie comes out of the buzz room looking triumphant. I think hard about what's in my suitcase but I can't see how she could have found out what my secret is. My secret diary is perfectly hidden.
Anne-Sophie hasn't discovered {NOM DE LA DOLLZ}'s secret. ”  Indeed, my secret is not that I have worked as a model for a famous fashion design brand... (even though that is true!)
As the rules get more strict when we come close to the end of the game, Anne-Sophie gets eliminated because she got it all wrong. I'm relieved!
The last Prime Time show was a sort of fairy tale, apart from the moment when Frederico's score and mine were displayed on screen. When I saw that I had won I threw myself into Frederico's arms. Now things should have gone back to normal, but they haven't, in fact. The agents of Dollz TV come to me just when I leave the TV set. They would like to see me on their new show: Fashion & Dollz. My life on TV has only just started!

Possess: 14$$
Possess: 16$$
Possess: 12$$
Possess: ???$$
Possess: 6$$


#4 2012-07-23 12:51:03

Registered: 2010-11-29
Posts: 1010

Re: Take par in "Secret Dollz", the reality game show of the new OhMyDollz

I can't believe a quest with a room. I spend all my money on the redo adventure.

Now I really feel more like walking infront of a bus.


#5 2012-07-23 14:08:07

the undying
From: Homeworld
Registered: 2011-06-13
Posts: 3429

Re: Take par in "Secret Dollz", the reality game show of the new OhMyDollz

Wow, the job is a good idea. +2 votes to doll and loft can make a big difference.

That's an extra 14 votes per week.
          * The wind is howling...

TUMBLR: reynir|            INSTA fierce.scarlet

#6 2012-07-23 14:13:56

Registered: 2010-07-28
Posts: 804

Re: Take par in "Secret Dollz", the reality game show of the new OhMyDollz

This quest is really awesome,I think I'm going for it :)
Made by Arlekinlain

#7 2012-07-23 14:27:40

Registered: 2011-09-20
Posts: 293

Re: Take par in "Secret Dollz", the reality game show of the new OhMyDollz

Love love

~ French ~

#8 2012-07-23 14:37:53

From: Singapore
Registered: 2011-11-20
Posts: 1577

Re: Take par in "Secret Dollz", the reality game show of the new OhMyDollz

Interesting... Though would the job give you votes, like, everytime you work, you'll see your votes increase? Would it be stated under the last 100 votes then? Not sure if I'm doing this though... :/


#9 2012-07-23 14:40:15

Ancien joueur adamaris

Re: Take par in "Secret Dollz", the reality game show of the new OhMyDollz

The vote thing is interesting.
But not going to do this one,not so big fan of that kind of furniture.


#10 2012-07-23 14:52:27

From: Canada
Registered: 2010-03-30
Posts: 1380

Re: Take par in "Secret Dollz", the reality game show of the new OhMyDollz

A neat concept, but I've never liked those kind of TV shows anyway. Hurray another week I can spend saving up DB instead of spending :)

#11 2012-07-23 15:01:21

Registered: 2010-11-29
Posts: 1010

Re: Take par in "Secret Dollz", the reality game show of the new OhMyDollz

Where is a bus when you need to walk infront of one. This really sucks. Spend all my DB and now something awesome came along.


#12 2012-07-23 16:44:52

Registered: 2010-12-01
Posts: 128

Re: Take par in "Secret Dollz", the reality game show of the new OhMyDollz

I kinda like the room and it's cool it has that bar of news  but i don't like 90% of all the items xD so it's wasted money, i'm gonna save.

#13 2012-07-23 16:48:50

From: Toradora!
Registered: 2012-01-28
Posts: 38246

Re: Take par in "Secret Dollz", the reality game show of the new OhMyDollz

willowskye wrote:

LOL!!!  As a huge Big Brother fan, I find this adventure to be hilarious (and awesome.)  I have to check the items out, but I saw this as I was heading to bed.

I'll look more into it when I get up, but after spending the night tweeting about Big Brother (and watching the shows) I'm loving the concept of this. :D

Well, Feerik...for the theme of this adventure, I say  good

Exactly what I thought of too, Willow. I've been watching Big Brother for 7 seasons. I'm gonna try with all I can to get this room.
Soldier to Be Following Enlisted, My Heart
Tumblr: The-Steampunk-Paradox|Snapchat: KatInsanity1102

#14 2012-07-23 16:48:54

From: Chickenville
Registered: 2009-07-09
Posts: 3297

Re: Take par in "Secret Dollz", the reality game show of the new OhMyDollz

snortmort wrote:

A neat concept, but I've never liked those kind of TV shows anyway. Hurray another week I can spend saving up DB instead of spending :)

I think I will try to pass this one up as well.  I looked at the room on one of the dolls who has already done it, and to me it would be very annoying having the public messages flash at the bottom of the room.  That is added graphics/animation & seems that might make a slow computer and/or connection speed even slower.  I think that part is what cinched it for me to NOT do it.
"Well, Jane, it just goes to show you, it's always something — if it ain't one thing, it's another." Roseanne Roseannadanna

#15 2012-07-23 18:08:35

Registered: 2010-12-01
Posts: 59

Re: Take par in "Secret Dollz", the reality game show of the new OhMyDollz

willowskye wrote:

LOL!!!  As a huge Big Brother fan, I find this adventure to be hilarious (and awesome.)  I have to check the items out, but I saw this as I was heading to bed.

I'll look more into it when I get up, but after spending the night tweeting about Big Brother (and watching the shows) I'm loving the concept of this. :D

Well, Feerik...for the theme of this adventure, I say  good

I love love big brother also, this looks like a must have,  yea!!

Friends are like sisters you choose for yourself.  Bonnie Jensen.

#16 2012-07-23 18:51:52

Registered: 2011-09-13
Posts: 17

Re: Take par in "Secret Dollz", the reality game show of the new OhMyDollz

The news bar in the it in French or English??? quoi
I've never been good at French!


#17 2012-07-23 19:15:18

From: an igloo.
Registered: 2011-01-13
Posts: 1503

Re: Take par in "Secret Dollz", the reality game show of the new OhMyDollz

Awesomelicious quest, but I dunno, I think I'm gonna pass. Might do it on one of my alts. 

When I first clicked on this topic, I thought it was a legit reality TV show they were making on OMD and I was like omg. Then I scrolled down and realized it was a quest. Lol.

Okay, is it just me, or is there a little too much chest sticking out in models in the last picture of the prizes?  Lol.

It's better to be Hated for what you are than to be Loved for what you are not.

#18 2012-07-23 19:41:46

Registered: 2010-11-29
Posts: 1010

Re: Take par in "Secret Dollz", the reality game show of the new OhMyDollz

joanna20 wrote:

Awesomelicious quest, but I dunno, I think I'm gonna pass. Might do it on one of my alts. 

When I first clicked on this topic, I thought it was a legit reality TV show they were making on OMD and I was like omg. Then I scrolled down and realized it was a quest. Lol.

Okay, is it just me, or is there a little too much chest sticking out in models in the last picture of the prizes?  Lol.

I just looked and I agree she is showing a bit to much chest.

Edit: I want to do it but I'm not gonna buy over 750 fee'z just to finish it. I don't like big brother anyway so I'll skip it. First adventure I skip with a room.

Last edited by iklovech (2012-07-23 20:30:16)


#19 2012-07-23 20:25:44

Registered: 2010-11-30
Posts: 392

Re: Take par in "Secret Dollz", the reality game show of the new OhMyDollz

sierradane wrote:

snortmort wrote:

A neat concept, but I've never liked those kind of TV shows anyway. Hurray another week I can spend saving up DB instead of spending :)

I think I will try to pass this one up as well.  I looked at the room on one of the dolls who has already done it, and to me it would be very annoying having the public messages flash at the bottom of the room.  That is added graphics/animation & seems that might make a slow computer and/or connection speed even slower.  I think that part is what cinched it for me to NOT do it.

Me too.


#20 2012-07-23 20:37:01

Registered: 2010-12-13
Posts: 2362

Re: Take par in "Secret Dollz", the reality game show of the new OhMyDollz

Thanks for the guide fairykisses!

I don't like reality tv either, but I know if I don't do this one and not get the room i'll wish I would of done it later :P


#21 2012-07-23 21:00:45

*~.:Fairy Dust:.~*
From: In my own little world
Registered: 2010-03-02
Posts: 4655

Re: Take par in "Secret Dollz", the reality game show of the new OhMyDollz

cocobelle wrote:

Thanks for the guide fairykisses!

I don't like reality tv either, but I know if I don't do this one and not get the room i'll wish I would of done it later :P

Your welcome and that was the same thing I was thinking. If I don't do it now the I will want the room when it's gone. And it is also one of my goals to have all the rooms that are available too.

It would be nice if we had the option to turn on and off the message thing in the room, because it really does get kinda of annoying.


#22 2012-07-23 21:25:39

From: Untied States
Registered: 2011-05-30
Posts: 178

Re: Take par in "Secret Dollz", the reality game show of the new OhMyDollz

Just a question, has any one seen the cleavage on the TV host! I think thats freaking ridiculos!

“Never trust a pretty girl with an ugly secret.”

#23 2012-07-23 21:41:56

Mother, Sister, Daughter, Friend.
From: Edmonton, Canada.
Registered: 2009-07-22
Posts: 2409

Re: Take par in "Secret Dollz", the reality game show of the new OhMyDollz that I'm awake and have had a chance to look at things, here are my thoughts:

1) The "secret" messages scroll by way too fast.  They need to slow them down by about 3-5 seconds.

2) The items and colours aren't really to my taste, but they do look similar in colour to this year's Big Brother house. I do like the blinking eye poster...I think that's kind of cool.

3) The room doesn't seem as big as it probably is...most likely because it's a very busy room background (3 areas) and the colours make it seem smaller.

4) At first I wasn't too keen on votes being awarded to yourself.  I can see why it would be good for those players who don't have a lot of people to vote with, though.

I'm still going to end up doing it. A room is a room.  Lol

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#24 2012-07-23 22:00:47

From: The world I created in my head
Registered: 2010-08-12
Posts: 21425

Re: Take par in "Secret Dollz", the reality game show of the new OhMyDollz

Man I really want to do this non Oh well. There's always next time
Lol I just noticed the TV hostess.

What's wrong with Feerik these days? I thought this was a kid game
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#25 2012-07-23 22:22:37

From: Forever youngville
Registered: 2010-11-30
Posts: 581

Re: Take par in "Secret Dollz", the reality game show of the new OhMyDollz

I agree with Sierradane too... I looked at the gifts, not something I would really use.  I would like to have another room.. The concept of the quest is cool.. But more useable furniture for a house would be better than,, TV staging. And having extra votes is not worth more than having a higher paying job. ... just my opinion.quoi

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